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Ranked Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Creator: Luther3000 May 13, 2013 5:26pm
<Magic Man>
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 11, 2013 10:43pm | Report
I feel like if you don't have the confidence to play alone. Constantly duo-qing with someone in order to just play a game, you're just setting yourself up with a false security blanket. You obviously have decent mechanics, but if you're too scared to solo-queue you're missing out on learning things you're going to have to do to carry yourself out (what I'm trying to say is you're missing out on valuable knowledge you will have to learn by yourself).

I'm pretty big on self-integrity when it comes to playing league, I prefer not to duo-queue because I just feel that even though I'm going to have an easier time coasting through the ranks, the idea of having someone else carrying me because I cannot rely on myself is just so demotivating. I mean you have the badge, but does it feel satisfying if you know deep down it wasn't you that truly earned it but playing with smurfs to heighten your chances on getting to your goal.

I don't know, from when you queue by yourself, you say you get confused on what to do when your team is losing or what objectives to do/blindly following other team-mates. That is precisely what I'm talking about, you may have the mechanics, but not the knowledge to carry the game. Don't be afraid of the experience, your LP gains are enormous. You're good, don't cut yourself short like that.

By the way, don't worry what other people think about your ranking. I was so hungover about being stuck in a division, and having people judge me by my ELO so I just never played. But right after I saw the rewards and saw one of my friends reach Platinum, I decided to give it a try and climb. You know what? I did it, although it took me 50 wins to get there, I feel like I achieved something great, and I can say I earned it because I carried myself out.

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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 2:43am | Report
Bryun wrote:
the idea of having someone else carrying me because I cannot rely on myself is just so demotivating. I mean you have the badge, but does it feel satisfying if you know deep down it wasn't you that truly earned it but playing with smurfs to heighten your chances on getting to your goal.

Eeeh, overexaggerate much? As long as there's not a huge gap between the two players duo queueing or as long as you feel you deserve to be higher than you are based on your own skill and you are performing well in all the games you play together, I don't see the issue.

I mean, I duo queue with GMD a lot, but it's not like I need him to carry me since I'm hopeless myself :P

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 4:08am | Report
Also, if you can keep up when you are duoQing then it's a sign that you can make it.
I duoQed with a Plat 1 guy, the moment I hit Gold 1. And I was keeping up in Platinum 3. My main roles Suppoert/Jungle were all doable.. problem were the other lanes lol.

If I ever got to pick my Jungle, I even carried and my duoQ mate always wanted me to play Lee xD.
<Magic Man>
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 2:22pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

Eeeh, overexaggerate much? As long as there's not a huge gap between the two players duo queueing or as long as you feel you deserve to be higher than you are based on your own skill and you are performing well in all the games you play together, I don't see the issue.

I mean, I duo queue with GMD a lot, but it's not like I need him to carry me since I'm hopeless myself :P

It seems like you were implying that if everyone sees it that they are better than what their rank tells them, so why not duo-queue with this guy so I can be at my actual ELO, well if you REALLY can't get close to your believed rank then you don't belong there. I kind of agree about duo-queuing if the players were in the same division/league, but anything other than that is just increasing your chances on getting carried.

I'm not trying to call you out but the difference between Gold V / Plat II is pretty big. :x

To me Bronze 1 > Silver 3 is very similar in skill. (Bronze 5-2, just lumped together)
Same with Silver 2 > Gold 4&3 / Gold 2 > Plat 4&3 and so on. There's just minor differences in game knowledge.

Overall, I said his mechanics look pretty good from his CS/kills/assists. But when it comes to objective knowledge etc. that's what I assume he is having trouble with, and that's mainly what separates each league/division (until you reach D1 where everyone is perfect x_x).

I saw a stream by Mahyar (D1) a few days ago where a viewer pointed out that he was duo-queueing to get into silver. He also implied that climbing by duoing is just for fun, but if you're expecting to climb by duoing it's not recommended.

<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 4:35pm | Report
Bryun wrote:
I'm not trying to call you out but the difference between Gold V / Plat II is pretty big. :x

If you don't want to call someone out, you probably shouldn't mention that ;)

There's no way you could know any of this, buuuut:
a) GMD actually went from plat IV to plat II within the last 24 hours and has been gold I / plat V for the large majority of time while I was duoqueueing with him
b) my MMR is a lot higher than gold V and I should be skipping IV once I win my promos. Also, when duoqueueing with his smurf (which also has a high MMR), I don't ever play against anything that's even close to gold V and I feel I can handle that, so frankly I wouldn't say my skill level is anywhere near gold V (and yes I realise that sounds like something a lot of players would say about themselves, but yeah *shrug*).

There might be a gap, but it's definitely not as big as you'd think.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 6:50pm | Report

Pretty sad game, we were winning our lane by a good margin but every other lane lost and Aatrox began whining about the game being over and saying he was afk after less than five minutes.

For a while in the midgame we won several teamfights in a row with picks and took baron and I thought we had a chance, but we had too many inhibs down, their team was more coordinated and their solos got strong enough to one shot me.

adasasfsajgvdifsas0kofasfd my god i despise the people who play this game

@Bryun I understand what you're saying, but to be fair when I played with GMD his main was gold and I only played 3 games with Khazem. Mowen was gold last season and is currently silver this season, so in no way is she carrying me. It's not like I'm paying diamond players to boost my account or anything.

