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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Blog Entry #3

Ok so I have been in B5 Hell for quite some time...mainly due to loss and gain of points, getting to a promo and then back down to last spot. I think that from my personal are ALWAYS going to have THOSE type of people who will troll your game given they don't get the role they spam out, dumbass teammates that seem cool at first then talk **** the entire game pointing out everyones mistakes but their own..OR and in my case HONESTLY very rarely you end up screwing up too much to the point of no return. Now the best thing to do is to obviously skill yourself in EVERY role so even if you get last pick AND you WILL..especially in B5 can still give your team a fighting chance in each game. I am 29 years I usually stay pretty damn quiet in almost all games I get into give or take some that I make little comments here and there..BUT you CANNOT do ANYTHING about the people you play with...its a FTP game and there are A **** TON of kids between the ages of 12-20…

Setting your sights too high, how to avoid falling down

Hey guys, shuru here. I recently came back to league and this website, and was thinking a lot about why I quit league, and why I have depression strikes when I watch pros in many games.

In a game like LoL, we have out goals, we have our expectations, and we have our eventual wants and needs. I'm a gamer at heart, beyond beliefs, I've gone pro in a few games (namely smaller games off of the radar), and I've been on PvP leaderboards for multiple MMOs. What does that mean to any of you? I've been up there, I've had pro plays, and so on in many games.

Not in LoL. I've had decent play, I've had good play, but I'm not that great of a player. Why does that bother me so much? I used to ask myself that question a lot, and I came down to this conclusion.

I had high standards

What does that mean? for the game? LoL is great right? well yeah, it is a good game. But that sentence is about me. I played League for about a year before deciding I wanted to go for broke, go as high as I could. I didn…

For guide writers and critics

Everyone, chillax.

There seems to be some confusion about proper activities and behaviors when it comes to guide writing and critique. I'm going to lay it all out so that we can all come to an understanding about some do's and don'ts. If you want, you can paste this blog whenever things get a bit heated in a guides' comments section.

For the guide writers:
Submitting your thoughts and ideas to a website can be enriching, informative, and fun. Everyone's ideas are welcome in our open forum. With that being said, everyone's ideas are subject to the same scrutiny and examination. We appreciate you taking time out of your life to take time and put your thoughts on this website for no compensation. Everyone wins!

However, be aware that when building a champion, there are very few "right" answers. Some champions build paths are extremely narrow (see Shen top). If you choose to express the validity of a build that doesn't fall within these answers (outside of the meta) then that's ok! The…

League of Legends - I Am Top LANE NASUS - Full Game...

This match I was just getting a feel for the game again and I did better than I could have, as I assume you have all seen how epically I can fail, in my previous videos. My buddy HybridHippo and I rant on Skype and have a blast. I hope you do to.

Thanks for watching and...

Don't forget to check out my buddy HybridHippo

But First....

-Thanks for watching

-Thanks for watching

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Dealing with Lifesteal

Spellvamp has been nerfed to the ground. I'm pretty sure the only people who build it are Vladimir and the occasional Fiddlesticks.

Meanwhile, lifesteal is considered core for every carry in existence, and tends to be preferred by ranged carries, since they have an easier time kiting while healing up.

As far as I know, there are three ways of dealing with lifesteal.

Answer this..

What are your goals/dreams for the future? I'm gonna start working on a secret project soon (not League or Mobafire related) and if you guys answers this question for me it would help out a ton! :P

Well what are you waiting for? Gimme some good answers! :P

P.S - Troll answers are fine but post a real answer as well (pretty please?)

Getting tired of being a nice guy

Hello everyone!

This last weekend I really played LoL a lot (in my terms, I can play maybe 1-2 matches per day, playing 5+ means a lot. This weekend I played maybe around 15-20 matches :D) and even though I'm happy for leveling up by 2 levels, I got pretty fed up with my random team-mates.

In every 3 of 5 games I got some rage kid, that started to wreak havoc on the team morale.

And I always took the pain and somehow persuaded him, to calm down. At first I didn't mind, but with every other game it got harder and harder not to say to him something like THIS and mute him.

But in a game, where I just muted him and went on, I saw how our team's efficiency started to decrease. All of a sudden, jungler stoped ganking, top started to feed and even that enemy team was a bunch of really bad players, we lost.

We lost, because my team spent more time typing **** into the team chat and not paying attention to the game. Best part was when they just went to the bush to have time to write someth…

Some thoughts about Supports in S4

So i heard about the upcoming vision and game flow changes, which really affect supports.

As far as the thing with vision goes, i think it's fair. Now teams and supports must be really carefull on how they want to use their wards and all participate in this. That will allow supports to save more gold for big items. As a sequence they will be more effective late game, given of course the fact that the whole team places wards and uses trinkets.

The second thing is that on supports AP will not only affect the damage/healing/shield done but also the ultility of the ability. This will probably make supports stronger late game and it is possible that buying items like Shard of True Ice or Twin Shadows(generally every item with a supportish aura/active/passive and AP). The point is, how does Riot know which champs are supports. People always tended to use unconvential champions for any role, will champions like

What I would like to see in S4

Hello everybody!

With S4 being just a few weeks away, it makes me wonder what can we expect from it, and I don't mean just the forthcoming stuff. Since I grew fond of this game lately, I gave it a thought and here is what I would like to see happening next:


No more new champions, please! Or at least not for now. There is already more than 100 of them and I believe, that except Koreans nobody really knows them all so well. And plenty of them are quite useless, if you ask me (or the community).

I wouldn't mind one or two new champions during the whole year, but I think it would be for the best, if Riot Games would rather take a look at all the useless champions and fix them, so they will be viable for ranked playing once again. So we will see some diversity in the matches, not only the same 10-15 heroes all around.


Yes, that's right. A brand new map. I don't care for what mode it will be - ARAM or Dominion, but with upcoming "All for One" mode, maybe it will…


Hi guys, I'm Stattik. Im new in here so I dont really know much of mobafire. I entered here because I hear this from my friends. My friends love to create LOL guides. Today I have created Yorick's Guide. HAHAHA, Its fun to create. I love making builds and guides, especially in solo top champions like yorick. Yorick is one of my favorite champions. So if you need solo top champion guides, just message me. And if there is something wrong in my guide just comment. Your likes and hatred makes me alive...

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide