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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

So much for my productive day.

My English class was canceled today,so I took the day off so I can get somethings done for school. I always use up my day on Friday to study and such. Over the weekend,I can't get a thing done. Our new house is a two bedroom with another room without a wall. That room without the wall is my room. I can't study into the night time because everyone is so loud. Well,I told my mom I took Wednesday(today) off so I could get work done. Guess who is home? My mom. It was nice and quiet,I was working productively,and it was sorta relaxing. Until,I hear the garage door open. Reallllllllllllly? You felt like coming home for no freaking reason. All because I took the day off. Ik it doesn't seem like a big deal,but it's a big deal to me.

I have no study time over the weekends,except at night. I study up until 2am on weekend nights so I can make up for not doing it during the day. Over the weekends up I have to get up at 8 because everyone is loud. I feel like I might as well went to school today.

Troll Games

I have started a trend of occasionally going into a PVP game and either instalock a random, or I pick a champion I have never played with, and just buying whatever a want at that moment in time, whether it be AD items, AS items, Tanky items, etc. I have found this to be quite amusing to me, because their have been times when I totally destroy the lane, and others where I get smashed. Anyone have opinions on this? How about any other ways you have fun? Opinions on being on the opposing team of someone like me?


I recently started playing as Cho'gath top lane (I used to play him when i first started out because of how simple his kit is). I have a few other top laners such as Darius, Fiora, Lee Sin, and others. I love being the tank for my team. One thing I cannot figure out is, which is more important, hp, or armor/mres? I usually end a game with a Randuin's Omen, Warmog's, and ocasionally a Frozen Heart and Sunfire cape (depending on the game length). Any tips/tricks for tanks?

map view

ok so I love playing this game but I don't like the view of your champ when playing purple in pvp. your looking at your champ so you have a very small view of whats going on. using free look is really annoying when you have to run away or basically using it is annoying. I wish they should make both sides view the same so no one has trouble seeing around them.


My god..I recently finished watching a 12 episode anime and..the only bad thing about the anime is that it has only 12 episodes. The story is amazing, characters are amazing, the animation is good, music too..everything was good about this anime but..12 episodes..that makes me so sad cause I wanna watch it more TuT

If you guys are into anime I highly recommend you watch this anime. It's called Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting in the Summer). I'll leave some links below just so you won't have to search for it. Enjoy if you do plan on watching it!~ (Even if you're not an anime fan I still recommend that you check it out cause it might just get you interested in anime.) (If you wanna learn more about it before starting it) (You can watch it here with English Subtitles)

P.S - The final episode is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I never cry to movies or animes but I was crying on the in…

Are IP boosts worth it? (Answer included)

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

I was wondering 5 seconds ago if IP boosts are worth the RP.
I am going to compare this, with buying a 6300 IP champion.
So let's calculate it:

2 wins boost = 160 RP
50 wins boost = 2560 RP

1 day boost = 290 RP
30 day boost = 3490 RP

A 6300 IP champion = 975 RP

1 win bonus in normal ~ 145 IP
1 win bonus in ranked = 166 IP
1 loss bonus = 0 IP

1 win (of 45 min) bonus = 104 IP
1 loss (of 45 min) bonus = 63,2 IP

First comparison
Let's take a closer look:

A champion has an IP worth of: 6300/975 = 6,46 IP/RP
That means, each point of RP equals 6,46 IP

2 Win-boosts
So let us look at the win boosts:

The 2 wins boost costs 160 RP and grants:
145 * 2 = 290 IP in normal games
166 * 2 = 332 IP in ranked games

That means that the IP you get per RP is:
290/160 = 1,8 IP/RP in a normal game
332/160 = 2,1 IP/RP in a ranked game

The amount of IP you get from buying a champion = 6,46 IP/RP, that means that 2-win boosts …

LOL Blog/ Life as a Riolu.

Okay i've been here a while now okay like a week. I just wanted to say hi~! That is all~!

3/2/13 : I JUST carried as a Support Sona guys, that is saying something considering i was facing Taric and Vayne. To which they can beat me like heck. But instead, it was me who did the beating and overpowered with a score of 7/1/10. Talk about OP much. :P

3/3/13: Wow, I thought Sona fed was overpowered. But TEEMO fed. Oh man he's a killer. I would know, it was me. I had Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Lyandry's Torment, and Boots of Mobility with both buffs. Whew, they had no chance. Okay i sound TOO cocky yeah i died sometimes but it was still a great game!

My Champions and how they summon me...

Hi - this is my first post and it's really just a placeholder and jumping off point for future work.

I'm NewBott, my 3rd Summoner name (didn't like my 1st or 2nd attempts)...I have been playing LoL for about 6 months and am level 22. I have only played 4 "Normal" games and Won just one of those - I spend most of my time trying to get some consistency and some confidence playing 5 v 5 against bots...I am not exactly sure but I believe my win % there is 97% or higher.

I have sucked at this game -- done everything wrong except one thing -- I didn't quit or let my focus and effort wane. Early on my game stats would look something like 0-8-2...sometimes I might see a 2-5-5...other times I might see a 0-12-0. I am happy to say that this has changed. Not to the image of perfection but most certainly a visible sign of average finishing stats have changed to look more like 2-5-12. Yes I still sometimes tank a game, I don't know why...but I am focused on improvement.



Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier I consider of equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last person in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I DO forget a champion, please mention it and I will add them. If I don't mention a champion for a role, IE jayce in jungle tier list, it probably means I don't consider them 'competent' enough for that role, or maybe I just forgot them.

(^) - next to name = gone up a tier
(v) - next to name = gone down a tier

Tier 1: Amumu, Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Vi(v), Jarvan IV(^)
Tier 2: Noctu…

Meet the parents part2

2 hrs till I meet the parents stomach is going crazy with knots. And I'm really really hungry!!!! Scariness. But on the upside I beat the tar out of a Katarina with Gragas earlier today. I was at like 1000 ping though constantly too and carried my team. I could say I drank her 6ft under the table.

What I didn't know though is her mother has a shorter fuse. Good thing she is wearing a cast from surgery or else I might come home black and blue and missing a few teeth. :p

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide