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[EUW] - Screenshots and Game Discussion - April

Creator: FalseoGod April 7, 2013 10:06am
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 10:06am | Report

Watch here, from minute 16:31 (forgot to put boarderless so before this are bans and blackness);

Game 2

Game 3

We already briefly discussed after each game. Should anyone require more feedback, I/other people can provide it ;)

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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 10:44am | Report
Comments on item builds
Game 1:
@leona, why phil stone? not like shurelyas is gonna be saving you from mumu ults, gragas barrels - maybe to some degree shen taunts but why not just get a quicker bulwark?

@maokai, you don't get sufficient gold in the jungle on mao - unless you get some kills early to build a Rod of Ages - you need some straight up tanky items - also where your locket at?

@janna - see leona

@graves, might wanna have gone for an IE instead of BT since it seems like you were kinda behind in farm so you needed the damage from IE more than BT sustain

Game 2:
@heca, pantheon and twitch were fed as **** - you should've gone for a sunfire for some more armor and tanginess

@lux i have no idea what you were trying to do with that build :p where your mejais at?

@kassa what're you doing with that abyssal scepter?

@jax once you fall behind your most important job as a melee champ is to be either supporty or tanky or both, why didn't you get some freaking armor and health once the panth started oneshotting ya? - sunfire and locket of the iron solari might've saved you the game

game 3:
@renekton, why mallet - it's not like their carries are gonna get away when you have renekton and nasus on the team against a no-cleanse ad-carry

@trist i thin you've built too much attackspeed considering the huge as buff trist has available

@talon, tiamat?

@taric you should've gotten shard of true ice to buff the jarvan or garen

@tf, ehhrm why hextech? and wouldn't a doran's shield be more effective to counter talon early?

@cait, where yo cleanse at?

Sorry for not being there... i'm weak
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 10:59am | Report

@talon, tiamat?

The active is basically like an extra spell with a 1 AD ratio, and your base AD as its base damage. Done the maths and Ravenous Hydra out-damages BT in a burst, but there isn't much to gain from Tiamat to Hydra, so I just sit on a Tiamat to have the active on me.
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 12:02pm | Report

Comments on item builds
Game 1:
@leona, why phil stone? not like shurelyas is gonna be saving you from mumu ults, gragas barrels - maybe to some degree shen taunts but why not just get a quicker bulwark?

@maokai, you don't get sufficient gold in the jungle on mao - unless you get some kills early to build a Rod of Ages - you need some straight up tanky items - also where your locket at?

@janna - see leona

@graves, might wanna have gone for an IE instead of BT since it seems like you were kinda behind in farm so you needed the damage from IE more than BT sustain

Game 2:
@heca, pantheon and twitch were fed as **** - you should've gone for a sunfire for some more armor and tanginess

@lux i have no idea what you were trying to do with that build :p where your mejais at?

@kassa what're you doing with that abyssal scepter?

@jax once you fall behind your most important job as a melee champ is to be either supporty or tanky or both, why didn't you get some freaking armor and health once the panth started oneshotting ya? - sunfire and locket of the iron solari might've saved you the game

game 3:
@renekton, why mallet - it's not like their carries are gonna get away when you have renekton and nasus on the team against a no-cleanse ad-carry

@trist i thin you've built too much attackspeed considering the huge as buff trist has available

@talon, tiamat?

@taric you should've gotten shard of true ice to buff the jarvan or garen

@tf, ehhrm why hextech? and wouldn't a doran's shield be more effective to counter talon early?

@cait, where yo cleanse at?

Sorry for not being there... i'm weak


London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
Last Plagas
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 12:04pm | Report

@renekton, why mallet - it's not like their carries are gonna get away when you have renekton and nasus on the team against a no-cleanse ad-carry

I bought it to peel for trist, actually. Enemy team had a lot of hard cc and if her cleanse was down, she would be easy to lock down. I didn't need it in the end, because we were usually the ones engaging.
Every time you succeed, I bleed a little.
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 12:16pm | Report

@maokai, you don't get sufficient gold in the jungle on mao - unless you get some kills early to build a Rod of Ages - you need some straight up tanky items - also where your locket at?

**** locket. we actually didn't need it. besides, i kept delaying my Ohmwrecker for several reasons.

hp very bad for tanky, then? game was almost over. besides, helps on passive + had philo stone.

btw, you just had a game and i built tiamat/hydra, whats ur fuss? =3

my feedback for game3 is: you have a poke/splitpush comp and just wait to be engaged on (a bit poor on the poke side, but still)?

As requested to GMD himself.
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 5:25pm | Report

@heca, pantheon and twitch were fed as **** - you should've gone for a sunfire for some more armor and tanginess

Yes, you are correct. I should have put off the Sheen and gone for Chain Vest or even delayed for a Giant's Belt.


@trist i thin you've built too much attackspeed considering the huge as buff trist has available

I disagree. Garen was stacking hp, so Blade of the Ruined King is better than Bloodthirster (I'd have built it regardless of whether there was AS on this item or not), not to mention Jarvan IV had Randuin's Omen. And it's not as if having too much AS is a bad thing. I don't even cap the AS limit with the buff on.
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2013 5:32pm | Report
sirell wrote:

Yes, you are correct. I should have put off the Sheen and gone for Chain Vest or even delayed for a Giant's Belt.

even though it is a bit more expensive (i guess), i think you'd have been fine with warmogs+omen.

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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 5:12am | Report
It would have bee smart to pick up at least a Warden's Mail.
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 8:19am | Report
[deleted] wrote:


why would i be trolling mr. gaga?

Nah, not warden's mail get sunfire it's ****ing amazing on hecarim.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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