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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: streaks

14 Mar

Views: 703 Streaks

Finally made it out of Silver and into Gold for the first time ever. I started playing late Season 2 - Started playing ranked Season 4. Silver 2 was the highest I've been ranked in any previous season.

Note this is my experience. The formula for you might be different.

Game knowledge (including mechanics)
Playing champions you click with
Short circuiting losing streaks

Every piece of knowledge about the game or game theory adds up to gestalt that lets you develop a formula that increases your odds of winning. The most mechanically sound player is going...
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19 Jan
If you are one of those people that can't decide on a champion to main, just like variety, or think it would be cool to play whatever just kicked your tail in lane or what some streamer is playing then I have this observation to make.

Don't make a decision about a champion until you have at least 3 games on them. Realistically you probably need more with a new champion, but even with an old favorite it is probably going to take that long to get accustom to their auto attack animations and their spell rotations again.

On a similar note consider that even on your favorite champions...
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