I've been doing some work trying to understand the game beyond just clearing your own jungle.

In most games on Blue side you will start Red to get a leash from your Bot lane. Then you will do Wolves and then Blue. Gets you level 3 and gets your two buffs. And on most viable champs it leaves you in a healthy enough position to gank, countergank, or invade.

In probably 75% of my games on Blue side if I drop a Stealth Ward ward in the tri-bush after blue I will save my Top laner from getting ganked and also be in position to countergank. If however, I do Gromp before Blue I will be late to the party. So, instead of doing Gromp before Blue, I go up and drop that ward. If your laner is pushing you might even want to hang out right near Top lane for a couple of seconds. If the enemy jungler doesn't show then go eat scuttle ****. Then go check the enemy raptors to see if they are still up. If they are still up you may have finished fast enough that your Top laner is now getting ganked. And so then you know for sure they went Blue + Wolves + Red. Because you click on the enemy jungle to see that they have the Crest of Cinders and the Crest of Insight ticking away. And you Tab to look at the scoreboard to note that they have 5 CS.

In an ideal world your laner spots the gank due to the ward you put in the Tri-bush and they back off. The enemy jungler cannot gank from the river in this scenario because you are there covering that part of the map.

This leaves you free to gank Mid lane or steal the enemy Raptor camp if you don't feel like you are going to get enough gank assistance from your Mid laner.

If the enemy jungler is not successful with their Top lane gank they will most likely go an do Krugs because Raptors hurt too freaking much and they are further away. If you have a strong duelest such as Kha'Zix instead of ganking Mid you can also go look for the enemy jungler at his Krugs to kill them or get their Flash/ Ghost while they are in the process of tanking the camp. You might even be able to Smite steal the large Krug f you get there in time denying them that gold and XP (though you may want to leave it up to let it keep beating on them while you are beating on them).

Say you do kill the enemy jungler. Then what next? Well, if you took their Raptors and killed them at their Krugs that means they have no camps on the the Top side of the map assuming you or they finished off the Krugs.

That means they have to go to the Bottom side of the map to take their wolves which have likely respawned or are about to and take Gromp for the first time. The wolves are worth more to them because that is a respawned camp.

So what to do? Well, that depends on where your laners are positioned. If your Mid lane and Bot lane have their laners pushed in, then definitely invade with the intent to kill especially if you are playing a good duelest or get information on the enemy junglers position if you think you can get in and get out if they are a strong duelest.

If your laners are hugging their own turrets the invading is probably a bad idea because their laners can collapse on you faster than yours can respond.

In scenario two you have a charge on your Stealth Ward and a pink ward. So you clear your Raptors. Drop a ward outside of their blue entrance and drop the pink ward in the small river bush nearest to Mid lane which gives both sets of your laners advanced warning of a gank through the most common paths. If you have time you can and you think you can take a fight or escape from a fight with their jungler you can take the time to take scuttle crab. Then you can look to gank either Mid lane or Bot lane if you feel like your laners are healthy enough to assist in a gank.

Now here is a tricky thing that is going to get screwed up in solo queue frequently you can just show up to a lane to generate pressure, but not really look to secure a kill or a summoner, such as when their laner has setup a freeze or your laner is so low that they can't reliably assist you in a gank. You just want the enemy laners to back off so that your laner can collect the farm and back or break the freeze so the lane can reset and put your laner in a safer position. The screw up part is when you go ham and the laner can't assist and you die or the laner decides to help on 20 hit points and they really should just stay out of the affair.

And your are probably going to forget to do all this stuff some of the time. E.g. if you don't get a ward in at the start of the game to where the enemy jungler is starting you are probably going to forget to look at the mana/health of the enemy laners as they arrive to lane or you are going to be too ingrossed in taking out your starting jungle camp to notice which laners were late to lane (and hence likely leashing for their jungler).

This sort of thing is why people recommend playing champions that you are familiar with so you can remote control your camp clearing and let your brain work on more important matters such as where the enemy jungler is likely to go. Just keep trying to add it to your thinking process, until it too becomes just the way you think about the game. And if you do miss their start. Again just click on them as soon as you see them on the map to see how much CS they have. That will tell you the path they took and where they are 90% likely to be in the next few minutes. It will also tell you which of their camps are up so you can weigh whether or not it is worth an invade.

I think these are correct.

Krugs = 10 CS
Wolves = 3 CS
Red = 1 CS
Blue = 1 CS
Raptors = 6 CS
Gromp = 1 CS
Scuttle Crab = 1-2 CS

Standard Start

Blue > Wolves > Red = 5 CS
Red > Wolves > Blue = 5 CS

Blue > Wolves > Red > Scuttle = 6 CS

Full Clear (sans Scuttles) = 22 CS
Full Clear + Scuttle = 23 CS
Full Clear + 2 Scuttle = 24 CS

If you know they end up picking up some lane farm then these calculations go out the window unles you are really observant and notice they managed to kill say an entire wave of caster + melee minions (6).

Long story short. If you can figure out where the enemy jungle is and what they are up to you can make decisions based on the relatively strengths and map positions of the champions you and their team are playing in order to decide what to do.

E.g. their Amumu + Renekton are probably going to kick the butt of your Diana + Master Yi in an early gank/counter gank situation. Their combination of damage and CC is better. Now at level 6 and depending on how the lanes/game has been playing out it may be a different story.

So there is a match-up component that you can start looking into or noting now along with predicting the pathing of the enemy jungler. Shyvana caonnot deal with even a low health Quinn in the early part of the game without the help of your laner, who is hopefully not Garen sitting on 30 hit points from all the harass from Quinn and has a minion wave sitting in front of his turret from which he is desperately trying to get what farm he can. (yes, I made this mistake).

Along with the above you can use the position of the minion waves in various lanes, if they are pushing or not to predict behavior and plan accordingly.

So, lots of layers/components to be cognizant of as your are moving about the map trying decide, should I?