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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Best Summoners, FLASH for ultimate kills!
Challenging Smite
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hey everyone, my name is @ChaseMorePlz! I bought the Sand Wraith Pyke skin on accident, so now I'm a Pyke main. I hope everyone welcomes me positively. I found a GREAT rune and build set up for Jungle Pyke! My first time using this setup I went 14/3/5 in Ranked Solo/Duo by ganking the right lanes. I choose the proper lanes to gank with the live game functions! I have demonstrated how to do this on my live stream. 🦅
Pyke Montage:
Role In Game
Role in Game:
Pyke has MASSIVE early game ganking potential, especially when compared to other junglers. Focus on learning how to gank by identifying your win condition early on in the game.
Getting kills early is the best way to pressure an early lead by ganking and snowballing, so building the Warrior jungle enchantment is very effective when and immensely satisfying when you land hooks. It is important to note that laning against different matchups takes experience in the bot lane as to which champions function best with other picks in the current meta.
Pyke has MASSIVE early game ganking potential, especially when compared to other junglers. Focus on learning how to gank by identifying your win condition early on in the game.
Getting kills early is the best way to pressure an early lead by ganking and snowballing, so building the Warrior jungle enchantment is very effective when and immensely satisfying when you land hooks. It is important to note that laning against different matchups takes experience in the bot lane as to which champions function best with other picks in the current meta.
Pyke Support Build! ChaseMorePlz Best
You can also utilize Pyke well with a simple build oriented towards roaming. First, I build the item Relic Shield and rush the upgrade along with Sweeping Lens. Next, I'm sure to rush Mobility Boots into Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade of Draktharr.
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