It's not so much that I don't know objectives or plays to make as I don't know how the **** to communicate that information to the flaming/whining/bad players on my team. And at the end of the day there's nothing I can do to stop them making an idiot play, I just have to go along with it and hope that I can make it work out by my presence. In silver games this works out just fine because I'm so much better mechanically, but people in high gold are much more on my level and usually not stupid enough to let me kite them all to death.

And hell it's all very well saying not to worry what people think of your rating, but it's hard not to when it's literally the only thing anyone cares about when deciding if your opinion is valid or not. Constantly I see higher rated players talking down to others and being worshipped for nothing else. The fact that I've played and watched competitive for almost three years and I don't play a lot of ranked is meaningless when a platinum player can invalidate anything I say with 'my **** is bigger'. It feels like you're even talking down to us right now, though not to that degree.
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2013 7:58pm | Report
Ranked is casual. play it like that and you will enjoy it, It is at least fun climbing up the ladder instead of being +4/-4 all games.
I'm sure if you play more you will rise.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
<Magic Man>
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 10:15am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

If you don't want to call someone out, you probably shouldn't mention that ;)

There's no way you could know any of this, buuuut:
a) GMD actually went from plat IV to plat II within the last 24 hours and has been gold I / plat V for the large majority of time while I was duoqueueing with him
b) my MMR is a lot higher than gold V and I should be skipping IV once I win my promos. Also, when duoqueueing with his smurf (which also has a high MMR), I don't ever play against anything that's even close to gold V and I feel I can handle that, so frankly I wouldn't say my skill level is anywhere near gold V (and yes I realise that sounds like something a lot of players would say about themselves, but yeah *shrug*).

There might be a gap, but it's definitely not as big as you'd think.

If you point out a statement and what appears to be the exact opposite of what you said, I'm going to say something, I wasn't trying to be offensive but ok.

Yeah I'm not going to know intricate details about your MMR/etc. but duo queueing most likely spiked up your chances of winning. I've had many times where I was with a duo-q and the lower rank didn't out-perform/do anything special to be playing that tier of a game, but they still had the common sense to not do anything drastic to change the game (this was a few ocassions) and just relied on the team to pick up the 'slack' (also noticed the duo-q's mainly just support or jungle, where although these roles can be really impactful if you're good it's not as drastic when playing something such as the carries) and to add the balancing has been really skewed imo with duo's lately, as to I've had games where the other team was still not balanced at all ie. Plat 2/3 Gold 3's/1 Gold V vs. Gold I/2 Gold II/2 Gold III's. Who do you think it gonna win? Your MMR may be high but the balancing isn't very accurate tbh.

@Luther3000 oya my e-peen is so large. Dude I'm just Plat V it's not amazing at all I even said myself I think Gold II > Plat IV/III is really similar in skill.

But when you're complaining about the other team being idiots, you're obviously still doing something wrong. Normally if you're fed and making the right plays prior, people are going to listen to you if you say which objectives/plays to make.

Luther3000 wrote:
I don't know how the **** to communicate that information to the flaming/whining/bad players on my team. And at the end of the day there's nothing I can do to stop them making an idiot play, I just have to go along with it and hope that I can make it work out by my presence.

Why do you have to go along with it, I don't understand. Just type what you think you should be doing and start executing it. You're normally a marksmen too, they're going to have to listen to you anyways as you deal one of the main damages on the team... Raising the morale of other team-mates in the game also helps drastically, feed your team-mates 'candy' ie. gj you got top tower (although in this instance he is 0/3).

I still don't see why you care about ELO-peen so much. If you're so worried about it, just play ranked. I mean duoing solves that, but if you're too scared to play ranked alone and have to wait on duos, you're just being insecure about yourself and always second-guessing your actual potential. It doesn't help your case out much with the people with big e-peeners either.

But whatever, all I'm saying is if you're going to play solo-queue, go into that mindset, if you want to play where there are no ******s, play ranked 5s and earn your growing e-peen there there. But don't complain about solo-queue because it's solo-queue and don't say it's your team's fault because there's always something you can improve on.

<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 10:55am | Report
I didn't take offense to it, I just explained it isn't that simple. If I'd be stuck in gold V and I'd belong there, sure, you'd have a point. I just feel that's not the case.

If I'd be duoqueueing, winning most of my games but never doing well in lane or in the game overall, that'd be a clear sign for me that I am getting carried. As long as that is not the case, I don't see the issue.

As for balancing, yes, it's weird, I've had to lane against a plat II before (something which as a gold V honestly should never happen), but overall it means I'm playing against higher level players than when I'd solo. Is that a problem as long as I don't like, end up feeding in every game? I consider it good practice.

Eeeh anyway this wasn't about me in the first place and I still get what you're saying n stuff, but ya :P

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 11:30am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

As for balancing, yes, it's weird, I've had to lane against a plat II before (something which as a gold V honestly should never happen)

Agreed, I had to lane against a diamond 2 mid laner once because of duo queue, which was beyond stupid. >.>

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