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YeaISupport's avatar


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Rep: Remarkable (30)
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YeaISupport's Mobafire Blog

13 Sep
Some of statistics about me:
  • I am Gold V.
  • I have only 30 Champions.
  • I have played only 15 different Champions in Ranked Game.
  • I won Ranked Games with only 10 Champions.
  • Zyra constitutes 170 Wins out of 274 Total Ranked Wins that I have. Moreover, 256 Wins out of my 274 Ranked Wins are solely composed of Zyra, Sona, and Lulu.
  • I have never played (YES, like NEVER) Teemo, Master Yi, and Garen - three of the beginner champions. Again, I never played them... like ever. This three is out of my many unplayed champions.

It's no...
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12 Sep

Views: 630 I Reached Gold :)

Goodbye Silver, Hello Gold!

After 289 Games of spamming ranked with Zyra support and queuing up over 500 Ranked Games, I finally reached Gold.

I cannot believe that I actually came all the way here after I was placed into Bronze III (and once going down to Bronze IV at one point - I was at the point where I gained 2~3 LP for a win but lost 20 LP at one loss). I was about to give up when I rotated from Bronze I to Bronze IV in ranked. I saw some of my Bronze friends giving up their account and making fresh account (and they reached Silver with that), and I honestly thought...
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20 Aug
As I am back from E.R. after allergic reaction (that was a bit hectic and resume on my Sona autobiography, I see Sona and Zyra are free this week.

Part of me is happy because I am going to see more people playing Sona and Zyra :)

Part of me is sad because people are going to take my Zyra from my Lv. 15 smurf I sometimes use ):

The mixed reaction when your main champions go free for a week.

What do YALL feel like when your main champ gets free for a week?
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15 Aug
Hello, my name is YeaISupport, and I am going to start writing fictional autobiography called "But the Music Goes On". It is going to be the story about Sona. It is not going to be based completely around the lore of Sona, but it will have some references.

I can't tell you too much about the plot yet, but it's going to be based around Sona's rags-to-riches story. A bit melancholy story, so if you are not that well at dealing depressing stuffs, I recommend you not to read it.

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide