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Singed Build Guide by ThaKinetic

AP Offtank Chasing a Dream - Soloqueue Singed

AP Offtank Chasing a Dream - Soloqueue Singed

Updated on October 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThaKinetic Build Guide By ThaKinetic 3,191 Views 28 Comments
3,191 Views 28 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThaKinetic Singed Build Guide By ThaKinetic Updated on October 8, 2013
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Vynertje (386) | October 8, 2013 11:27pm
I am a tank (=> jungle) specialist and I can tell that this isn't merely enough to survive a late game team fight against a fed AD carry, especially since thornmail is your final item.

My point is, you want to carry soloqueue 'noob teammates' - but all you're doing is making it easier to be killed, given that the enemy AD Carry can position and kite decently. They can kill you within the duration of a Blade of the Ruined King active if the enemy backline focusses you. Zhonya's Hourglass is probably the biggest issue (and the only major) with the build, because the item doesn't work with your hit and run gameplay.
ThaKinetic (32) | October 8, 2013 11:22pm
I can't seem to publish anything at the moment... It doesn't seem to work at all.
ThaKinetic (32) | October 8, 2013 11:21pm
drakon136 wrote:

Anyone else notice how he deleted pretty much everything?

What the ****, I didn't delete anything. I'm trying to publish a change? Oh and thanks for the explanation for the -1. Which didn't exist. Mind explaining?

Kind Regards - ThaKinetic
ThaKinetic (32) | October 8, 2013 11:19pm
Vynertje wrote:

You use 'the guide is for soloqueue' as an argument to build waaay too aggressively. Let's just assume the enemy Vayne gets ******edly fed because your bot lane is too stupid. Then how are you going to kill her if you get blown up at once? While some items (seraphs) are perfectly fine, investing 3.1k into a Zhonya's Hourglass will only help you to get blown up faster.

You should only go full damage when you are actually ahead and want to snowball really hard, and even then I would stick to my own build. I will not change my vote till you have at least changed a few things around.

You might have noticed that this buid isn't full damage. We keep a damaging edge, being able to take out people, while still being able to survive. Notice how every item in my preferred build does give a survivability?

This isn't a full damage build, and i'll say it again. You are way too teamreliant if you build Singed as tanky as you do. Maybe you should try out how the whole thing works, or maybe you need some kind of video / proof? I honestly don't see why a simple change in build and playstyle is so wrong; All i did was coming with an alternative way to build Singed and actually carry soloqueue. It works well for me and i suggest you try it out?

Tear > Boots > (Seeker's Armguard if vs. AD) > Archangel Staff > (Hourglass if vs AD) > Rylai's > Thornmail / Abyss / Hourglass. It WILL give you a very high midgame power and you will retain your lategame strenght if you play it well and don't act like a tank.

And by the way, what are the "few things" that you want to change? I'll look through and see what i can do.

Kind Regards - ThaKinetic :)
drakon136 (56) | October 8, 2013 11:14pm
Voted -1
Also -1.
drakon136 (56) | October 8, 2013 11:14pm
Anyone else notice how he deleted pretty much everything?
Vynertje (386) | October 8, 2013 11:03pm
You use 'the guide is for soloqueue' as an argument to build waaay too aggressively. Let's just assume the enemy Vayne gets ******edly fed because your bot lane is too stupid. Then how are you going to kill her if you get blown up at once? While some items (seraphs) are perfectly fine, investing 3.1k into a Zhonya's Hourglass will only help you to get blown up faster.

You should only go full damage when you are actually ahead and want to snowball really hard, and even then I would stick to my own build. I will not change my vote till you have at least changed a few things around.
ThaKinetic (32) | October 8, 2013 10:55pm
xSum wrote:

Zhonya's Hourglass is definitely a sub-optimal item. Its AP and Armor are nothing compared to what other items can provide. Also I don't really know what item you want to replace with it. I mean if the enemy team goes all AD then I'd maybe considering to take this item and replace the Abyssal Mask.

The Rod of Ages debate has been there for ages (hehe), however in my opinion it's personal preference. I tend to never build it anymore as Seraph's Embrace just has superior carry potential as well as having a damn sweet shield. By going for Seraph's Embrace instead of Rod of Ages you can also build your Rylai's Crystal Scepter earlier, since you can just rush it after you finished your Tear of the Goddess.

Oh and Rylai's Crystal Scepter is definitely a core item.

So this is a guide for soloqueue, and we want to outplay our opponents by a far margin right? Not only does Seeker's Armguard upgrade into it, it also gives us superior baiting potential and some high damage as well.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a very strong item, the slow works very well with Singed and every stat benefit him. However, "core" items is items you simply get every game. And there WILL be games where this isn't needed. I currently build it very often and maybe should list it under "semi-core".

This isn't pure AP, i'm not building Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff, or anything like it. I think if you tried it, you would realize how great the potential is from Seraph's Embrace + Zhonya's Hourglass in soloqueue.

