I've been watching a decent amount of FoggedFTW, a Tryndamere one trick streamer in Challenger on NA. (he does throw in a little Kled and Dr. Mundo when Tryn is banned).

In a recent episode Fogged commented that Challenger players are deliberate in everything they do.

I am going in for a trade or all-in because I have some sort of advantage:

-Cool down
-Jungler in position to support me

And I know where their jungler and laners are and if their Teleports are available.

I'm stacking two waves now because when it hits their tower I will be 6th on the 1st minion of the third wave and then I can dive them.

I'm shoving in the first two minion waves so that I can go ward and support my jungler when they go to take the scuttle crab.

I am NOT going to Teleport because the bush ward is so close that the enemy champions will be able to easily walk away and I will fall severely behind in farm.

I am going to wait to continue my split push until I see the entire enemy team on the map.

I have a bounty so if am going to make a play that is likely to get me killed it must be for an important objective.

Every move you make should be planned out ahead of time.

This is why one tricking is often a way to help you learn the game. You come to know your damage thresholds, your ability or lack of ability to disengage, and what you can do with your time at various stages of the game.

It is hard to be deliberate when you don't know you have to bait out a particular ability for before tower diving your opponent - say Spirit's Refuge if you are a Tryndamere vs a Shen. You just try the tower dive because you have crashed a wave into their turret and they are low enough that you think they are in kill range. And damn, he dodged three of my autoattacks.

And the point of this isn't to advocated for one tricking, one tricking is just an example of one way to get to the point where you can be deliberate about every move you make.