Pick cleanse, try to cast ult while she is trying to cast her. Poke her with Q, she cant poke back.
Dodge charm and she is harmless, since she cant one shot you without it. Wait until she hit R then just use miasma uner her legs.
Land Q so she is visible in her W. Keep her outranged. Phase Rush recomenned.
If you pick phase rush lane is free. Just try to dodge her stun.
Aurelion Sol
He can trade better in early. Try to get tear/some ap before fighting.
He can easily poke Cass, but if you use R right after his R you can stun him and run towards him. Phase rush rec.
He is useless early, poke him out and then just run in him. Phase for easy kill/Conq for sustain if needed.
She can easliy one shot you if you arent paying attention. Try to poke her and trade before her lvl 6.
When he is jumping in you, simply use miasma and ult him before he can run off.
Try to outrange him and poke with Q every second you can. If you dodge R and keep distance its free lane.
Try to destroy towers with Q + E, keep distance, best tactic is just farming.
Try to outrange her, poke with Q from distance. Watch out when she have stacks/is about to/
Poke with Q, then just run him down when he have less then 60-70% hp. Conq for flat ap, Phase for easier running (wall).
Keep him away from cs early so he cant farm. He need 2 items to do something, watch for enemy ganks and try to run him down when he have no mana to R.
Cass is biggest counter to Kata. Land Q while she is jumping to win trade. When she is ulting remember where was her face before ult, to easy stun +miasma for kill.
Try to dont trade early, if you dont die early you can land Q and keep distance, then just wait for her mistake and run her down.
Dont get poked by Q, land your's Q for free lane. Phase.
Extreamly easy. Pick phase and run her down.
If you menage to click R just before he uses his R, you can stun him and run him down. Phase or Conq.
If she kill you early it can be tricky, but if you can get tear without dying its free.
Almost unplayable against. She can free poke you and then just R you. Try to keep as much distance as you can, ask jungler for help. Pick phase.
If you land Q you have free trade, keep distance, try to poke.
You can win trades even when he is ahead. Just land ult and run him down. Phase and tp.
Land Q, dodge E and you have free trade/kill. If neccesary ult and run away when he is ulting.
Pick cleanse, keep distance and dodge her Q. Use cleanse after her stun, ult and try to get kill.
Dont die early, land Q while trading, keep distance and poke. Remember to ss.
Twisted Fate
You can easily trade, just land Q. Free poke. Just ss immediately after he is missing.
Dont walk into cage, poke him with Q and dodge his Q. Phase rush.
Almost unplayable. Try staying inside minions, dodge his W tho. While he is ulting try F + your ult for only chance. Phase rush.
Very skill match up. Dodge his Q after trade and try to ult him at all cost. Phase rush.
Extreamly easy. Land Q, then run down with E for free trades. He cant do anything in early. Later, when he is trying all-in, wait until he comes out of W and use miasma and R. Phase/Conq.
Almost unplayable. Try to dodge spells and ask your jungler for help since he dont have escape. Phase, cleanse.
Try to land Q before trading and just go back after wind wall. Dont come to close tho! Stay away from your cs.
Use miasma immediately after he use his E (he cant go back even auto so he will stay in place). Land Q for free trade. Conq if you can land miasma.
Face your ult to the opposite site he started on, just after he use his ult for stun. Then miasma and just kill him.
If you menage to dodge her E you are half way there. Then just try to not die killed by your spells/her Q. Ghost/cleanse/tp.
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