So wRAth and I finally had some time for a ranked game. In champion select we figure out our roles (me being first-pick). wRAth gets jungle and I'm mid. I get wRAth Shyvana so I can counter-pick their mid later (he was last-pick).

Until it comes wRAth's turn to pick. His client decides to freeze, not allowing him to pick anything when it was his turn. He randoms blitzcrank, I give him his Shyv and we came *this* close to dodging, when I said "Nah, let's do it."

Vayne volunteers to go mid against Karthus and does pretty damn well, netting several kills for her and Shyvana in laning phase. Her CS was a bit low, but Karthus was about 10-15 behind her so it was fine.

Rumble goes top and gets **** on by Irelia for the first 10 minutes. He doesn't hardcore feed, but he definitely lost his lane. He started catching up around mid game thankfully.

Shyvana (wRAth) is jungle. He has a pretty decent early game going like 3/0/2 or something before mid game.

Janna and Blitz (me) go bot. Both of us have no clue what we're going to do, how we're going to lane or what we're building. I encourage Janna to build AP (told her to mid, but Vayne was more confident) since she was already taking most of the CS (I would have missed most anyway, Cait zoned me a lot). I couldn't decide whether to build CDR support, tanky AD or tanky AP, but I noticed I still had my AP runes/masteries (oops) so I went for tanky-AP-support. :P

Somehow we were ahead by midgame (mostly due to Vayne and Shyv racking up a good amount of kills), though we lost the first dragon and Rumble was still a bit behind. When team fights rolled around, I did my best to pick off caitlyn, but my grabs were often blocked by Irelia or Mundo. Once I had some AP, I focused instead on peeling off from the fight and literally bursting Caitlyn from full to zero with Q-R-E. We had like 5 fights around baron where pretty much everyone died, we got aced a couple times, but they only had 1 or 2 people left who couldn't push for the win.

Near the end of the game, we finally had a good initiate around mid lane, I bursted Cait, then focused on CCing Mundo and Irelia who were after our Vayne. The rest of the team was able to clean up their other carries except for Sona. The 3 remaining team members (I think one died) went to push down the mid inhibitor while I chased down Sona with my W and Shurelya's, getting a safe ace. We managed to finish off the nexus before they respawned.

Craziest ranked game I ever played.