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play jungle, try to gank, i get killed quick.

Creator: dannylightning February 1, 2016 8:48am
dannylightning's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 8:48am | Report
i guess i do not get the ganking thing when playing jungle. just started trying to play jungle on on a account i just made, i think i am around level 11 on that account. not sure if i just have bad teammates or if i am doing something wrong. but i have no luck trying to gank.

seems like i come in for the gank, say i go to bottom lane and come in from behind after my team mates pinged for me to come in, i wait for the enemys to get close to my teammates so we can all attack, i come in than my team mates do nothing from what i can tell and the enemy players jump on my and kill me quick. i playing nocturn, if i play him in lane he is usually pretty strong and not all that easy to kill. i do quite well with him in lane.

maybe i just stink at jungle, not sure.. so far i just seem to get beat on trying to play jungle and gank
Shuru's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 9:18am | Report
Ganks depend entirely on your champion, Jungle isn't as low a skill cap as it seems. You have to take into account your teammates kit, Your kit, and the enemies kit. Example: ganking fiora might seem like a good idea, she's squishy so if you have CC, you can probably burst her down, but if your ally is like, a GP, orsomething lacking CC, and your CC is riposted, It can be an easy double for her.

Similarly, Low level jungling is even worse because of lack or runes and masteries. A lot of a junglers power and clear comes from having the proper runes. a secondary factor could be that your clear is just to slow to keep up in levels and you're walking into ganks against higher level targets.

There's a lot that goes into picking the right gank, and it's a LOT about knowledge, if you lack champion knowledge, it can be difficult to play the jungle role. Certain junglers also have an easier time ganking, because their kit is designed for it, and you may be playing a farm jungle like shyvana, Yi, or WW, who, Outside of Shyv and WW level 6, have to pick ganks Extremely carefully due to lack of decent ganking abilities. If you're playing these champions and you want a gank pre six, You really have to think of the target.

If you look at Shyvana for example, she's got no CC to speak of without red buff or ultimate, But she does a LOT of damage and this is her saving grace in a gank, If you come in from behind and land your E.

TL:DR Ganking is a harder trick than it seems, a 2v1 sounds easy but if executed wrong because of lower level, Can end up snowballing the enemy. Chances are since you just started you need to practice, It takes a long time to Learn jungle.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
dannylightning's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 9:41am | Report
played this game since it first came out, i did not play for quit a while though and started playing again recently, when i look at the list of all the champs there are allot of them i have never even played against so i guess my champion knowledge is not all that great these days.

playing noc in lane i usually have the other team often other players hugging their tower or just fleeing when i start heading their way since i usually beat people up pretty hard from the start of the game. i just kind of figured it would the same way trying to gank but it just has not been working.

usually i come in, hit the q and try to hit the e but still when its 2 of them vs me, team mates dont seem to attack when i come in for some reason it does not work out. maybe i just die to quick for them to do anything, i dont know.

one thing i never really paid attention if anyone was feeding while i was in the jungle so that could also be a issue.
Shuru's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 10:02am | Report
Two things you really need to do when jungling, are ping your ganks, and pay attention to your ally.

as an ADC main, if I'm playing ezreal, and I'm behind, I don't ACTUALLY want your gank that much. I have a weak early game, And if I'm behind I probably need to use mana to farm. It's harder for me to respond to a gank when I'm behind, Unless I'm level six.

If I'm malphite top, I don't really need it, I'm just gonna farm until level six anyways.

And the second is to pay attention to your foe. If your enemy can burst you down before your ally can respond (say, a fed fiora, fed leblanc, or etc) then it's a bad place to gank unless they're low, or if theyre like lux, You don't want to dive them because they'll snare you under tower.

