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Kirluu's Bjuutifool Diomand Ring'geh

Creator: Kirluu February 9, 2014 1:15pm
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 3:55pm | Report
Kirluu wrote:

What's wrong with coming back from being behind in the early game? I fail to see your point. :c
I was the only person who didn't die much, and that was all based on luck (Flashing away instants before dying). The team score was pretty much even, afair - in our favor in the end after many fights of course.

It was a good game, so I don't see where this remark comes from. Elaborate if you will, but if you will not, peace to that as well.

It was a joke... :l
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 11:53pm | Report
I smelled it, gosh darn it. ._.
However not knowing the reference, and not bothering to look up anything like it, it was just easier to take it literally, despite the lack of sense, you know? :s
Meep :C
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 13, 2014 7:26am | Report
Super silly and sad game, due to the enemy Jinx being afk from the get-go. It is 25 points, but 25 rather lousy points in my optic :c

The game was pretty calm, really. I did some good ganks, got the FB on the enemy Dr. Mundo in top lane, waiting for a good amount of time before E-Q'ing for the kill. He was waiting with using his Flash in the hope that he could get away if he used Flash simultaneously as my E-Q, but I was within attack-range after the E-Q, and was thus able to get the firstblood.

Later on, I went to bot lane, where Nami was laning alone, I went behind the tower, and my initial thought was really to go and push the tower down, but then Vayne E'd her, and I felt I had to engage on her after that. We got the kill, and comments were made about it being unfair. I didn't feel like justifying it, because it was douchy to go there in the first place, I guess ._. It really wasn't my intention to straight-up murder her though(Or so I will be telling myself at night ;_; soz namei).

After a few more kills went down, 3 of the enemy team said "push mid", and so I did, and we got a few more kills derping around before we could end the game (they came at us, so yeah).
On an irrelevant note: Gragas, Vayne and Jax were all diamond in S3. I felt really silly in the loading screen with my poor Gold border... :s

All in all, a sad game, and I feel sorry for the enemy team, albeit I think we would have been able to land the win even if they were 5, seeing how our top and mid were doing pretty well for themselves as well (Albeit there was probably some mental effects of having an afk on the team, for the enemy team).

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 13, 2014 2:39pm | Report
I have never raged so much before, in my entire League of Legends career.

I was top lane against Shyvana as Jax, and something was wrong. I was cancelling my own autoattacks on minions, being pushed to tower, falling behind in farm, getting harassed. Basically, Shyvana was having at it, and enjoying this lane to its fullest. This is in despite of me getting the first kill on her through a good gank from our Vi.
My problem mentally here was that I can typically take up the fight with a Shyv post-6, but she kept on being able to just push the lane (getting maximum farm from the lane), and I couldn't farm under turret because she continuously harassed me, and I didn't have any sustain at that point (Not that the ASAP acquiring of Vampiric Scepter helped much..)
Fiddlesticks came top a few times, but without doing much. His earliest gank was the most fearsome, as I met him when I was going to ward the tri-brush. I derped a bit, and took more damage from Bountiful Harvest than I should have, and was therefrom at 40 % health for a long time, since I didn't have a vamp scepter yet at that point, so it was basically health regen vs. Shyvana's Flame Breath.

A pretty poor laning phase for me, for sure. Thing was, as I was having a bad time, my team seemed to do well at first. The teamscore was 5/1, me being the only death, having died alone against Shyv one time.
But then things went real sour, real fast. Shyvana had pushed my tower down, and was missing. I called the miss with two 'missing'-pings, and was farming my lane to try to get some much needed gold back. Some stuff was going on in mid lane, and before I know it, Shyv has gotten a double kill, and one of our botlaners dies simultaneously in botlane.
Alright, 5/4, no huge deal, we will live.

Shyvana came back to top, to push it out, giving me a bad time again, a bit, and then disappeared again. Again I did the 'missing'-pings, but it seemed to take more time than what those pings would cover before she showed up in midlane, and got... ANOTHER DOUBLE-KILL.
Suddenly, before I knew it, my team and I were 6/18, due to basically everyone else on my team dying. I ended up giving up my second tier turret in top to Shyvana in a foolish hope to make something good happen in mid lane. I was told that that was a super bad idea (And it was, I agree), but additionally, super-quick, my teammates decided that this was all my fault. That my pick (I picked Jax top lane into Shyvana, due to previous thoughts of it being an okay matchup, and my experience with Jax) had ruined the game, whilst calling out 'gg's to the enemy team.

