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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

It's taking too long ZZZZzzzz

I wrote a guide yesterday and damn..after not writing a guide for several weeks I have to say that to me it seemed like writing it took a lot of time. I didn't even add a lot of BB Coding and it still took a lot of time....let's see..I started writing the guide at about 9 pm and finished at about 2 5 hours..god..does it take you guys a long time to write guides too?

A HUGE source of rage in LoL...

Ok, for me, only one champion is a HUGE source of rage when it comes to League of Legends... Darius... Darius. Darius. DARIUS!!!! @#%)&_)!$%^&*^%%^*@!&%)^#%@#%!

Ok... I've calmed down... But seriously! His passive and ultimate are CRAZY OP AND broken! The fact that he can run into a teamfight, get everyone low and Ult, Ult, Ult, is comeplete and utter bulls**t.. Sorry, but I believe this completely.

And yeah I know I know, he can be shut down early game to suck late game if played correctly and blah blah blah... but I don't care, he's an over-powered, ultimate spamming, GRAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!

Ok... I've calmed down again... I know a lot of people are probably going to tell me to get over it or troll me because they like Darius, but if it were up to me, I'd remove him from the game. He's too damn strong. But what do you guys think?


Hey everybody.
I am new to this site, so it will take time for me to settle, but let you know that i can make the best build ever for few champs. Ahh..i like it, so just wanted to ask the pros that do any1 know how to change the profile picture as i hate lux.:P

see ya forward for the reply guys
" njoy, LOL "

1600 Rating

Although I past 1600, finally reached 1700 again after dropping months ago. There are still scrubs in 1600... Why are people so bad? Irelia against Malphite top that does no damage to Malphite blame an Alistar jungle for not ganking as I gave mid and bot over 6 kills in the first 15minutes of the gameplay. facepalm.jpg

League of Legends Moments, Vol. 4

Sorry for the lack of funny moments. But I've decided to keep it up because more have popped into my head and (unfortunately) into my games...

So without further delay... That moment when...

You use Flash, Ghost, or Exhaust to flee a fight you're destined to die in.

You use your ultimate with Ezreal or Ashe and you miss a kill by a centimeter.

You use every ability and summoner spell you have to kill someone and yet you don't get it because of a turret and a stun. (happens too many times..)

You keep hitting the key to an ability to kill someone instead of clicking your mouse to use it. (happens a lot to me as well... T_T)

You charge into a teamfight to turn the tide and instead your team (with full health mind you) scatters, you die, and they call you a noob for running into a 1v4 or 1v5.

As a jungler you try to coordinate a gank and instead they continue to push and they die, so they call you a noob.

You forget a key item you bought has an active ability that could sec…

The "Ins and Outs" of League of Legends

Now I know I'm not the only one who feels there are good times and bad times in League of Legends. And I'm not talking about the patches, broken champions, over-powered abilities, or buffs and nerfs of champions. What I'm referring to is the times you'll have massive win streaks, compared to the massive loss streaks you'll have. Not sure how that happens, when it seems no matter what champion you play, even if you've never played them before, you do amazing with either no deaths or a few deaths compared to your kills. Then, there are times that you'll play the champion you pride yourself on your skills with, and you'll feed so bad you'll scream at your monitor and break your keyboard. Here's my question... WHY THE HELL DOES THIS HAPPEN!? Never, ever, EVER understood why you can be so good with a champion, but you'll screw up when you KNOW you shouldn't. Overconfidence, maybe? I don't know. What do you guys think?

DFG-happy too see that thing becoming unavailable

So, I'm pretty happy that Dfg is roflstomped into the ground (Morello even wanted to remove it), for once because it was like a 5th ability and for 2nd because I ALWAYS forgot using it. Not that I'm a bad player, and I remember using things like Randuins but that thing.....

Also it made some stupid Ap's pretemtiously good, without them designed for AP,
which is k but they should be counter picks, not main picks.

Now I heard the argument (let me citate)"I really hate ie it makes adc do lots dmg i hope they make it unusable

same thing as saying what you said i hate it because mages do lots of dmg with it."

Now, the thing is, it wasn't balanced like the other items, it gave you a lot more than you actaully paid for it.

I can't win for losing.

My laptop hardly works anymore. It acting up. So today Im gonna to back up EVERYTHING. So I'll have to do is move all my stuff to a new laptop. Hopefully,I can convince my mom not to wait until Christmas to buy a new one. Ik,it's two months away,but I do a lot on my laptop besides making signatures. I hope I can get one next week,until then I'll have reopen request for sigs on Christmas day.

What the hell Riot!?!?

I just got back from school and read the Shadow Isles Patch Notes (here's a link if you haven't read them These patch notes are horrible..the only good thing is that twisted treeline is getting re-worked. The changes to the champs and the items are horrible. Sona and Blitz are getting nerfed (Blitz is my main support). Ez (my main AD Carry) W no longer reduces attack speed, Skarner (my main jungler) W has a longer cooldown, Eve's Ulti also got nerfed and they buffed Syndra a bit (a champion that was already strong) dumb...

The only good thing was that they nerfed Rengar. He really did need a nerf. And the item nerfs..oh god..DFG got nerfed so hard plus Phage and Trinity Force a little bit too.

I dunno about you guys but these patch notes are pretty bad for me. They nerfed 3 of my main champs...

My Amumu guide is live!

Well hello there my fellow MobaFire members, I just wanted to tell you that I have just recently released another guide, I call it Amumu - Dealing bandages since 2009. You can look it up from my profile or the link below.

If you like it you can upvote and keep an eye out for more of my guides, I will be making more and more guides now that Season 3 is approaching and I will also include LoLReplays in those guides.

TheMcDanee out

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide