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Normal games - Why they are bad for your health

Creator: beaker June 10, 2011 2:53pm
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 4:33am | Report
thats an interesting way to put it...

Adonikam wrote:
If you find people to worried about their epeen just throw the game haha =P
Once you start playing Ranked you'll never look back

except thats completely not true. if you look at my profile stats you'll see i have some from when ranked game out last year. i played say 20 games before i realized that, as i mentioned, it wasn't any fun because theres such a high emphasis on winning or else you're a **** player.

i also stopped playing normal solo queues about 2 months later.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 6:06am | Report
caucheka wrote:

thats an interesting way to put it...

except thats completely not true. if you look at my profile stats you'll see i have some from when ranked game out last year. i played say 20 games before i realized that, as i mentioned, it wasn't any fun because theres such a high emphasis on winning or else you're a **** player.

i also stopped playing normal solo queues about 2 months later.

Win above all else =).
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beaker's Forum Avatar
May 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 6:35am | Report

Why do i feel insulted by this post...

I only play normal games, and i wuld prob kick your *** any day of the week...

I play normals becouse it is more fun. End!



JunSupport wrote:

Did you know normal games have more casual and intelligent people then ranked games


This Is A Team Game.

I think it's funny how random people that only play normal games think they are better than players who are above 1500 elo in ranked.

As for the players who like to play ranked AND normal... This thread was directed at people who only play normal games. Also, as I said before, you don't HAVE to stress yourself out in ranked. I've trolled plenty of ranked games myself. Every single time the enemy blitzcrank missed his grab I would say something like "So I heard..." And the enemy garen would say "There's a rumor in town." And I would say "That blitzcrank missed his grab... He did? Ya"
Skrallz's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 7:17am | Report
So let me just say something to you guys . . .

Wether you play normals or ranked, it all depends on what fun is for me . . .

For me fun is trying hard and getting a good result (Trying in a game, then winning), For me fun is not trolling or getting trolled, I only do that to piss people off.

What is fun for you ? Playing the game in general ? Then you should stick to normals ...

Stonewall post :

Play ranked if you care, go back to normals if you play to fool around . . .


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Thanks for the sig <3

‎"School is like a *****, it's long and hard unless your asian" - Elementz

ShadowReign757's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 7:52am | Report
I don't ever play ranked, aside from the occasional game that my brother convinces me to do. I hate it. No, not because of tryhards and trolls. It's boring as hell. IDK why, but I cannot bring myself to enjoy ranked games. I have fun in normal games. I get plenty of laughs and have a good time. In ranked, people take it too seriously for my taste. It's so annoying how elitest every is in ranked. Maybe it's different for you guys. Also, I don't really like the whole stats system. For me, when I know that stats are on the line that people can see, I feel a sense of pressure that makes me play worse. And not just in LoL, but in most other games as well. I'm just not a competitive player by any means. If you like to play competitively, then have at it, good for you. I, for one, will stick to my normal games where I can have more fun with my friends.

I think that it also depends how you define "Fun". For some people, it's really trying to win and then being happy that you pulled it off and got better stats, and knowing that you're improving at the game. That's fantastic. But for other people like me, fun is goofing around with your friends and managing to make the game fun, and still feeling great if you get the win.

There will never be any right or wrong answer as to which game mode is better. It's just opinion based. As I said before, some people like to try and get the win, others like to chill out in normals and enjoy it with their friends (Not to say that you can't enjoy ranked with friends, because you can). Luckily, Riot has two awesome game types to satisfy the needs of the players.

Retreating?! Hell no, we're just attacking the other direction!

EvilDice's Forum Avatar
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 8:14am | Report
I prefer ranked over normal and I'll tell you why.

- I am a tryhard. I'm not afraid to admit it. I won't go ballistic on you if you make a mistake, but I like to play to the best of my ability because if I'm not trying it's just boring.

- I am competitive. I'm a competitive person. I play sports. I want to win and losing sucks. I want to play with other people who are as competitive or I get bored.

- I want to improve. The competition for ranked games is just flat out better, and you are going to learn from your mistakes and become a better player from it, and also learn the things the other team is doing that they are doing right, so you can improve off of them, too.

The only time I will really play normals is to goof off and use troll builds, use some odd playstyle, or try a new champion. Sure, that can be fun, but doing that every game is also very boring -.-

Yesterday I lost about 100 elo in ranked. Am I mad because my epeen just got shorter? No. I still prefer ranked any day over normals and will ALWAYS solo Q for ranked over normals unless there's a new champion I want to try.

I respect people's opinion for wanting to play normals. Stop getting pissed because those of us who do ranked disagree with you. We're allowed to prefer ranked just as you are allowed to prefer normals.

Thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the sig! - @dicetherice
ShadowReign757's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 8:15am | Report
EvilDice wrote:

I respect people's opinion for wanting to play normals. Stop getting pissed because those of us who do ranked disagree with you. We're allowed to prefer ranked just as you are allowed to prefer normals.

You just summed up what I was trying to say.


History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.

beaker's Forum Avatar
May 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 8:19am | Report
EvilDice wrote:

I prefer ranked over normal and I'll tell you why.

- I am a tryhard. I'm not afraid to admit it. I won't go ballistic on you if you make a mistake, but I like to play to the best of my ability because if I'm not trying it's just boring.

- I am competitive. I'm a competitive person. I play sports. I want to win and losing sucks. I want to play with other people who are as competitive or I get bored.

- I want to improve. The competition for ranked games is just flat out better, and you are going to learn from your mistakes and become a better player from it, and also learn the things the other team is doing that they are doing right, so you can improve off of them, too.

The only time I will really play normals is to goof off and use troll builds, use some odd playstyle, or try a new champion. Sure, that can be fun, but doing that every game is also very boring -.-

Yesterday I lost about 100 elo in ranked. Am I mad because my epeen just got shorter? No. I still prefer ranked any day over normals and will ALWAYS solo Q for ranked over normals unless there's a new champion I want to try.

I respect people's opinion for wanting to play normals. Stop getting pissed because those of us who do ranked disagree with you. We're allowed to prefer ranked just as you are allowed to prefer normals.

PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 8:23am | Report

Don't get get me started... You are not makeing this any better by pointing out spelling errors in my text. And i take great offense to this, not every one here is from a english talking country btw...

Any way. For a longer comment!

I get the feeling you think you are better than me becouse you play ranked?... I just really think every one that says: Lol you noob, i am better than you becouse i play ranked. Comes out like *******s.

I only play premade normals nowdays, hell it was prob over 1 month since i went into solo qeue...

And what do i get from premade normals? Wtf i want, if we wanna troll around and have fun, we will all troll around and have fun, if we wanna practise some tryhard stuff, we can do it! The only diffrence is there is no banns / picks...

And when you go 5 man premade in normals, you will go upp against another 5 man premade, and the chance of a good game is kinda big. 5 friend teams against 5 friend teams that goes upp for fun.

In my eyes 5man normal premade is the optimal way to play league of legends.

And this is not counting if you wanna be number1.

Saying that you won't evolve as a player from only playing normals... How the **** is my team in this tournament in the finals? Both me and DEWO nearly never play ranked...

And btw, welcome to my hate list OP... FU!
PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 8:25am | Report
I respect people's opinion for wanting to play normals. Stop getting pissed because those of us who do ranked disagree with you. We're allowed to prefer ranked just as you are allowed to prefer normals.

But being an *** about it and impleing: "I am a better player than you becouse i play ranked". Gets me really pissed. There is prob nothing more that makes me mader really...

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