A nocturne specific tip is to time your W right to block a priority skill, Like Lux binding, Morgana binding, ezreal ultimate, Malphite ultimate, Etc. This can greatly increase the power of your gank.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 10:37am | Report
i guess i do not get the ganking thing when playing jungle. just started trying to play jungle on on a account i just made, i think i am around level 11 on that account. not sure if i just have bad teammates or if i am doing something wrong. but i have no luck trying to gank.

seems like i come in for the gank, say i go to bottom lane and come in from behind after my team mates pinged for me to come in, i wait for the enemys to get close to my teammates so we can all attack, i come in than my team mates do nothing from what i can tell and the enemy players jump on my and kill me quick. i playing nocturn, if i play him in lane he is usually pretty strong and not all that easy to kill. i do quite well with him in lane.

maybe i just stink at jungle, not sure.. so far i just seem to get beat on trying to play jungle and gank

Jungling at low level is difficult for a number of reasons. I like to play someone that has hard CC in their kit and can stay healthy enough in the jungle to gank early if they choose. On my low level account my favorite jungler is Jax for the reasons I mentioned above. Also if he gets far enough ahead he can carry a game practically by himself.

I like Nocturne. I won a far amount of ranked games with him toward the end of Season 5. But even with runes and masteries his first clear is a bit sketch (2nd is easy) and his pre-6 ganks are meh, especially when you don't have team mates that know what to do when you gank. Post-6, as one enemy Lux put it "You were terrifying." It is the getting there that is the hard part.

If you want to stick with Noc you have to think about some things. Do they actually have any squishy targets? If their team is mostly tanks, Noc isn't a great pick. Is their lane warded? If it is you can use Paranoia to bypass the ward. If it isn't then you probably want to save Paranoia to catch them after they Flash. Don't even use Duskbringer to gap close if you don't have to. Save it until you know your odds of hitting it are high (laner slows or stuns them or they don't have any other direction to juke).

Not saying don't use Paranoia to initiate a gank. It is a shorter cool down than Flash, but you have a lot less pressure on the map when the enemy team knows your ult is down.

Noc is best when the enemy team hears "Darkness" followed by "An Ally Has Been Slain" every 150-100 seconds, so making your ults count is very important.

Don't assume targets are alone. If their Jinx is farming Bot lane and all four of their other champs are visible on the map, then fine, delete Jinx, otherwise play it safe even though you have the super power of jumping on them from a long way off. You won't feel so super if their support walks out of a nearby bush and stuns you.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2016 2:59pm | Report
usually i come in, hit the q and try to hit the e but still when its 2 of them vs me, team mates dont seem to attack when i come in for some reason it does not work out. maybe i just die to quick for them to do anything, i dont know.

one thing i never really paid attention if anyone was feeding while i was in the jungle so that could also be a issue.

It could be a mix of your teammates being inexperienced and unsure of how to receive a gank from you, plus you going for riskier ganks that rely a lot on your teammates to succeed.

My advice for Nocturne specifically would be to stay out of bot lane unless you know the enemy laners burned summoners or you get a really solid flank off with a good engage support. Focus on opportunistic ganks and don't force something that's going to be hard to pull off. Usually the easiest ganks are top lane, since it's a long lane and the top laners are isolated from their teammates for most of the laning phase.

Once you hit 6 you can get to pretty much anyone, so you just have to worry about tracking Flash cooldowns and gauging whether you and your laner(s) can secure a kill if you ult. Nocturne ult is also fantastic for counterganking or killing enemies that try to all-in your allies without respecting your global pressure.

Honestly it should get a lot better once you have a full rune page. You probably feel better about lane Nocturne because you get more consistent farm, while your jungle clear is gonna be rough without full runes.
Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
dannylightning's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2016 8:34am | Report
thanks everyone, helpful stuff here
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2016 9:09am | Report
I love Nocturne, but one of his weaknesses is that he doesn't have a lot of good ganking ability until he gets his ultimate. Before that, you really have to pick your spots. For example, if the enemy laner is pushing a lane too hard, you might be able to swing around their backside and get a fear off on them. However, for the most part, you almost want to farm up until 6. One other thing to think about pre-6 is going for counter-ganks. If you see a lane being ganked, see if you can go there and help out. Sometimes, you can turn an enemy gank in your favor if they've blown all their cooldowns trying to get at your ally.

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