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Patch 4.17 Notes

Creator: Wayne3100 September 25, 2014 6:46am
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 6:46am | Report

Hi Summoners,

Welcome to patch 4.17, THE PATCH OF CHAMPION UPDATES. We don't have a lot of high-level balance tweaks in the mix (small taps for Nidalee, Maokai, Tristana, and Talon), but there are some cool "pump up the unique!" changes for champs who may have been lacking in that category. Much in the vein of promoting more meaningful choices, our hope is that by giving champions like Garen and LeBlanc more uniqueness (like out-of-combat health regeneration or stealthy deception), they'll be able to feel a little more interesting in their roles.

Speaking of meaningful choices, our two new gameplay updates (Viktor and Soraka) are also in 4.17, with both focused on creating a little more unique gameplay for their respective champion. For Soraka - what's it mean to be League's premiere healing / banana throwing champion? Or for Viktor - what, specifically, is a GLORIOUS EVOLUTION!? A lot of questions we can potentially answer in 4.17, so be sure to check out our new champion reveal pages for Soraka and Viktor.

Final note, we're continuing to patch out bits and pieces of the updated Summoner's Rift as we start polishing up on work. Once again, this doesn't mean you'll get to play on the updated Summoner's Rift right now, but just that you won't get hit by a mega-sized patch in the distant future. In anticipation of this, we're also rolling out some updated character textures for older champions so they can still look good when their environments change.

And that's all for now! Remember that the World Championships are happening right now, so head over to the page to keep up!

P.S. If you want even more discussion on today's patch, be sure to check out the Patch Rundown at the end of the notes! Join MsPudding, Scarizard, Seb, and Scruffy as they talk about Soraka, Viktor, and the future of Champion Updates.

Chris "Pwyff" Tom

Patch Contents

- Champions

- Items

- Dominion

- Ranked Updates

- Bugfixes

- Upcoming Skins

- Patch Rundown



Viktor has received a Gameplay and Texture Update, as well as a spiffy new splash! Check out the update article for all the details.


Soraka has received a Gameplay Update! Check out the update article for all the details.


Some small buffs to Cass's mana, Q's damage scales better with AP, and E's resetting its cooldowns correctly.

We know Cass isn't doing great on the live environment, but we also want to make sure we don't react too quickly as players are learning a champion and then that champion goes on to demolish everyone (*cough* Kassadin *cough*). Still, we can give Cass a little bump as we watch her being picked up. This might be a conversation we'll revisit next patch!


BASE MANA : 300 ⇒ 330

MANA PER LEVEL : +50 ⇒ +60

Q - Noxious Blast


E - Twin Fang

28.6% MORE FIXED : Twin Fang now correctly resets its cooldown to 0.7 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds, as indicated by the tooltip


We fixed some longstanding clunkiness with Pulsefire Ezreal's animations in 4.16. Our bad on forgetting to list this in the last set of patch notes!

Pulsefire Ezreal

CANNONS PRIMED : Smoothed out Pulsefire Ezreal's autoattack and Mystic Shot animations


Garen's going to be a lean, mean, health recovering machine.

Right now, Garen's identity is centered on his ability to run at people in a threatening way and, since we have a few people who already do that, we decided to give him a more unique strength. These buffs are to really cement Garen as a tanky sword-dude who can shrug off most forms of poke damage - that is, if he can find windows of safety to recover (more reason to hide in that brush!). You might say this gives him more perseverance. You would be correct.

Passive - Perseverance

NEW - YOUR PUNY WEAPONS ARE USELESS : Perseverance is no longer removed by non-epic monsters at level 11 and above

HEALTH REGENERATION : 0.4% maximum health per second at all levels ⇒ 0.4% / 0.8% / 2.0% maximum health per second at levels 1/11/16

COOLDOWN : 9 seconds at all levels ⇒ 9/6/4 seconds at levels 1/11/16


A player raised the concern that Heimerdinger (and Karma) had to cast two spells when empowering abilities, thus ever-so-slightly delaying his ability to fight back in high-pressure situations. With this change, Heimer will be able to preemptively use Upgrade while crowd-controlled so he can immediately mash faces when he recovers. This is a repeat of the below context.


NEW - EVERY SECOND COUNTS : Upgrade can now be cast while Heimerdinger is disabled


A player raised the concern that Karma (and Heimerdinger) had to cast two spells when empowering abilities, thus ever-so-slightly delaying her ability to fight back in high-pressure situations. With this change, Karma will be able to preemptively use Upgrade while crowd-controlled so she can immediately mash faces when she recovers. This is a repeat of the above context.

Q - Soulflare

EXPLOSIVE DEPARTURE : Fixed a bug where Soulflare's ground effect would disappear if Karma died

R - Mantra

NEW - EVERY SECOND COUNTS : Mantra can now be cast while Karma is disabled


LeBlanc's mirror clone is more deceptive, as it spawns stealthed for a full second alongside LeBlanc, so LB can create more distance from her clone before re-appearing. W has a longer grace period to return. Brushy brushy.

Since we removed LeBlanc's silence in patch 4.10, she hasn't been in the best shape. Rather than buffing her damage (wouldn't that be fun), we're looking for healthier ways to give her some strength, like reinforcing her deceptive gameplay.

Passive - Mirror Image

NEW - NOW YOU SEE ME : LeBlanc now creates a mirror image after her invisibility ends ⇒ immediately

NEW - NOW YOU DON'T : LeBlanc and her mirror image remain invisible as long as the other is invisible (breaking the invisibility of one will break the invisibility of the other)

INVISIBILITY DURATION : 0.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second

W - Distortion

JUKE CITY : LeBlanc now has 3 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds to snap back to her return pad


Maokai's currently running rampant in top lane, partially due to his ability to trade damage with most of the scrappy dudes he finds up there. Given Maokai's R is already a strong defensive ability in a team fight, we realized it probably shouldn't also have so much damage tied to it.

R - Vengeful Maelstrom

MAXIMUM STORED DAMAGE : 200/250/300 ⇒ 100/150/200 (base damage remains 100/150/200)

Miss Fortune

Strut is no longer broken by non-damaging crowd control effects, like Nasus' Wither, Lulu's Whimsy, or... the aura from Frozen Heart (sorry!).

Miss Fortune's Strut was always meant to be broken by damage (and the tooltip says this) but, for some time now, Strut also considered non-damaging forms of crowd control to be valid ways to break (like Nasus' Wither, Lulu's Whimsy or... Frozen Heart's aura (sorry!)). We've fixed that.

Passive - Strut

STEP TO : Strut is no longer broken by non-damaging effects


Nautilus can drag himself to player-created terrain.

We already did this with Vayne, Poppy, and Gnar, and realized Nautilus should probably be able to do the same (some players also let us know! Thanks!)

Q - Dredge Line

NEW - NAUTICAL EQUALITY : Nautilus can now drag himself to player-created terrain (e.g. Trundle's Pillar, Jarvan's Cataclysm, Anivia's Crystallize)


Nidalee's basic attacks do less and she has less attack speed. Takedown scales less with AD and more with AP. Pounce now resets to a reduced cooldown if Nidalee pounces to a Hunted target (rather than swiping a Hunted target).

As a super strong lane bully, Nidalee's able to poke down her opponents fairly quickly before mauling their face as a giant cat. While we think it's cool that Nidalee has access to two completely different builds (AD and AP), it's clear her AD build is a lot stronger, especially since she can put out tons of damage without needing to land a spear / trap. Our goal here is to bring a little parity between the two builds while also, honestly speaking, reducing some of Nidalee's oppressive lane power when building AD.


BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 52.5 ⇒ 47.5

BASE ATTACK SPEED : 0.67 ⇒ 0.638

Q - Takedown





W - Pounce

NEW - FLYING CAT PROJECTILES : Pounce's cooldown now resets to 1.5 seconds if Nidalee pounces to a Hunted target

KITTY RESETS : Killing a unit now resets Pounce's cooldown to 1.0 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds

NEW - COOLDOWN COUGAR : Abilities that reduce Pounce's cooldown now work in combination with Nidalee's cooldown reduction stat (so at 40% CDR, a hunted Pounce gets reset to 0.9 seconds rather than 1.5 seconds)

E - Swipe

REMOVED - SWIPELESS : Swipe no longer affects the cooldown of Pounce when used on a Hunted target


Just a small quality-of-life buff where if Rammus uses Powerball to cancel Defensive Ball Curl (or vice versa), he gets 1 second of buffs overlapping instead of immediately cancelling one for the other.

Q - Powerball

OKAY : While in Powerball, Rammus now cancels the ability immediately ⇒ 1 second after Defensive Ball Curl is activated

W - Defensive Ball Curl

OKAY : While in Defensive Ball Curl, Rammus now cancels the ability immediately ⇒ 1 second after Powerball is activated


While we were cleaning up some code with Sona, we accidentally reduced the cast range on her Hymn of Valor. We fixed it. Sorry!

Q - Hymn of Valor

SHARP NOTES : Fixed a bug where Hymn of Valor's cast range was shorter than intended


Talon's E no longer silences, it just applies a high-intensity mini-slow.

Now that other high-burst low-counterplay assassins have been modified in some way (hello LeBlanc), Talon's one of the next dudes to step forward. Our focus with this change is not to entirely nerf Talon (although we realize this is a hit to his laning phase against certain champion matchups), rather, it's to reduce frustration when playing against him. Specifically, Talon's ability to obliterate a target of his choosing in the mid to late game without them having any say in the matter (literally) is a tough ability to balance around - especially as we've targeted other low-counterplay abilities like LeBlanc's Sigil of Silence. As an aside, this does mean that the ability name Cutthroat makes no sense from a thematic perspective, but naming it cut-ankles was less inspiring. We'll look into it.

Q - Noxian Diplomacy

A METAPHOR FOR POLITICS : Noxian Diplomacy's animation now plays slightly faster (so it can feel more impactful). Actual gameplay remains unchanged.

Cutthroat E - Cutthroat

REMOVED - THAT'S SOME BAD AIM, TALON : Cutthroat no longer silences its target

NEW - CUT-ANKLES : Cutthroat now slows targets for 99% for 0.25 seconds (this is enough to sneak in one Mercy-buffed basic attack)

R - Shadow Assault

NEW - A SHINY ESCAPE : Shadow Assault now has a particle to indicate that Talon is hasted


As a hyper-scaling markswoman on par with champs like Koggles or Vayne, Tristana needs equivalent weaknesses for her high potential. Up front: this change won't completely address that problem, but we did want to create more opportunities against Tristana in the early to mid game as we examine her power for the future.

R - Buster Shot

COOLDOWN : 60 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds


While this is a fairly innocuous bugfix for Yasuo, we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about everyone's favorite wind swordsman (to ban). While we think Yasuo's in a good spot in terms of his overarching gameplay and strategic fit, there's a good chance he's just a little strong for what he brings to the table. We're currently examining ways to add more meaningful counterplay against Yasuo but just wanted to let you know we're aware of his power.

Q - Steel Tempest

INNOCUOUS BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Steel Tempest's cooldown was slightly too low when using the E-Q combo at high attack speeds


This change is for... CLARITY!

R - Chronoshift

WE NEED MORE TIME : Visual effect size (the rotating hourglasses) has been increased by 50%

Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 1)

Over the next couple patches we're taking a broad pass at the game's older character textures with the goal of improving parity with newer releases and making sure everybody looks at home on the Rift as its style and color palette continue to evolve.

TEXTURES : The following textures have been updated:

  • Base, Dynasty, Midnight

  • Base, All-star, Blood Moon, Crimson, Nurse, Silverfang, Stinger

  • Base, Amethyst, Freljord, Sherwood Forest, Queen, Woad

  • Base, Hot Rod, Ice Toboggan, Red Baron, UFO, Urfrider

  • Base, Royal Guard, Nightraven

  • Base, Commando, Enchanted, Gatekeeper, Hextech

  • Base, Jailbreak (for now)

  • Base, Prestigious, Mistletoe, Wicked

  • Base, Defender, Iron Solari, Valkyrie

  • Base, Abyssal, Subterranean

  • Base, Bladecraft, Gothic, Sewn Chaos

  • Base, Battlecast, Runeborn


Elixir of Brilliance, Elixir of Fortitude, Ichor of Illumination, and Ichor of Rage

Elixirs and Ichors now intelligently scale up in stats as a character levels up with them on.

Before this patch, Elixirs and Ichors only did one "check" on your level before determining the stats they gave you. If you leveled up with an Elixir or Ichor used, however, they wouldn't intelligently scale up to your new level. We fixed that.

SMART CONSUMABLES : Stat buffs from Elixirs and Ichors now level up along with the buffed Champion


Respawn Mechanics

Dominion currently has a balancing mechanic where the losing team has a shorter respawn timer than the winning team. Unfortunately, this mechanic would come into play immediately after one team took a lead. We've increased that band by a wider margin so that close games don't get so swingy but losing teams still have the potential to make a comeback.

Respawn Timers

DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK : The respawn timer handicap now applies only if there is a point difference greater than 50

Ranked Updates

Master Tier

When we implemented Master Tier, we removed clamping from Diamond 1. One side effect of this has been that players who ride win streaks into Master incur pretty harsh LP penalties if they fall back into Diamond. This new LP loss cap is meant to soften the experience while players strive to enter - and remain in - Master Tier.

NEW - LP LOSS CAP : Players who quickly drop back into Diamond 1 after being promoted to Master Tier now retain a minimum of 50 LP

Ranked Inactivity Decay

Ranked inactivity decay is meant to ensure that only the best active players can hold on to their position through a season. While this makes sense for the most competitive tiers, it just ends up as source of stress for the rest of the ladder. To that end, we've removed inactivity decay for silver and gold (bronze was already immune - we fixed a bug where this wasn't the case for promo series).

NEW - QUALITY OF LIFE : Silver and Gold players are now immune to inactivity decay

BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Bronze players who went inactive during a promo series were decaying out of their series

Ranked Duo Queue

Following a brief hiatus last patch due to a bug, we're reactivating the limiter that prevents ranked players from duo queuing with partners more than one tier above or below them.

Ranked Restrictions

We recently posted about a few new measures coming to ranked play as part of our ongoing effort to encourage positive behavior. Head to the discussion for the details!


  • Nomad's Medallion now properly shows up under the "Other Movement Items" category
  • In line with previous fixes, Relic Shield and its upgrades no longer execute Shaco boxes
  • Fixed a bug where Ichor of Illumination was removing cooldown reduction when it wore off
  • Fixed a number of patcher crash issues
  • Fixed an issue with multitouch scrolling in the Mac patcher
  • Players no longer lose access to the patcher's Repair tool after closing the menu via the 'x' button

Upcoming Skins

The following skins will be released at various times during Patch 4.17:

Fnatic Corki
Fnatic Gragas
Fnatic Janna
Fnatic Jarvan IV
Fnatic Karthus

Order of the Lotus Karma

Patch Rundown

Also, check out the Patch Rundown for more discussion on today's patch. Up today, MsPudding, Scarizard, Seb, and Scruffy talk about the Champion Updates in 4.17.


Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 8:34am | Report
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 10:56am | Report
Thanks for posting these here so promptly and edited nicely, most appreciated.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
Cooper112's Forum Avatar
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Feb 27th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 1:59pm | Report

Got nerf he deserves sorry he was an assassin with not enough counter play and he could instantly and easily get combo off.

If you take exhaust does not matter talon silence you and he does his full damage combo in that one second it was broken.

Now talon can actually be out played with exhaust and well times abilities.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 2:22pm | Report
Cooper112 wrote:

Got nerf he deserves sorry he was an assassin with not enough counter play and he could instantly and easily get combo off.

If you take exhaust does not matter talon silence you and he does his full damage combo in that one second it was broken.

Now talon can actually be out played with exhaust and well times abilities.

Trying to give an assassin counter play is an oxymoron. Well at least, counter play as defined by Riot Games, which is that X champion needs to have a chance in a 1 on 1 situation against Y champion, which is insane, frankly. Assassins exist to take out single targets, and then get out, preferably without anyone noticing. The only idea of counter play is to make sure you have sight of your surroundings.

Snipers in any kind of shooters are the assassins of that genre, and that's what they should've done with Talon to some extent. The silence should've been preserved and his kit should've been altered to support and abuse that. However, Riot took the easy route and simply gave him the LeBonkers treatment; nerfed to the point of unplayable from a competitive view for the sake of making people stop whining.

The worst thing about it is, in my opinion, that Talon wasn't even popular. Sure he saw some solo queue play and the occasional game in the competitive scene as counter pick, but he hasn't reached Kassadin/ Zed/ Lee Sin level ever since his release.
Cooper112's Forum Avatar
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Feb 27th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 3:08pm | Report

Trying to give an assassin counter play is an oxymoron. Well at least, counter play as defined by Riot Games, which is that X champion needs to have a chance in a 1 on 1 situation against Y champion, which is insane, frankly. Assassins exist to take out single targets, and then get out, preferably without anyone noticing. The only idea of counter play is to make sure you have sight of your surroundings.

Snipers in any kind of shooters are the assassins of that genre, and that's what they should've done with Talon to some extent. The silence should've been preserved and his kit should've been altered to support and abuse that. However, Riot took the easy route and simply gave him the LeBonkers treatment; nerfed to the point of unplayable from a competitive view for the sake of making people stop whining.

The worst thing about it is, in my opinion, that Talon wasn't even popular. Sure he saw some solo queue play and the occasional game in the competitive scene as counter pick, but he hasn't reached Kassadin/ Zed/ Lee Sin level ever since his release.

Hes played alot... 52% win rate 25% ban rate in solo q.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 25, 2014 3:10pm | Report
Cooper112 wrote:

Hes played alot... 52% win rate 25% ban rate in solo q.

First, grab the numbers from before these changes were announced, then show pick/ban rate overall and the numbers for high Elo and competitive play. Also, win rate doesn't say anything about pick rate.

Nevertheless, it's still no excuse for this lazy kind of developing a game; it's plain ******ed.
Cooper112's Forum Avatar
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Feb 27th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 2:27am | Report

First, grab the numbers from before these changes were announced, then show pick/ban rate overall and the numbers for high Elo and competitive play. Also, win rate doesn't say anything about pick rate.

Nevertheless, it's still no excuse for this lazy kind of developing a game; it's plain ******ed.

When has riot ever balanced the game for high level of play only... they need to balance for all levels of play always have.
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 2:29pm | Report
wow me and gmd agreeing on something. thats a first.

>When has riot ever balanced the game for high level of play only... they need to balance for all levels of play always have.

ever since they started shilling tournaments and esports 'high elo' play became the go to for balance. cater to the 'pro' players to keep them happy and playing the game so they can push more 'esports' and earn more money.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2014 8:25am | Report
Cooper112 wrote:
Now talon can actually be out played with everything ever because he sucks big donkey ****.


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