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BestRivenNA ? Gameplay/Montage Ranked - League of...

Hi,this is my Riven gameplay/montage.Thanks for watching.
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Traps, Wards, Teamfights, oh my!

What I do in all of my games, is ward. Warding is very important for a team, even if I play Nidalee, Caitlyn, or Teemo. Wards are important, and so is map awareness. I make some of my best plays and initiates because I see a random Fiora off in jungle on the other side of the map, so I force the 4v5 and catch the opposing team out. Just a reminder, welcome to my Mobafire account, please review my guides and as always, enjoy!

Invino ELite Gameing

if there are any sponcers for lcs seeking a team i am currently running a team that is very cordinated know ho w to make plays happen and have 2 veteran pro gamers myself a former halo3 and cod pro player for 2 years and my top laner who is a veteran starcraft player and we have a five player who are currently improving and are all seking a spot in the lcs

WE ARE InvinoELite.

Methods to bring back junglers

I posted a blog post at the wiki and I want to share it:,_some_changes_which_are_needed#WikiaArticleComments

It is about what item and jungle monster changes have to be done in order to stop targon's on anyone. There is also another idea in it to specify more between AoE Clearers and Single Target clearers. Ah, btw, the Wight camp should be a Lizard, cuz Nunu bot wants that.

Opinion on S4 patch and One for All Mode

So the new Season 4 patch came out recently as well as the One for All mode (it's temporary though) and I figured I'd give my opinion both.

For the Season 4 patch I feel like it's similar to the Season 3 patch but better in certain aspects. For example when Season 3 patch came people were crying about it saying that League went downhill (newbies will be newbies) and the same goes with this patch. I see so many people crying about stuff being OP (*cough* Targons *cough*) and it's annoying but at the same time expected. I personally like most of the changes. Supporting is so much better than before. You actually get to buy items and I really like that. Top Lane doesn't really feel that different. I'm still trying to adjust to the new brushes. One thing I didn't like was the nerfs they did for the Jungle items. I have no idea why they decided to nerf them but oh well. Oh and this new 2-1-2 strategy everyone is talking about seems stupid. Luckily Riot are doing a hotfix for Targons so we …


So yeah, Udyr was down the entire game, pretty much. I noticed he was running hamsters during loading lol.

Getting the ward coverage I'm used to is difficult, though the wards I had sufficed in this case. I wish we DID have a ward slot...the issue late game is that you'd have to dedicate an item slot that could be used for something else if you want someone else to have wards. In terms of vision, it probably didn't help that the enemy was missing three trinkets.

I decided to get Twin Shadows as my last item to give me a kiting boost; their team was very mobile with

First Look Yasuo


Yasuo is a close range assassin/AD caster style of champion. His gameplay involves a good amount of maintenance work to be pulled off. I feel like he will be one of those "Yasuo main" kinda champions where the people that play him well, are the ones who play him alot. His kit involves alot of mobility as well as ability management. If played well though he offers an INSANELY fun gameplay experience with a strong kit.

Skills(Most of these are current numbers from the RoG patch notes):

Way of the Wanderer (passive) Resolve: Moving grants Yasuo Flow, which is tracked on his resource bar -- moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster grants him a shield for 2 seconds. Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike chance is doubled.

This passive has 2 parts. The first part is a shield that he gets after he has charged his flow gauge to 100% which he can do by moving around. The values of the shield are typically around 20% of your max h…

One for All.... Wu vs Annie.. sounds fair?..

As we all know from the new patch, the new gameplay mode One for All has been activated and to try it out, I was matched up in a game with Wukong vs Annie. I got to play as Annie and as we well know that those champions are in different categories in attack skills, I felt that it was not all that fair to Wukong since we have a team of champions who can cast spells and stun the enemy from a bit of a distance. But then again Wukongs also have a choice of going full magic resist against a ap range.

However, none of the Wukongs did not play that well but there were instances where if Wukongs played properly they could've just backdoored into our base and destroyed the nexus but in the end a group of annies against a few wukongs doesn't really do well for the Wukongs. Enjoy the gameplay below.

WolfeOrome: a little about me

Well, hello there.

I've just written my first real guide on MobaFire (I don't really count the Amumu guide I did sometime last year, because I was a total noob and it sucked) so I figured it was time to tell you a little about myself.

My name is Michael. I'm a 21 year old college student. Some of my favorite things: guitar, my girlfriend (Summoner name AmaelaminVana), pizza, Dr. Pepper and League of Legends.

I played Ranked for the first time toward the end of Season 3. I placed in Silver III, and had a hell of a lot of fun getting there. In Ranked play, I've played support Sona, ADC Varus, Jungle Vi, and support Soraka.

I put a lot of thought into my Sona Guide, and I've had some great advice from friends and reviewers on this site. I sincerely hope it works well for you if you try it. If you don't like it, please let me know what you think I could do better. I'm always open to suggestions, and I definitely want to become a better player and write better guides.

Hit me up if you …

One for All is live!

"If you've ever dreamed of nuking an enemy team with five Final Sparks, chaining together a series of Unstoppable Forces or living forever with back-to-back Chronoshifts, now's your chance.
One for All will be available from 11/22 to 12/2 so cover the battlefield with Cannon Barrage and have some fun!"


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide