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VexRoth's avatar


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Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Champions

22 Nov

Views: 2195 Champions

I believe these are all my games since the preseason change. Rocking Bronze 1, woo hoo!

I play jungle. I play with the enemy team muted and my team's chat really small. If any chat interaction with my team annoys me or people are pinging me too often I quickly mute them. /mute all is a fairly common occurrence.

If I look at my rune pages, Precision seems to be a pretty strong set at the moment.

Pets I honestly can't tell that much of a difference on. I think the damage one is the worst of the...
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04 Aug

Views: 1570 Champions

What is working for me? 4 Aug 2017

First things. I have a good computer that can easily run league. I have a speedy internet connection that stable most of the time. I'm close enough to the servers in Chicago to tend to hover around 21 ping. I have a decent desk chair that lets me keep my mouse and keyboard in a reasonably comfortable position.

I've been playing since late in Season 2. I own all the champions so I can trade people in champion select in needs be. I can play a lot of the those champions with some facility.

I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of...
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19 Jan
If you are one of those people that can't decide on a champion to main, just like variety, or think it would be cool to play whatever just kicked your tail in lane or what some streamer is playing then I have this observation to make.

Don't make a decision about a champion until you have at least 3 games on them. Realistically you probably need more with a new champion, but even with an old favorite it is probably going to take that long to get accustom to their auto attack animations and their spell rotations again.

On a similar note consider that even on your favorite champions...
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22 Apr

Views: 1512 Champions

I found this interesting.

The link at the top of the page that should go directly to the section on Jinx is not working.

Scroll to Context on Recent PBE nerfs to Jinx

"Additionally, it's worth mentioning Jinx's dedicated player base. If you run into a Jinx player on live that person is going to have 31 games on her on average, That's up there with other "I main dis guy forever" champs like Yasuo, Lee Sin, and Riven. For comparison, Graves has a similar play rate to Jinx...
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