Kind Regards - ThaKinetic
xSum (11) | October 8, 2013 5:35pm
Zhonya's Hourglass is definitely a sub-optimal item. Its AP and Armor are nothing compared to what other items can provide. Also I don't really know what item you want to replace with it. I mean if the enemy team goes all AD then I'd maybe considering to take this item and replace the Abyssal Mask.

The Rod of Ages debate has been there for ages (hehe), however in my opinion it's personal preference. I tend to never build it anymore as Seraph's Embrace just has superior carry potential as well as having a damn sweet shield. By going for Seraph's Embrace instead of Rod of Ages you can also build your Rylai's Crystal Scepter earlier, since you can just rush it after you finished your Tear of the Goddess.

Oh and Rylai's Crystal Scepter is definitely a core item.
Flowstylex (34) | October 8, 2013 4:07pm
I had to play against pure Ap Singed a while ago, he simply ran to me with his Poison Trail and simply used Zhonyas ... I died while he was still in stasis
ThaKinetic (32) | October 8, 2013 2:12pm
Vynertje wrote:

I've been playing some singed lately, nothing big but still gave me some experience on his gameplay.

First of all, I personally dislike the thought process behind the build. I feel like it includes too much damage which is dangerous when falling behind.

Zhonya's Hourglass is really sub-optimal in my opinion and doesn't fit his playstyle at all. It would be a good item for a burst mage which jumps in, kills one, zhonya's and gets away again. Singed is not like that.

I also dislike Seraph's Embrace for the reason that it is a huge investment into ability power while singed's kit (all short range, damage over time based) requires you to stay alive for a extended period of time). While I agree that the item overall is really good, I somewhat doubt it's effectiveness in comparison to RoA. Especially when you take into consideration that a tear is pretty much 700 gold wasted till you get it stacked somewhat high.

Also I dislike how you don't consider Rylai's Crystal Scepter as core. It is a godlike item on singed and fits a splitpush build really well. It also gives some damage.

Finally, you give waay to much situationals and you should just drop out the non-viable ones like DFG.

FYI: My singed build is the following: flask - roa - rylai's - thornmail/randuin/visage/liandry's. I get swiftness or mercs+alacrity depending on the enemy team comp.

So, let get to it, I kinda knew something like this would come.

When playing soloqueue as Singed you need to somehow carry your team if they cannot. Zhonya's Hourglass is a great item for 2 reasons;

1. As you pointed out, this build focuses on a more damage oriented build instead of the traditional "tanky" Singed. This means that not only does the item give us AP to increase our carry potential, it also gives us armor AND the active which is a really strong bait active and a good survivability asset. We run around like no other champ when playing Singed, BUT when we nearly die, this is invalueable.

2. It builds out of Seeker's Armguard which is a very cheap and effective armor / AP item that allows us for easier laning against commong toplaners.

Overall, even if it doesn't seem so, you benefit very much from this item. Including more damage than your traditional Singed build is more viable in soloqueue, as you actually are something the enemy ad carry cannot handle if you play it right. To carry soloqueue you can't have a RoA that takes 20 minutes to get stacked; You need that midgame power for roaming and laning strenght. You can stack Seraph's Embrace really fast if you use the tactic i wrote in my tips section, and the mana helps on your pressure in lane. The active is really good and should be abused.

As you might have seen in my guide i listed Rylai's Crystal Scepter in my preferred build. The reason i don't list it as "Core" is because it is not entirely needed every game, but heck its good i agree. I kinda agree about too many optionals, but i did list them as "Semi-Viable", meaning that they should not be gotten in ranked.

It seems to me you haven't tried this build yet, and you judge from a viewpoint of the biggest part of the community that favors good old tanky RoA style. I don't know how much Singed you have played, but i can assure you this is a great way to carry soloqueue.

I hope you can change your vote to a more positive one, and i hope that my explanation of why damage is viable in soloqueue. Add his ult and the defensive items i have, and you are semi-tanky and still able to take out their ADC in a brief. Read carefully through the whole guide and i think you will understand more.

Kind Regards - ThaKinetic
Vynertje (386) | October 8, 2013 1:53pm
Voted -1
I've been playing some singed lately, nothing big but still gave me some experience on his gameplay.

First of all, I personally dislike the thought process behind the build. I feel like it includes too much damage which is dangerous when falling behind.

Zhonya's Hourglass is really sub-optimal in my opinion and doesn't fit his playstyle at all. It would be a good item for a burst mage which jumps in, kills one, zhonya's and gets away again. Singed is not like that.

I also dislike Seraph's Embrace for the reason that it is a huge investment into ability power while singed's kit (all short range, damage over time based) requires you to stay alive for a extended period of time). While I agree that the item overall is really good, I somewhat doubt it's effectiveness in comparison to RoA. Especially when you take into consideration that a tear is pretty much 700 gold wasted till you get it stacked somewhat high.

Also I dislike how you don't consider Rylai's Crystal Scepter as core. It is a godlike item on singed and fits a splitpush build really well. It also gives some damage.

Finally, you give waay to much situationals and you should just drop out the non-viable ones like DFG.

FYI: My singed build is the following: flask - roa - rylai's - thornmail/randuin/visage/liandry's. I get swiftness or mercs+alacrity depending on the enemy team comp.
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