Now at this point, I was in a Skype call with a friend of mine, who had been telling me all along (Me being quite upset about my poor laning phase, frustration of not being able to perform at my best, and being shut down by this enemy Shyvana), that I'd scale out better in late-game, and that I should "just wait". In a sense, this would make sense, if it wasn't because everything he was saying was not exactly helping me in any way, since I had entered a self-centered stage of pure-bred rage. I've never been so annoyed/frustrated before.

So after having a joke about my moment of rage thrown at me over Skype, being called the reason for defeat over and over in different ways by my team, whilst having a freaking 1/1 score in lane, and then additionally getting a ******* Facebook-notification sound:

What I did from there, was to quit the Skype-call, tell my team that there was no way that this game was over yet, I went back, got a Tri-Force from all the farming I had been doing in the time that my team went from 5/~8 to 6/18, and then underfarmed and underleveled me joined my freaking team members, and we turned that gosh darn game so well. We worked as a unit. The enemy team had no clue what they were doing all of a sudden, and I got 7 kills in a matter of no time what so ever. Suddenly I had my core items with Trinity Force and Blade of the Ruined King, and started building a Sunfire Aegis due to their teamcomp being mainly AD, and I was suddenly freakishly strong, and my team as a whole just wiped out the enemy team fight after fight.

These were the teams, as per my remark above about them being mainly AD.

Anyhow, from the moment that I decided to be done with raging and just focus 100 % instead, I was the goddarn team captain. I decided when we were going to do something, and when not, by pinging people back, when I could see that it'd be a bad option, since we were only 3 people, etc. The one time when I made a mistake by overextending into enemy towers for a kill, I straight-up apoligized for my silly mistake, thus promising good times ahead from then on.
I don't even know, but once we gathered, we just managed to perform our fights to utter perfection. It's like all doubt was removed from my team's mind as soon as I landed those 7 extra kills.
And for me, it felt amazing. I was literally carrying us into a comeback. An absolutely extatic feeling.

In conclusion, I'm now in promotion for Platinum I.
Holy nugget, I hope I never have to go through a rage-moment like that ever again. It seriously made me doubt my general self-perceived nature as a calm human being...

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2014 4:58am | Report
Well we definitely made this game harder than it should have been.
My team was up by 22-12 or so, during midgame.
After that though, there was a whole lot of overextending in fights, and keeping on fighting, as enemies we had previously killed returned to the battle, resulting in the enemy team catching up to the killscore pretty well.
Their Shaco especially was a huge source of our wavering in this match. Overall he performed very well. We were fortunate that our Gragas landed his ult, finishing off two of the enemies, and then using Zhonya's Hourglass as the rest of my team took down Shaco's Guardian Angel, and then all it took was a Body Slam from Gragas to finish off Shaco.
In that fight, I died pretty early, but at least I soaked a bunch of cooldowns and attention, which allowed for Gragas' very nice ultimate, as mentioned above. :3

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2014 7:02am | Report

Gotta love dat S3 Diamond lvl 6 Ziggs afk'ing.
I guess my luck has run out. Quite possible that I won't play any more ranked today, due to the fear of losing promotion, thus completely smashing my MMR, which only exists because of this crazy W/L of mine...

I ganked mid at level 3 instead of top, because I saw our Ziggs having a rough start. I did a succesful-ish gank, landing my Q on LeBlanc, and she got down to 40 % health as a result of the gank. Meanwhile though, the enemy jungler went top, and they managed to kill Rengar where they were both pretty darn low, but I couldn't get there in time to retaliate on his death.

Ziggs' second death was in behind his tower, where Lee Sin tower-dived him, and I could only manage to come pick up the kill on the extremely low-health Lee.

