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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why am I so terrible?

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  • Two IQ

    Why am I so terrible?

    Hey guys, I've been playing league of legends since mid last year and I can't seem to improve at all.
    This is my new account my last one got banned.
    I really enjoy playing Teemo and I generally do decently well in lane but I find that usually my other lanes feed and then their laners roam to me and they get their toplaner ahead and I get snowballed from there. I feel like I have very little map awareness and constantly realise too late that my jungler was duelling theirs and I could've helped etc. I find myself inting alot of games where I get mad at my team for not a serious reason aside from them losing lane and I understand that it's wrong. I want to play Katarina but she's usually banned or I don't do well on here either. It's been a while and I still can't find a champion that I'm really comfortable or good on. I don't really even know where I want to play mostly. I do well early game but make constant mistakes late game. Any suggestions thank you :)
  • Answers (6)

    Ronyk (21) | February 26, 2018 9:48am
    Hiya Two-IQ!

    First of all, the fact that you're asking this is a good first step. Improving will happen slowly over a long period of time by playing games. There are three things you can do to speed up the process, and you're likely already doing two of them.

    1. If you’re playing with the camera locked on your champion, turn off the camera lock, and get used to moving the camera around, and positioning it for the best coverage for teamfights. A locked camera reduces your overall visibility drastically. Most players unlock their camera without being told it’s a good idea, but if you haven’t yet, you’ll have a couple rough games getting used to it, but it’s the single biggest success booster.

    2. Surprises kill. Early on, that means not knowing what an enemy champion can do in general… eventually that turns into knowing about how long it’ll take them to kill you, or how much of your HP they can melt with burst damage, or how long their cc lasts. But even after you know all of that, surprises kill in the form of vision control. Take the time to play every champion for a game or two. Play them while they’re on their free rotation. This will also help you figure out which champions fit you best.

    3. Use your replay feature. The replay feature is the best way to improve consistently. Here’s how you should use it: Watch through your game at normal or double speed, but slow things to a crawl during trades and teamfights, and keep track of how many minions you end up missing in lane, and why. Don’t focus on your allies, just you and your opponents. Have a notebook with you and write down your thoughts about things you did poorly. This exercise will improve your dueling, csing, and teamfighting.

    After you’ve finished watching the replay, put it on again at either normal or double speed, without slowing it down during important parts. This time, just watch the minimap (make sure fog of war is set to your team), and without looking at anything other than the minimap, try to do things like predict where the enemy jungler is, or which lanes are going push. If you have the time, do this again, but swap the fog of war to your opponent’s point of view. This exercise will increase your map awareness, game knowledge, and ward placement.
    Two IQ | March 4, 2018 3:12pm
    I can't even explain how useful this was, In the last few games my KDR has been getting alot better and my friends that I play with even say how much better im getting. I've not unlocked my camera as of yet but I will work on that and gradually learn to unlock it. Thanks so much for this reply!
    Ronyk (21) | March 5, 2018 7:17am
    I'm glad you're seeing improvement.

    Seeing as how you haven't unlocked your camera yet, I'd like to go in depth about the two main reasons to unlock it at your skill level.

    The first is the one I touched on before: It increases your field of visibility. It's a must for certain long-range champions like Xerath, Vel'Koz, and Zoe. If your camera is centered on your champion, if you can see an enemy, they might already be too close for comfort. While watching your replays, try to use the manual camera for practice, and attempt to get the entire area of a teamfight on screen before the teamfight happens (like when people do that back and forth footwork you've probably seen before), usually your team will be closer to one side of the camera, and the other team with be on the other. You'll see enemies coming sooner and have more information during the fights.

    The second reason is just as important, and it has to deal with mobility (either yours or you enemy's). Let's say you're playing Warwick (I saw he's one of the champions you said you like), and you're trying to chase down an enemy Akali. If your camera locked onto Warwick, it's going to be moving around whenever you use his ultimate or his Q, giving your target (Akali in this case, who is already pretty slippery) kind of a "ghost dash" increasing the distance you need to move your mouse to stay on her.

    Another example within your favorite champions: Annie. Lots of people really like her, even in High level play. One of the big reasons is from how well she can stun entire teams by summoning Tibbers (which has an instant cast time, so long as people are in range). People like to do this by hovering their cursor over their target, and quickly pushing their Flash key followed by "R". If your camera is locked, using flash can be disorienting (in fact, many blinks and dashes would also be disorienting), and you may miss your target completely.

    I also believe your camera lock is the reason you say ADC is your kryptonite. Once people are within your camera's view, you've got far less time to react to their movements.

    Keep us up to date with your progress, and feel free to post game stats and stories on the forums here.
    orrvaa (41) | February 26, 2018 11:57am
    perfect comment
    orrvaa (41) | February 26, 2018 8:38am
    Hard to tell just from the stats what you could do better. (if you want me to send me replay of one of your games you welcome).

    according to what you are saying and the stats you should improve your Macro game play and CS. The best way to improve Macro game is experience and spectate challenger players, and the best way to improve CS is practice it and learn how the waves working. For both you should play with your best champion so you could focus on them and not on the mechanics, i recommend to watch SRO's videos, he teach both.

    As for mini-map you should try look at mini-map as much as possible, at least once every 5 seconds.

    Good luck :D
    Dav_ID (1) | February 25, 2018 9:08pm
    Hello my friend, I know how you feel and have been there aswell so I hope I can help you, first of all its nice to hear that you enjoy league of legends in general. Teemo is a funny champ and top is a lane where you can learn and improve a lot. Speaking of that, you will never stop learning in league of legends. If you have problems in your lane / with enemy jungler thats always a thing where you can think about how to make it better and if you dont know what to do, there are thousands of videos on YT. The next thing, and you will hear this often: dont tilt. I know it sounds mean to say this so straight. But league of legends is a team game. And sometimes your mid goes 0/10 in 5 min. But they dont do that to annoy you, that dont want to lose either. Give them tipps and try to help and if they become a little too active in the chat, mute tham and focus on your own lane. I can understand that you havent found quite the right champion yet, it takes a bit more than 1 year to get to know them all. I would suggest you try out all lanes and play the champs that are in the free champ select every now and then. Last but not least, the best way to improve ( = more fun) is to practice. Dont let league of legends become and addiction but if you want to become a good player and maybe play ranked you should play more. Last tip: its more fun with friends. Maybe you know someone that you can play with and goof around. If not feel free to add me :)
    Two IQ | March 4, 2018 3:11pm
    Really appreciate this reply, I do think I need to learn to not tilt as easily and I think when I start winning lane or something I should roam and help my team more often. As soon as I get 30 and I practice some more junglers I'll play ranked. I don't care if I get placed Bronze 5 as playing ranked will allow me to learn as you can't get worse. I think I've found my main champions at the moment.

    WW Jungle
    Teemo, Garen Top
    Katarina, Annie, Morgana MID
    Morgana, Teemo, Soraka Sup

    I can't play adc, it's my kryptonite.
    AbaddonSoulchain (16) | March 9, 2018 8:17am
    Yeah, I can relate. Been playing this game for years and I'm still terrible. I can play and get positive scores, have map awareness and good focus on teamfights, but I generally lose so yeah I suck in the end, good scores and cs don't mean **** if I see more defeats. I don't play ranked anymore for that reason. All I can say is this: buy control wards often, learn to peek at your minimap whenever you get a chance and whatever you do, do not flame, even if they flame you, mute them. Other than that, I can't help, I'm ***** at this.
    Mr. Nyahr (8) | March 2, 2018 9:51am
    I find that unless they're blatantly trolling, the vast majority of players aren't as bad as they think they are. Practice improves just about everything. You can start by watching Pro/higher ELO games and watching what they do. Don't just look at their builds, look at what they do when certain things happen, how they move and position themselves, how they manage minions and trade in lane. Another thing that every ELO needs to see more of: Use wards like your life depends on them, because it does. Vision wins games, and if your team has vision control of river and all major objectives, it's significantly harder for the enemy team to get an advantage. Lastly, you need to find the champions that you are good with and that you enjoy playing and practice with them. It's always a good idea to have a few (2-4) champions for every role that you are comfortable playing just in case you don't get what you prefer.

    The main thing is just to watch better players, and to look back at your own mistakes and look at how could have played them differently. Communicate well with your teammates, place good wards, and practice, and I'm sure you'll improve drastically within a month.
    Two IQ | March 4, 2018 3:08pm
    Thank you! That's really good advice, Vision is super important and I need to learn to check my map more often. I usually make an escape when i get ganked but I feel like thats because im playing against people that are under level 30 like myself. I do have a few champs for every role but I seriously cannot play ADC at all.
    Prate_k (24) | February 28, 2018 5:42pm
    Try to connect your play style with the way you want to face the game, if you are going in with aggression and want to get in the enemies face, then mid champs with cc and frustrating kits or supports who can jump in and make plays but still live through the slight mistakes.

    If you are attentive then the jungle is for you. When i jungle I look at my minimap more than my actual screen and that makes it easy to predict where the enemy jungler is and als helps you to remind your laners to ward and such.

    If you like to play the game passively then you might want to consider playing on the island which is also known as the top lane. You usually sit and farm and only play aggressively when your jungler wants to try help.

    well thats how i think anyway, but i couldn't stop being curious about your ban, what was the reason anyhow? if you would like to share?
    Two IQ | March 4, 2018 3:06pm

    I got banned because of a different reasons. One was that I had a 0/8 midlaner at 10 minutes and their fed TF came up to my lane (which I was winning) with the jungler and camped me for the rest of the game. I started flaming my mid laner who said it was my fault he was losing and I told him to uninstall the game and just stay in jungle so he didn't feed more.
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