Posted a Comment: Mar 30th, 2011
"gonna throw it out there... but his offensive capabilities are offset by his lack of bulk. hes on par with shaco for chrissake. you cant nerf someone that can be one shot by any number of champs."
Created a Thread In General Discussion On: Mar 30th, 2011
Irelia Guide Announcement
I realize that me and SixSonatas have all but deserted MOBAfire and its forums. It just isn't the same. BUT. I realize that high quality guides can be what gets people started when playing a champ....
Posted a Comment: Mar 6th, 2011
"If you play a lot of manaless carry champs i STRONGLY suggest HP per level yellows. "
Posted a Comment: Mar 5th, 2011
"Heres a good list of ones that i think are mandatory .
Reds: Armor Pen/Attack speed , Magic pen
Yellows: Mana regen per 5 per level, flat armor, dodge
blues: flat magic resist, ap per level, cdr/cdr per level
quints: flat hea"
Posted a Comment: Mar 3rd, 2011
"Tryndamere and Jax are deceptively strong solo laners against ranged. This is because they can easily get in and do damage and get out without taking too much damage.
Some lanes you just dont want and should avoid."
Posted a Comment: Feb 28th, 2011
"At first glance hes just meh. But when you really figure out the mechanics of him, he is an INCREDIBLY strong caster now, because he loses a small amount of his nuking ability, but gains the tanking ability equivalent to that of true tanks.
Welcome to the newest offtank: Ryze"