OTGBionicArm wrote:
How do you keep supporting fun and fresh? It's arguably my strongest role, but I am constantly bored or sick of doing it.
Mix up what you do from time to time. Play some other roles in normals or learn a new champion - there's absolutely no way one can claim to master all the tier 1 and 2 supports, so get started on that. Playing duo queue with a good friend on skype/ts/etc also helps because it's overall more fun to play with someone you know on botlane. At least that's all I do.
Latest Legend wrote:
1. Janna is by far the best support right now and the only support that is worthy a ban right now. The other top-tier support next to her would be Thresh due to his versatility.
2. Janna, Leona and Braum all do pretty well versus her.
Janna can outtrade her AA-W-AA combo with a single shield, Leona can all-in her and come out on top and braum is really good in teamfights due to his shield blocking the wave while still having a decent lane.
A special niche is Blitzcrank if you're super confident in hitting hooks, but it's a high-risk pick.
3. Nami does fine, but overall anything that can lock her down quickly can win the game. Against zyra it's more about who NOT to pick (e.g. Braum and Thresh)
4. Janna if possible (she can interrupt all the gap closers with her Q), but anything 'safe' is fine. Lulu does relatively well due to polymorph and shields, although pre-6 is risky regardless. Alistar also works wonders due to his innate tankyness and disengage.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Yea, I seldom duo, so I guess supporting feels more like an obligation and I'm babysitting someone I don't trust. I also only really play Thresh, Leo and Alistar. I guess I should diversify. xD
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Sounds like you need to find someone you DO trust to duo with. Trust me when I say it's much more fun when you do.
Yeah. I play duoq with an old highschool friend of mine who has a relaxed attitude about the game and is roughly the same level as I. It seriously helps a lot to enjoy botlane ^^
Vynertje wrote:
Yeah. I play duoq with an old highschool friend of mine who has a relaxed attitude about the game and is roughly the same level as I. It seriously helps a lot to enjoy botlane ^^
Though lately he's been playing mid lane and I've just been supporting a random ADC, which is sometimes fine, but sometimes it makes me want to slam my head through a wall. Especially if they've picked an ADC no one ever plays, because then they usually are total trash.
Brings me to a question: I'm completely jaded when I see people picking things like Varus, Ashe, and Jinx in this Elo because they tend to be utter trash, have no idea how to play a low mobility carry, and often just feed unless the enemy support happens to be garbage. What support would you suggest to pick with these sorts of people? I often opt for Braum, Janna, Nami, or Soraka with mixed results.
Mechanically, what are the top three things you yourself could improve on?
What are the top three things that a support player should improve on to get from D5 to D4? Basically, i'm asking what ultimately differentiates a D5 support player from a D4 support player.
What are the top three things that a support player should improve on to get from D5 to D4? Basically, i'm asking what ultimately differentiates a D5 support player from a D4 support player.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Long story short, ask me anything about supports here!