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Current Hidden OP

In case anyone feels like winning their ranked and normal games and abusing a hidden OP, play some gangplank mid.

Get a tiamat, and enjoy your free win.

How does this work?

Well, good question. Scarra and Orb Nien both approved it, with Orb Nien suddenly surprising people at TSM Tourneys with it. Scarra played some GP Mid in solo queue and smashed.

The splash procs every Parrrley gold effect, hence if you kill 4 minions clumped up with 1 shot, you get 4x the gold bonus. If done properly, you get roughly 1k gold at 28 minutes (tested by me and others). This is roughly 2+ GP10's worth for a tiamat, which gives damage and sustain, while being cheap for GP.

Not to mention every kill refunds 35 mana, hence multiple kills give more mana. After you get damage, you can essentially gain more mana than you use, or at least not run out of mana.

^^ Enjoy before Riot decides to fix it.

Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand...

I'm going to be playing a TON of brand in ranked tonight. Got the godly skin, and need some replays for a buddy. Add me in game if you want to spectate:
IGN: throatslasher

Also, Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand


The new map is AWESOME. I think I might be updating my Singed guide to include the new map. So much to be done and try! I think the new map gives him crazy op status early and mid game. The movement buff and the mid jungle are just what he needs to be the roaming terror that he is meant to be. Mundo and Volibear are the other two I think I need to master on this map. They just have the skill sets that are necessary to make people hurt from the jungle. Challenge accepted riot!

Aram: My New Favorite Map

Aram is my new favorite map. Seriously so fun. And poke-team comps are just way too fun. NIDALEE FTW! JAYCE FTW! TF FTW! And above all my favorite:

I love the map. So happy Riot made it the "new" map.

Hopefully more superbly fun maps like Aram will be made soon. I will look foward to them. And it's very time efficient. Lots of fun, for about 20 min each.


Just because u can

Hai guys so this weak I just want say something quick about builds in the general. Don't know if any of u experience this lately but summoners these days are trying a lot of weird builds. I like it. Although I don't always agree with trollers and i hate it when people try to convince me Soroka ad is very strong and a tanky teemo is super useful but i have seen some awesome builds like a Warwick going on mid with extremely high damage a jungler Tarick that ends up winning games. I even saw a Ahri playing as AD carry that didn't work out to bad. Now don't get me wrong people I'm not trying to encourage u to troll but rather just try something new that u think might work. Maybe try it vs bots first so u don't mess up the game for the rest of us. But make the league more fun with some additional build styles etc.

The Sad Mummy (not once I kill myself)

So I'm playing AP Amumu Mid and I get extremely fed cause enemy Diana sucks. But suddenly I realize I have almost all of my team's kills and they are all dying. So we make a plan to win it with my Ulti.

Team Fight #1 starts and I make a double kill, then a triple..then a Quadra and I've been denied my first Penta so many times that I just thought I wasn't gonna make it but then I see Ashe and just when I kill her the time when I was supposed to make the Penta was over and it wasn't official..BUT WAIT!! There's more in Team Fight #2!! But first here's a picture:

Team Fight #2 was when we were close to losing but suddenly we catch Ashe out of position. I quickly kill her and ult their other members. I quickly make a Triple kill and suddenly Diana pops up so I kill her too and just when I got excited again I see Master Yi split pushing at bot lane..*sigh*


Hats, and manly cosplay help

So after returning from MCM Expo in London, I'm told I have to cosplay next year in May, otherwise I'm walking. <_<
So looking for League of Legends cosplay ideas. Because cosplaying as anything else is too mainstream. I only found a handful of LoL characters!

(If either of you happen to use this site and don't want this image up, I can take it down, but I thought you guys looked awesome xD)
Other than those, we saw an Ezreal, a Caitlyn (Apparently, I never saw her), A Lee Sin (You can see his blindfold in the above image) and an Ahri.

I found a Lulu outfit that I'd totally wear if I would spend the £100+£30 posting for it. <_<
I threw my manliness out the window when I saw it.
I mean. I could even dye my hair blue and it'd work almost sort of kinda not.
Though it's mostly for the hat. I love Lulu's hat. I love hats in general, but Lulu's is absolutely amazing. I want a Teemo hat, and a Lulu hat. I bought an Ash Ketchum hat while I was there, which hasn't left my head besides sleep…

A scrub's opinion...

Let's look at the state of our game. Every time a new champion is introduced, we all start jumping up and down because the concepts are fantastic, the abilities are cool and they are like nothing we've seen before...
Personally, I feel like Riot nails a champion when it comes to how strong they are, and then makes a few way too over powered, and then an occasional few just very ****py. I will use Darius as an example of being overpowered since release, and went through several hard nerfs to get him to where he is today. The second is Rengar. The recent nerfs to him were some of the biggest I have ever seen... For those of us who can't remember that week of hell when he first came out, I can assure you he was even stronger then than he is now. Even after those heavy nerfs he is still viable.
But what about Hecarim? He tends to be very overlooked by players, he's extremely fun to play, to play with (the really important part, this is a game after all,) and he's really balanced. Hecarim w…

Twisted Treeline 2.0 - First Thoughts

So I just played my first five games on the new Twisted Treeline update. I wanted to wait for two of my team mates before I played my first game, but they've been too busying grinding elo for the new (and hideous) Janna skin. So, in the end I opted to just play some solo games. At four in the morning. Not a wise decision by any means. Anyway, here's what they looked like:

Now, I wasn't really sure what to expect. When I first started playing, I played 3v3 games almost exclusively. However, by level 20 or so, I was mainly playing 5v5's. Since then, I rarely ever ventured back to the Twisted Treeline. When I did tonight, it was strange. Not just because of the update, but because I've completely forgotten the dynamics of a 3v3 game. It's safe to say I struggled in that respect.

So, first all of, I must say the map looks beautiful. It's a great map and it's a joy to play on in that respect alone. The inclusion of the altars is a nice touch and adds an interesting dimension to the gam…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide