I've had a number of games of late where my teams lacked in the basic fundamentals of doing head counts and setting up proper vision which lost us those games.

If you decide it is a great idea to siege at turret in X lane and don't have any wards out on your flanks and haven't swept for wards behind you then you are taking unnecessary chances.

In your map awareness checks do a head count. Generally you want to be 5 unless you are losing 5 v 5s and you have a strong splitpusher with Teleport available. In the later scenario you are trying to win by creating two points of pressure on the map. Both points of pressure are necessary to split up the enemy team. If either point of pressure is caught and dies your 1-4 strategy will cease to work. Back off and reset until you can get your other pressure point back out on the map.

Very occasionally you might be able to run a 1-3-1 if you have two strong splitpushers and a small squad with good disengage. But this is hard to coordinate even in pro play, though I have seen it work out at a high silver to low gold level of play if your team or the enemy team is far enough ahead.

All of these strategies are contingent on good warding and smart map movements to make sure the various elements of your plan don't get caught out.

In soloscrew you will sometimes win games despite poor warding and lack of awareness of where all your teammates are located.

But on average you are going to throw more leads than you would with good warding and good awareness of where all your teammates are at.

One of the main issues I have at the level I play at is having a squad from our team bite off more than they can chew. Whether that be our Yasuo or Lee Sin going full on watch me 1 v 5 their team. Or having our Bot lane, who while doing well up until that point, will push too far up in a lane and get rotated on in greater numbers by the enemy team.

Or the classic is having a couple of teammates get low after a fight and want to back, while the three relatively healthy champions want to continue to push for an objective or more likely, chase some kills between two turrets.

If you get some kills and their are no objecitves ripe for the taking that is most likely because you haven't properly managed your minions waves so you don't have minions in position to help you take turrets.

Instead of making high variance plays like going into unwarded territory, reset. Clear the enemy jungle if you have the time, clear your jungle, get the minion waves pushing to the enemy side of the map. Go buy some shiny new gear.

Then get back out on the map and decide what you want to do and then go get vision in the areas of the map where you want to focus your attention.

I play ADC sometimes and as a squishy and typically immobile damage dealer I get hives when I don't have enough information in the form of vision to be able to assess the threats that might kill me. So if you want to know why your ADC is off farming a side wave check where you are and check what your vision situation is. They may not be with you because they think you are winning challenged because of where you are without good vision. A scared squishy damage dealer isn't likely to output as much damage as they could. Make your squishy hommies feel just a little bit safer by letting them see the threats that could instantly take them out of a fight.

Really even tanks should get hives about walking into unwarded areas. Even a Cho'Gath will go down if they get get chain CCd and focused by five decently itemized champions, possibly before your teammates can catch up to you to bail you out. Yeah, you probably are the one that should facecheck if anyone on your team is going to do it, but make sure your teammates are close enough before doing it.

;tldr if you don't have sufficient vision control to spot out a flank why are you there? If you don't have all your teammates accounted for to carry out your plan whether that be 5 man team fights, a 1 - 4 splittpush, or a 1-3-1 double splitpush why are you there? Good vision and patience will win you more games. It takes all the cogs to make the clock work. Make sure you have all your cogs and make sure you can see as much as possible of the enemies' map movements so you can make the correct choices to make your strategy a winning one.