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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Suggestions for my next champions?


  • DMate19

    Suggestions for my next champions?

    Hello! I am a newer LoL player looking for some suggestions for new champions. I am level 28, and have limited ip to buy new champions so would rather get some recommendations from real people instead of just buying the newest op champion that I think would work well.

    1)I am a top owner and jungler. In top lane I usually play tanks such as Shen and Garen, and in jungle I primarily go master yi

    2) I don't necessarily need a champion that can carry the game, however I want one that, when fed, can excel at its role. It is one of the thing she I enjoy about garen, being that when fed he is a massive tank, and although he won't be the carry most games, he will be strong enough to allow his team to excel. It is one of the things I enjoy less about when I play Shen is that even if he is fed he doesn't really do much better then when he isn't fed

    3) I generally play tanks, and prefer them over adc's and assassins. I play master yi jungle but hate that at times he can just be deleted but strong enemy carries, and I also do poorly with ranged characters, because I end up getting too close to them and die extremely quickly, and I can't seem to get the positioning right

    4) I do best in Laning phase, and although my farming skills are mediocre I am great at poking and have a good grasp of when to go in for the kill or not.

  • Answers (8)

    ArkierKnight (5) | September 17, 2017 12:07pm
    As jungler,in my point of view, based on what you described i recommend you to try Warwick and Poppy. Both are 450 IP and fits your requirements.

    Warwick has a great sustain in the jungle, so that will might help you keep your farming, also he's a bit tank, but still can duel because his tankiness, damage and lifesteal, what makes him as a interesting champion to play as a frontline tank or an ad carry, if fed, can do both easily.

    Poppy by the other hand, is such a versatile champion, she excels at being a tank and engaging or disengaging the enemies. She can be played both as a toplaner and as a jungler, and she does a great job as both. Focusing as a jungler, you won't have a great clear during you first levels, but after you get your jungle item you'll be able to help your entire team as a more supportive jungler, but still doing a bunch of damage.
    Wolfious (2) | September 17, 2017 11:41am
    Hey, I believe that I have understood what you're looking for and I hope that I can help.I have a few champions in mind but I strongly recommend Galio, he has recently been updated and he feels extremely nice to play, he is a strong tank that provides his team with some good damage and Crowd Control.His cost is 3150 IP ,which I think is a good price for your situation, his laning phase is quite strong and so is his waveclear, if you manage to get a lead with Galio you will indeed get stronger and see a big difference in both damage and defense.His kit is simple to understand but I wouldn't really consider Galio beginner-friendly, his Ultimate Hero's Entrance makes Galio leap to an ally from far away, granting that ally a defense boost and knocking and damaging enemies around that area.His Ultimate is similar to Shen's Stand United and both of them have an AOE taunt so I believe that you will get the hang of him fast, just make sure to read some guides to understand how to play and build him.

    Another champion that might fit your playstyle is Sion,you can unlock him for 1350 IP, he is a fighter, a juggernaut and like Galio he has good damage and crowd control, but, unlike Galio, Sion might feel a bit slow at start so don't get discouraged, as you start to understand him, you will be able to do some really nice plays and lead your team to victory, hopefully.His Ultimate Unstoppable Onslaught has him charging through the Rift at a high speed similar to Master Yi, you can use that as an engaging tool for your team to follow, after Sion has finished charging or lands on an enemy he deals a lot of damage and knocks surounding targets into the air and leaves them stunned.I also want to mention his passive Glory in Death which after Sion dies, he comes back to life dealing a lot of damage with his Basic Attacks and more.

    I didn't really want to explain Sion and Galio completely but instead let you find out for yourself, unless you already know of them.That being said I really thing that these champions are worth trying out and also keep in mind Galio is free to play right now.Remember to check their champion spotlights on Youtube and also look for some guides before you try them out.I was also thinking of recommending Cho'Gath and Darius but I personally find them boring.I hope this will turn out to be helpfull, GL HF buddy.
    DMate19 (1) | September 17, 2017 12:12pm
    Thanks for the ideas! Both of them are really good ideas, I will take a look at their kits and see what i would prefer.
    orrvaa (41) | September 17, 2017 11:18am
    I will suggest some champions each one for other time to focus.

    1) As a tank jungler i suggest Rammus as he have a lot of mobility and good clear, but he won't be able to carry you every time even if you fed.

    2) For farming practice i would suggest Nasus as his kit (Q) focusing on farming and he surely can carry late game even if he behind in the laning phase.

    3) A champion that can carry very hard is Darius and lately he doesn't get ban a lot.

    You should try to learn the aspects of the game and focus on one/two champion in your condition so you will be able to focus on learning the macro game.

    I suggest to watch SoloRenectonOnly as he a top laner that teach while he play, mostly give tips for laning phase.
    moon827 (14) | October 5, 2017 6:54am
    If you're looking for a jungle / top hybrid, i'd say get Jax. He is super cheap (1350 ip i think) and has a lot of strengths, and can counter some of the main weaknesses in most team comps. He has a good amount of cc and sustain, having the stun from his e and naturally building life steal. The first 2 or 3 games with him will be rough, but after you get the hang of him, he is super easy to carry games with. He is attack speed based due to his passive, and you can capitalize on it by buying things like trinity force, blade of the ruined king, and if you want to get some ap, you could even get a rageblade (although it is not a standard item on him). He has a high burst potential, and once you learn his combo (which is pretty simple imo), you can get fed super easily on him and pretty much solo carry games.
    Axentec | October 3, 2017 8:40pm
    As bronze trash, I'd normally say to main Yasuo. But, as a different type of bronze trash, I'll recommend easy and fun champions to main.
    Zed - Easy to learn, tons of damage, makes you look and feel like you're outplaying everyone in the entire game
    Akali - Even easier to learn, lots of escape potential, damage potential, chase potential, potential for potential, and more
    Katarina - Mash your face and you're a god at the game
    Talon - Easy to learn and play, but honestly gets boring as he's basic and doesn't look very flashy
    Teemo - If you want to spend 5 hours afk'ing in a bush until someone steps on your mushroom, ultimately sabotaging their weekend and making them re-think their life choices about playing league of legends
    In conclusion,
    Play cancerous champs.
    GG ez
    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | September 24, 2017 7:56am
    try Vladimir / Singed. these 2 could be really unstopabble (trust me, i not lose any game with singed on soloq). but little hard to play firsts games, and singed have a unique gamestyle.
    also i recommand you Yasuo, Jax and Darius(i dont know why i do this, people will kill me for it), if get fed can carry a game, but in most cases you will be the feeder with yasuo.

    I am not good at details so if you want know more about these champs watch some guides.
    Sylvant (14) | September 23, 2017 1:19am
    You have two options, pick a type of champ you are already confident in- another tank, or fighter, or pick a champ which is different from the ones you play, but can broaden your variety of choice, which will be beneficial when your team already has front line and requires more damage(or other utility). Strong champs which cover your preferences are Darius, Illaio, Sion, Yorick for top lane or Vi, Zac, Skarner, Hecarim,Amumu, Rammus in jungle. Champs that are different, but can become handy in certain situations are Rumble, Jayce, Jax, Kennen, Panth for top and Kha, Gragas in jungle. Some of them give magic damage, high aoe team fight capability, much map pressure, or assassin power, which is what your arsenal of champs lack
    circubed (4) | September 19, 2017 9:22pm
    Fighters are pretty good in the sense that they are not that squishy, (not tank either) they do good when fed, and have good cs tools, damage abilities, and they can carry as well. A fighter top is Fiora, but it is 4800 ip so I recommend trying it out in this week, as it is free. And Sejuani, cho'gath (tank jungles) are pretty good in the sense that they have good cc while they are tanky, but they don't solo carry and deal not that much damage, but it provides your team good support.
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