
Miss Fortune ****s on Vayne in lane. Trade early and trade often while balancing out your mana usage. Pop her with Double Up if she hangs out behind her minion wave, which she will want to do after you've traded with her once. Generally speaking I would save Make it Rain for disengage if their lane decides to do an all-in or the jungler comes to gank as it simply burns too much mana to be a regular part of your rotation. However, if you can set up a kill by getting a couple or more autoattacks in, don't hesitate to use the slow to keep your target in range.

Vayne can instantly put your ultimate Bullet Time on cooldown with Condemn as well as knocking you back and potentially stunning you. However, you can avoid having your ultimate canceled by using it on her when she is back pedaling as Bullet Time out ranges Condemn. And she will quite likely be back pedaling if you nail her with an active Impure Shots, auto attack, Double Up, auto attack combo as she will no likey the direction her health bar is going and will continue to go if she stays in range and collect stacks of Impure Shots.

Good Vaynes know they are at a disadvantage in this lane and know that if they place passive they will get pelted by Double Up, so they will constantly autoattack your minion wave to gain an advantage in creep numbers and push their minion wave toward your turret. This gives her the potential for more favorable autotattack trades due to you drawing minion aggro from her minions if you do try to autoattack trade with her or leaves you under your own turret fighting it for creeps which leaves you unable to trade back effectively without risking losing minions to your turret.

If you do get pushed back to your turret, ask your jungler to come over from a gank. You don't want to be stuck under your turret as MF against a Vayne. You want to be shooting holes in Vayne and zoning her from creeps to delay her late game as much as possible.

Keep a pink ward in your inventory as long as you have space to reveal Vayne after level 6 in case she ever tries to go aggro on you. Silly Vayne I can see you. Bang! Late game if it is coming down to you and Vayne to clean up fights you may want to purchase an Oracle's Lens to prevent her from go invisible on you so you have a chance of dueling her.

I haven't tried it yet, but I believe you should be able to duel a late game Vayne because Grevious Wounds reduces the lifesteal from Blade of the Ruined King by 50%. Snazzy! Obviously, it helps if you are on equal footing item and level wise and that you have some way to reveal her when she goes invisible. Also, stay away from structure against which she can stun you.


I want to do this match-up a few more times to get better insight on it, but my initial observations are that she is another carry you can bully in lane because your damage is so front loaded compared to hers. Also Double Up is an on click abilty so she can't use her hopping via Martial Poise to dodge it. Your up front damage advantage does go down if she has a support with whom she can coordinate applying the bonus autoattack damage they get from the passive portion of Sentinel onto you.

If you have your passive, Strut, up it is pretty easy to dodge Pierce as long as you are on your toes.

It can be a little difficult to line up the second bullet from Double Up on Kalista since she is always hopping around.

The slow from Make it Rain can help quite a bit with her kiting you. The Patch 5.9 nerf to her backwards hopping should also tone down her ability to kite.

The main thing to watch out for with Kalista is to be prepared to dodge or Flash her ultimate, Fate's Call if her support decides to lob themselves at you as while you are stunned she can stack spears in you for a very painful Rend on top of the fun things her support will be trying to do to you.