12-3-3 Quinn and Blitzcrank vs Graves and Leona

There Jarvan IV was AFK for a chunk of the game, which was the story of the night for my ranked games. Well one guy with connection problems in one game. And two with “lag” in my other ranked game.

Anyway, Graves and Leona, against Quinn and Blitz is not the easiest lane since Blitz can’t really pull Leona and Graves gets a lot of his damage from his abilities. My three deaths came in lane if that tells you something about the fun we were having. It would be a good idea to have Graves’s Buckshot cooldown memorized for this matchup as you can win trades against him when it is down even if he has full stacks of True Grit if he doesn’t manage to blind you with Smoke Screen.

Fortunately my Blitz was savvy enough not to pull Leona and did manage to grab Graves a couple of times.

You can Vault Leona’s Zenith Blade but you need to be aware that you basically trade places with her, which can be disorienting if you aren’t prepared for it. That actually got me killed when I ended up behind Leona and Graves as I didn’t really have anywhere else to go and Blitz, being on the other side of Graves and Leona, wasn’t in a position to peel for me.

Our Shen finally came top to gank our lane after Blitz hounded him about it and I was able to get a double kill and take their outer Bot turret and push out the lane. Then we were able to exert a lot of pressure mid and eventually take their Mid turret after a couple of rounds of sieging it.

Another notable moment was when we had three of their champions bottled up just outside of their Mid base gate and I was able to swoop in as Valor and finish them all off with Skystrike for a lovely triple kill.

Oh I picked up Scrying Orb / Farsight Orb and in retrospect, Quinn would be better off with a Stealth Ward / Greater Stealth Totem for split pushing or a Greater Vision Totem if you are concerned about an enemy with Stealth like Twitch since she can just pop Heightened Senses if you need vision in a bush.