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Mordekaiser Build Guide by GaoXi

Mordekaiser, Gao Xi style

Mordekaiser, Gao Xi style

Updated on June 13, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GaoXi Build Guide By GaoXi 5 3 7,859 Views 15 Comments
5 3 7,859 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GaoXi Mordekaiser Build Guide By GaoXi Updated on June 13, 2011
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Temzilla (211) | June 15, 2011 9:29am
bnAdvari wrote:

I liked your build. It is very tanky, and does quite a lot of damage.

It's not his build, it's Mordekaiser.

He's very tanky, and does quite a lot of damage.

You don't even need items, he just does a lot of damage and is naturally the tankiest character in the game.
bnAdvari (3) | June 15, 2011 7:11am
Voted +1
I liked your build. It is very tanky, and does quite a lot of damage.
wildabeest (3) | June 14, 2011 9:45pm
Very detailed guide, the matchups are very informative and the video helped illustrate mordekaisers tankyness.
sorajai (3) | June 14, 2011 8:11pm
Voted +1
This works. Awesome build man
Chaotic Bliss (114) | June 14, 2011 2:50pm
Voted +1
I like this. As the residential Master of Chaos, I find this to be pretty good. What I like about this, is its a bulky DPS kinda build. I would expect this on Xin or Irelia. Very well done for thinking outside the box. I like the style and its very good.

Similar to a build Im working on, but Im going a lil more AP. +1 from me.
Temzilla (211) | June 13, 2011 8:36pm
GaoXi wrote:

Yea, that is why I'm positive with him in rank games right? And that I'm ranked with him?

With proper placement, proper play, and low enough ELO, it's pretty hard to fail as Mordekaiser.

I'm just trying to say that your build is terrible, not that you're bad at the game.

8% CDR, 170~ resists, Frozen Mallet?, Warmog's Armor?

The key to damage, and tank on mordekaiser is CDR, not health and AD.

The next thing to get is resists. If you have 200 that's usally pretty good. you can go as low as 170~ if you have spell vamp.

Lich Bane is essential on Mordekaiser if you plan to be an Anti-Carry, and in order to be a tank, you need to build CDR, and resists.

If wou wanted to be both an anti carry and a tank, i would run

Force of Nature
Sorcerer's Shoes
Frozen Heart
Abyssal Mask
Lich Bane
Will of the Ancients

9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
9x Greater Seal of Defense
9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
1x Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration
2x Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction

Rush WotA, then get armor/mr and start working on lich bane.

End the game with 40% CDR, 50 Magic Pen, 200+ Resists, a 20% AtS debuff aura, a spell vamp aura, and 240 ap (Your Q hits for 714 damage before resists.)

Just a thought.
GaoXi (2) | June 13, 2011 7:28pm
Temzilla wrote:

No actually.

It's worse damage than a tank build, and worse tank than a damage build.

It's just straight up bad.

Yea, that is why I'm positive with him in rank games right? And that I'm ranked with him?
Temzilla (211) | June 13, 2011 6:35pm
GaoXi wrote:

Changed the title to Gao Xi style. Its cause its what I do and it works. Its more tank then an AP build, and it puts out damage better than a tank build.

No actually.

It's worse damage than a tank build, and worse tank than a damage build.

It's just straight up bad.
GaoXi (2) | June 13, 2011 6:34pm
Temzilla wrote:

Not anything near an Anti-Carry Build, OR a tank build.

Changed the title to Gao Xi style. Its cause its what I do and it works. Its more tank then an AP build, and it puts out damage better than a tank build.
GaoXi (2) | June 13, 2011 6:31pm

Nope. Not even going to explain it, just nope.

Ty for the constructive criticism
Temzilla (211) | June 13, 2011 6:16pm
Voted -1
Not anything near an Anti-Carry Build, OR a tank build.
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