His third death was also a Lee Sin masterpiece, WHILE I was prepping Blue buff for Ziggs. I had however used my Q to initiate on the Blue buff, and my Flash was down from killing the Lee previously.
Ziggs decided he'd run towards me and the blue buff, hoping to get help, but my level 3 Q cooldown was too much for me to be able to help. He was already too low HP, so that if I ulted in over the wall, I'd just get killed as well, plus lose the blue buff. This means that Ziggs died alone on the other side of the blue buff wall, which is what triggered his afk-state.

After a while of Ziggs being afk, and things not exactly snowballing in our favor, my teammates decided to tell the enemy team to just push mid and that we wouldn't defend. Since the others weren't up for trying anything, I more or less just gave up as well. I did however go to some other lanes hoping to get some kills without dying, to better my KDA a bit, lol. Dying every time I tried something, due to more people showing up didn't help much on that account. :s

I'm not sure if I should feel responsible or not for this game, but what I do know is that taking another game right now, will not do me any good.

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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2014 7:35am | Report
Just go for it mate. I too lost like 4-6 (lost count) promotions to platinum 1. Feels like all the afk players and proxy singeds come there.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2014 8:30am | Report
Yeah, well... A friend of mine told me about having 4-5 afk'ers in a row over the past few days. Maybe it's a phase in high Plat. o.o
My initial thought was that some people have been out partying Friday night, and just don't give a single jinglebell about the games they play, as they try to sober up with playing League of Legends Solo Queue. ;s
I'll be alright in the end. Diamond or no diamond. :o
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 15, 2014 12:08pm | Report
Platinum One! :o

Well this game went pretty much according to plan. Not much else to say, really.
I did an early-ish gank in mid-lane, to not so much avail. Second time I came around though, we snatched the FB. At this time, our Thresh said "gj mid" and Lissandra, loving as she was, went: "gj Vi*". Lovely to get acknowledged like that. C:

But yeah, basically my botlane carried themselves forward, and the enemy team didn't have much of an answer. It was rare for me to get to bot lane in time for when the kills went down, which is partly why my score is pretty low, so to speak, considering the total amount of kills from our team. Overall I feel that I did however contribute valiantly enough to be able to sit back satisfiedly, now with Platinum I under my name in the LoL client. :]

I'm excited to see how much LP I'll gain here in Platinum I. I wonder if the climb will be as quick as in the previous divisions, or if the few losses lately have hurt my MMR enough to not make that be the case.. :o

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2014 6:40am | Report

Well then... This is what happens when our top laner is extremely unlucky in his lane, and dies whenever I come to gank, in addition to the rest of our team (that is, including me), isn't able to take up the 4v4 in the non-top part of the map.

Their Wukong got fed pretty darn quickly early in the game, which is always a bad sign, and it definitely shaped up, to some extent, the rest of the 4v4 fights or skirmishes, since his ultimate damage simply just cut through everyone on our team.
Additionally, Nidalee had the freedom to leave her lane whenever, and Jax was trying to farm back up, so in some cases it was really 4v5 in the bottom part of the map, which of course meant even more discourse for our team.
I ended up dying a whole chunck of times, and it just goes to show how basically everything that happened in that game went against us.

On a side-note I had the perfect setup for stealing Baron Nashor in a later stage of the game. Jinx, Thresh and Zed were taking it alone, thereby without their jungler, and they had no vision on me, as I just sitting the brush right by the Nashor pit.
For some reason though, I managed to go in quite a fair bit too early, instead of actually going for the steal. Since I went in too early, they stopped attacking it, and I, foolishly, tried to just attack the Zed who was on 40 % health, hoping to kill him somehow. I didn't manage that, and died as a result of the whole ordeal.
What I could have done, was to just damage the baron down enough to be able to smite it, so I'd die, but at least still get the Baron. I think I could have managed that, if I had had that idea in mind after going in too early.

Overall not much that I attempted for worked out, as per us being behind for the majority of the game time. I don't enjoy it very much when laners go in way too deep because I'm on my way. They seem to always start fights way before I can be there, and then they lose the fights, because they are looking/waiting for me to get there, instead of playing it smartly.
This is pretty consistently happening, even in Platinum. Pretty silly, I'd say. I get that they need to hinder them from running away, but if they don't alarm the enemy that I'm coming at all, and just go in at the same time as me, everything'd work out much better, instead of these 20 % chance to survive plays.

Ah well o.o

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