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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

What a horrible day..

Woke up at 6 pm..yeah..6 pm! When school start for me in the morning I have to wake up at like 5-5:30 am and I'm a night time person so I go to bed really late (sometimes around 2 am) so I sleep a lot during weekends.

Anyways I woke up at 6 pm. My mouse has been ****ty all day (sometimes it stops working). I've only played 2 games. 1 3v3 to warm up and 1 ranked game and in both of those games it stopped working for a bit. Not to mention I got camped for the 4th time while playing Shyvana Top (would you believe me if I said I got camped in all 4 of my Shyv Top games? >.>)

Such a bad day. I won't be going to bed anytime soon so hopefully things improve..

Feel bored with bad score...

Hey, what's up!

My name is jokersprank but my reals name will be a secret xD. I'm playing on the EUW server and my summoner name is nighttray00 and I'm called night (so many names...). At the moment I'm not playing ranked cause I did a break in the winter (trauma from one game). But it's soon S4 so I will start there some time.

This was a lot about me. Well, let's come to the real subject. I've played yesterday night Ahri. I bought her a long time ago, just I didn't play her (passionate Teemo-player here). She is a funny champion but i suck at her and somehow I tend to throw games with her. So here comes my question; How did I win? Seriously, I had a really good start and then died a few times too much. 5/6/8 or so were my states. The other team were also solala but it was only the 20-minute-mark. Why did they surrender? Really I just don't know why people just give up. That's also the reason I'm so bored playing LOL.

There is always a chance to win. So t…

Learning Top

I decided that I needed to challenge myself more in the game. While I'm not a perfect ADC, I still feel really comfortable with the role and almost always do a great job playing that role. I tend to get bored with things quite quickly/easily, so I figured I would learn how to play a new role before I got sick of playing League.

At first I picked mid. I bought Annie and started learning how to lane mid. It was fun, pretty challenging and by far more difficult then ADC'ing. Lol. After I got my *** kicked quite a few times I thought that maybe mid was....well too much. I thought seriously about learning jungle. I even played bot games with Udyr to try to get a good feel for Jungle. But I learned that I wasn't the best at keep time on my buffs. I knew that in a real game, I would have been demolished in the first 5 minutes.

Then I came to top. I bought Riven forever ago after I was bullied into top lane one game. I build her tankier than most. But I can't stand how that ***** will die fa

Scammer wanted to hack/make panic me?


i censored his name, dis was a dude that time ago i played with, so he probably really got hacked or whatever, so i dont feel to tell the name.

[10:11] *CENSORED*: dude some1 just got all my info on my account
[10:11] Jack Rubino: ?
[10:11] *CENSORED*: idk how
do u know what i should do?
[10:12] Jack Rubino: tell riot.
the only way
[10:12] *CENSORED*: ok
[10:16] : fcking hate this hackers ...
[10:16] Jack Rubino: ikr
[10:17] *CENSORED*: worked hard on this account got skins from friends,spent more than a year playing than puff its gone
[10:17] Jack Rubino: whats gone? i dont think he can do anything at all
he cant sell champs skins or whatever
[10:17] *CENSORED*: ye but what if riot wont give me my account back?
if i log out dont…'ll help more than your ADC

People often say playing support is boring...but to me it isn't. I kinda like it since I don't have to worry much about CSing (partly because I suck at it). Honestly though...I feel that everyone should learn how to decently play a support character. It teaches you how, where, and when to ward. It helps to show how much of a priority warding is. Not only does it help with teaching how to ward...but also gold efficiency.

Because you lack gold from 0 CS then you need to understand what items you need to grab.
-Is Boots more important or should I be grabbing some more sight wards?
-Do I get a Nomad's Medallion or get

BRF (Biggest Rivals Forever) Art Post #11

So, we know people can get a bit frustrated at each other when we lose or get taunted, but you'll never want to get a champion angry once you see the destruction they can cause. So here's some art of champions that just can't let go of that grudge.
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Shyvanna vs Jarvan

Orianna vs Teemo

Diana vs Riven

PreSeason 4 Masteries and Runes Preview w/ CloudCarry

I had some people asking me about season 4 masteries, and the pbe just happened to update today. You can find the complete updated masteries here :

Rather than having to tell everyone what I thought over and over again, I figured it would be easier to make a video or two and just refer back to them. So without further ado, I present my opinion on what's going to be different in season 4 as compared to season 3.

Disclaimer: I haven't gone over every change, but in the interest of time, I wanted to instead go over what was going to be different and give you an idea of what people will be running in the next couple of weeks. Masteries Rundown Runes Overview

My SoloQ Tier list patch 3.13

Mid: Ahri, Kassadin, Gragas, Nidalee.
Marksman: Jinx, Svir, Caitlynn.
Jungle: Lee sin, Rammus. Vi.
Top Lane: Renekton, Jax.
Support: Sona, Thresh, lulu.

Mid lane:
Ahri - Even tho Ahri got nerfed she can still instagib people with DFG.
Kassadin - Nerfed his late game, but still does enough damage to nuke down or forcing the enemy carry to fall back.
Gragas - His ultimate can cause a massive damage towards the enemy carries, besides the damage you can either safe your team or taking down people when they are off position.
Nidalee - People who know how to play nidalee at the laning phase will probally dominate late game. Forcing people to heal up after hitting a few speers and it's even possible to damage 80% of the enemy carries.

Jinx - I don't even know how to explain this. Great 1 v 1 duelist, 700 Range + AOE crit, Ultimate is just fking retarted.
Sivir - I hate her shield, Her ultimate is very useful for the team. Laning fase is strong against many markmans.
Caitlynn …

Re-work done. Woo~!

Well I finally did the re-work for my Katarina guide. I think it's way better now :P I just need to order some good guide graphics and it'll be done.

After that it's time to finish those review that I never go to finish in my Guide Review Shop. Actually I might do them right now xD we'll see.

Can anyone recommend a good shop for guide graphics?

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide