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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Movement Quints

So, yesterday I played 4 games as Udyr and I have my movement speed quints that I didn't have previously, and OH MY GAWD IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL 405 movement speed with normal shoes is soooo strong! The jungle speed and the ganks is unstopable I got counterjungled early, doesn't matter I just killed them later! It was generally wonderful and i'm really glad to play my first jungler again.

The ropes.


So I promised to start up a scrub's version of getting to a high ELO state through jungling.

I have found that playing the jungler in a ranked game sucks majorly. If anything goes wrong in a lane, you "didn't gank enough," "you weren't listening," and "you suck so much" after not getting as much farm as the fed laners get.

Jungling is pretty damn hard, and what makes it worse is the frequency of invades in the ranked scene. I have found that in the case of a ranked jungle, I have completely changed my jungle champions to accommodate recovering from an invade. I went from hard-core jungle Dr. Mundo to... Not exactly playing him at all anymore. It's all because, sure he gets insanely good late game, but I can't rely on me being able to do ANYTHING as a jungler because... quite frankly I don't know who's going to be on my team.

It's all about teamwork. I had a beautiful game where my team was nice, I ganked pretty well, set up a few kills and we won a hard fought ranked game…

My Guides....

So guys this is my first post and i realy dont know what to write. I just know what i have aleredy made some Guides but they are not rly good and i did not spend much time on them so i will do them again. Therefore it cood take some time but i think i shood finish my first real guide...(btw.i hope i am writing guide right since my spelling is realy bad)... by December.
I mainly play TOP so it will prob. be a champ that belongs there, but i am still not sure about it so i hope you will like it.
Tks from your

Road to Glory - Season 3 - You Pick I Play

Hello there, fellas :D
My name is Zippownz, I Play League of Legends since Last year (i believe November or so) and im gonna start a new series. Road to Glory!
What's that? - I'll try to get to High Elo, my Max Elo this season was 1400, then a bunch of losses, and i got stuck at around 1.1 to 1.2k Elo :(
I do good most of the games i've played, but it seems so hard to get to higher Elo without a buddy to play with :P so i was thinking, if you guys decided who i should play, and how i should build, that would make it a lot more interesting :D

So yeah, if you guys just want to suggest someone i should play, that'd be awesome :)
I'll post a pic of the champs i own later :D

Cya and have fun :)

I just won a 4 v 5 ranked.......

......because our Nidalee mid decided to AFK.
Meanwhile I make a double kill top because Olaf just decides to dive at lvl 2 and then trundle dies to me while i have lower hp.

Then our Nunu support decides to go full ap and takes 70% of our carry(Corki)'s kills.

But naturally we won because we had Darius, and Darius wins every single time (in low-elo).

But i kinda feel bad to give Nida free elo even though she didn't do anything really.

Hello !

Im Jacob, actually 1250+elo.
Im from Poland, but please dont say me at start idiot because im from PL.
Im try to create good guides, what help u guys. Still learning more about lol, but always better make guide than no. Playing AP carry,jungle,and solo top.
First time im doing what with BB codes, so my guides arent best now. Also im learning still learning English ;)

Thank u for look here!


Hi there

Hi, I'm new in this community, so i will introduce myself.


Name: Sebastian Perani
Nicknames: Seba - Pera - KatanaBoy
Age: 23
Country: Argentina
Languajes: Spanish and English
Hobbies: Photography and Photoshop
Sports: Ice Hockey (Goalie Keeper)

League of Legends

Favorite Champ/s: Varus - Twich - Twisted Fate - Hecarim
Favorite Lane: Bot - Mid
Favorite Item: Don't Have, but if I must choose, maybe Black Cleaver.

I like to make all kind of banners and Avatars. So if you want some, I could help you :)

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide