I'm having some serious trouble trying to master Lulu's mechanics. All of her moves, (auto-attacks and spells) have a noticeable delay and I can never hit the mark with them. I know my biggest problem is I'm at home being a carry or someone that has kill-potential. Supporting has always been one of my weak points, with attempting to break out of gold, I need to (at least) feel comfortable with playing Lulu. Any tips, bro?
TheRealCefor wrote:
I'm having some serious trouble trying to master Lulu's mechanics. All of her moves, (auto-attacks and spells) have a noticeable delay and I can never hit the mark with them. I know my biggest problem is I'm at home being a carry or someone that has kill-potential. Supporting has always been one of my weak points, with attempting to break out of gold, I need to (at least) feel comfortable with playing Lulu. Any tips, bro?
Lulu should be pretty easy to play if you're used to playing carry champions as she has quite similar play-styles in a number of ways.
First allow me to explain how you should generally want to play Lulu in lane:
Lulu's strength lies in her ability to keep the enemy on the back hand through pushing/poking rather than killing. Starting level 1, you want to constantly push while trying punish the enemy for every cs he tries to take (to be more clear: this means that you'll want to AA-Q-AA him every time he tries to last hit a creep). Lulu's level 1-3 are amongst the strongest in the game and if you play this well you should be able to 2v2 any lane at that point.
Now more specific towards your problem: you can hit Q's more easily if you can correctly predict enemies' movement. As I said before, when an enemy tries to last hit a creep they'll move in a very standard pattern (straight towards the creep) which you can then punish by throwing a Q right into that line. You can also hit those Q's very easily if you use a full E-Q combo, but this can drain your mana very quickly.
Keep in mind that as a support you should always have at least 3 health potions at level 1, while the enemy adc has only 1. This means that you can trade hits with the enemy ADC and come out on top because you have more potions. That's why supports usually decide how the early game in bot lane will go, rather than ADCs.
I hope this helps, if you would like more advice I'd ask you to be a little bit more specific in your questions, as that will allow me to also give a more specific answer.
Thanks! This should be enough, I just always miss the damn Gitterlance because I play too much Veigar, that Baleful Strike missile speed has really spoiled me. If i do come across any hiccups, i won't hesitate to ask for a quick fix. Rep+ even though you don't need any more
Do you have any thoughts on Gragas as support? I see he plays a significant role as a jungler in this new meta but why he cannot be played as a support?
His sustain is insane because of the passive so he can stay on lane for days. His poking potential obviously is not that great as Nami's but c'mon, that W+E+AA+Q hurts even without any AP. Etc, etc..
I know I am missing something but I'm just being curious here so prob you can help me out :)
His sustain is insane because of the passive so he can stay on lane for days. His poking potential obviously is not that great as Nami's but c'mon, that W+E+AA+Q hurts even without any AP. Etc, etc..
I know I am missing something but I'm just being curious here so prob you can help me out :)
I think it's decent (it has been played before) but right now gragas is about permabanned in high elo solo queue and if you can get him, its a waste to play him support.
The main downside would be that he's too reliant on getting good R's and doesn't offer that much utility besides that. His lane presence is decent but mostly comes from his innate tankyness (thus rather the inability of the enemy to kill you) rather than having a lot of kill potential yourself.
The main downside would be that he's too reliant on getting good R's and doesn't offer that much utility besides that. His lane presence is decent but mostly comes from his innate tankyness (thus rather the inability of the enemy to kill you) rather than having a lot of kill potential yourself.
Uhm she's 100% straight forward. Just push/poke.
A simple thing is to try and aim your Q at minions when the enemy stands next to them. It's generally rather hard to hit because it's such a thin skillshot and doesn't explode at max range but the AOE is still decently sized if you just make sure it at least hits something. Your R-Q is also easier to hit because it automatically explodes at the end of it range.
If you want to know more, please be more specific.
A simple thing is to try and aim your Q at minions when the enemy stands next to them. It's generally rather hard to hit because it's such a thin skillshot and doesn't explode at max range but the AOE is still decently sized if you just make sure it at least hits something. Your R-Q is also easier to hit because it automatically explodes at the end of it range.
If you want to know more, please be more specific.
Vynertje wrote:
Uhm she's 100% straight forward. Just push/poke.
A simple thing is to try and aim your Q at minions when the enemy stands next to them. It's generally rather hard to hit because it's such a thin skillshot and doesn't explode at max range but the AOE is still decently sized if you just make sure it at least hits something. Your R-Q is also easier to hit because it automatically explodes at the end of it range.
If you want to know more, please be more specific.
A simple thing is to try and aim your Q at minions when the enemy stands next to them. It's generally rather hard to hit because it's such a thin skillshot and doesn't explode at max range but the AOE is still decently sized if you just make sure it at least hits something. Your R-Q is also easier to hit because it automatically explodes at the end of it range.
If you want to know more, please be more specific.
Which Carries have good synergy with Karma? And when should I pick/not pick her?
I just don't know, but I REALLY DID FORGOT how to use Karma. I mean she was my solid pick in my lineup of supports I use before. But damn, I'm having a hard time using her today.
I really appreciate your response to my questions. Thank you!
Thanks LaCorpse for the sig!
Generally I'd advice against picking Karma in general, she just isn't such a good support overall right now.
Carries with good synergy are either movement speed based champs like Sivir or heavy poke champions like Caitlyn
She's a somewhat decent pick against champions that can easily be kited (think the likes of Thresh) or in heavy movement speed engage comps (something like heca+sivir)
Carries with good synergy are either movement speed based champs like Sivir or heavy poke champions like Caitlyn
She's a somewhat decent pick against champions that can easily be kited (think the likes of Thresh) or in heavy movement speed engage comps (something like heca+sivir)
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Basically, do you think the raptor smite buff, the ability to disable ward and reveal them, poses a big threat to bot lane pre-6?
Not really, good red trinket/pinkward usage is way more dangerous than that because the buff duration is quite short.