Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"going AP hybrid will be more viable in season 3.
Havn't seen AP Xin yet but seems fun, I'm starting to check which champions can go AP."
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Actually the idea with sword of the divine sounds interesting"
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Oh yea and some darius ulted my decoy the other day... ended as a pretty massive lol wave in chat"
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Always makes me laugh when I see darius ult someone with GA active lol... does happend tons of times on EUNE"
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Ops my mistake... probably mistaken with other guide. Reviewing a lot :P"
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Thank you, I already upvoted your build. You seem like you know your stuff, and didn't go like: rylai's crystal scepter? gtfo noob retard etc... I appretiate that :D"
Posted a Comment: Dec 1st, 2012
"Hell yea I'm looking for a ranked team :D"