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Creator: RoIand#64773 August 21, 2011 5:37pm
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JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 5:55am | Report
Guys, Stealth rework ETA would be around Halloween at BEST. Don't get your hopes up.

Heal reworks -> need 1 patch to settle.
Dominion patch -> need 1~2 patches to settle.
Unforeseen circumstances -> 1 more patch delay

4 patches = Late October

Queso wrote:

Again, the video is deceptive because he started with a Dagger.

Again, I must repeat myself.

You don't know anything about the changes, so your opinion is invalid.

The previewed changes ACTUALLY HAVE his base attack speed buffed. The dagger is just a coincidence.

Shurelia listed those changes HERSELF.
None of them were removed, although possibly tweaked.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 6:01am | Report
DuffTime wrote:

I could take Jungle taric into a live game right now and get fed and carry.

Pre changes :P

This, it really does still work, and pretty damn well. Lane presence is considered stronger though.

@Jun Only difference I see with Taric is the increase in CDR per hit on Imbue.
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JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 6:28am | Report

I recommend you do the math. :)

If you're actually in-combat (and Taric is suppose to be a tank support, so no problem if you build properly) the cooldown is lower then it is now.

If you sit back like a coward, the way support are played currently, it is an increase.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
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JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 6:32am | Report

lol Karma's not a support, she's an AP carry.

She's a terrible support because she relies so heavily on farm.

Soul Shield and Heavenly Wave are so OP...3 hit Karthus and then block his ult entirely? GG

Just a big FYI.

Karma is not an AP carry. She is a hybrid support caster.

Effectively - What Zilean is.

Play her as a hard nuke - You're stupid.
Play her as a pure support - You're stupid.
Play her as a hybrid of both - Ding ding ding, you deserve a prize!

Hybrid supports are a little different because they have TONS of utility for helping allies besides CC.
BUT, they also require a steady flow of farming, because they have a lot of itemize for.

Only issue was, Karma's support traits were underpowered relative to other supports, so people argued a lot about how to make her viable.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
< ಠ,....,ರೃ>
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 7:49am | Report
I've been having a lot of fun with Nuke Karma mid lol

At least you get somewhere with that.

Support Karma can't do anything.
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Alahric's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 8:17am | Report


: |
IxieSorrow's Forum Avatar
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Jan 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 8:24am | Report
if you do the math guys, old taric heal : 12 cooldown without reduction/2 = 6 hits to clear without any time passing by

20 seconds/4 (this is champion only of course) = 5 hits.

Considering you're taric, it will most likely take 4 hits with the new changes to fully get off the next heal when hitting enemy champions.

Lets add 40% cdr to both numbers

12 with 40% reduced (4.8 seconds) becomes 7.2 or roughly 3 hits.

20 with 40% reduced (8 seconds) becomes 12 or roughly 3 hits.

When it comes right down to it, at least for me, the heal change is only going to effect early game drastically. 1 attack speed item may be now attainable to help fix that but otherwise this to me is a buff (attack speed) if anything in the end. The ap ratio nerfs don't bother me any since i typically won't have near 120 AP with Taric anyways unless my team and the enemy team scream *buy abyssal scepter* that + Elixer would push past that with my runes.

Early game you're losing like... 10 per level on your heal, or something to that extent. Compared to how they're hitting other supports, taric didn't get hit that bad at all

In short.

Heal cooldown - doesn't change much late game
Heal ap ratio - cool, support tanky taric all the way, less ap tarics running around (you know they're mad)
Attack Speed buff - cool story even though it's not that big at all. It just means i may have something to look into for my marks.

I'm sure people dissagree. I just don't want anything thinking Taric is boned now when they should be looking at other champions.
Shh! I'm Charging My Laser.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 8:42am | Report
Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife...cuz they nerfin' errybuddy out here.
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Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 9:22am | Report
Haha, you guys who're saying Taric's heal is about the same or even better when auto attacking are just flat out wrong. Unless you've got over 50% attack speed from items you'll have a longer cooldown.

At 1 attack per second (about 30% AS from items at lvl18) you'll be able to use it every 5sec with the nerf. Before the nerf you could use it every 4sec.
I'm a strong independent black mage who don't need no mana.
Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 9:27am | Report
inb4 Janna and Alistar are the only two viable supports
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