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If the enemy morg has a brain she will black sheild every Q, but she can only E every 25 seconds early game, so play around the E
he can shutdown your whole engage onto the adc with an auto and flip it from there, try to play wround him engaging.
you counter her hook incredibly, when she hooks onto you, E back to your turret or adc, she will follow you the whole way and is stunned after, from there just hook away from your adc and hopefully get her into ult range.
free lane.
if he hooks you, you will have time to E away, usually it will stun him so take that time to target the adc, one blitz's kit is down you have so much time to go in, his abilities are on such a long CD, if he hooks, E flash onto the carry, hit 3 autos, wait for flash away anf hook back.
she can E away from your whole kit, maybe land an early hook before she has E and go for an all in off of level 2 advantage.
insane poke, she can block hooks with plants, play around their spawns, target the carry, she cant peel at all til 6.
if you hook him, he will usually reavtivly stun, then E away, if he does this he is slowed, so an E to the side flash double stun onto the carry is easy, unless lucian or ezreal or others with dashes.
usuall with W, Q onto your adc, when he engages, e onto the adc, if they flash it reactivly flash to confirm stun, then Q them back behind you, get 3 hail of blades autos off with ignite, all this will happen before alistar has even stunned your adc.
jsut pokes you, you will regen, watch for his R, if the palyer has great reaction timing they can counter your R, not giving you the reset.
theyll be so far back just poking you, engage on adc, all xerath can do to peel is stun once which can be easily dodged.
huge poke, his burn can be countered by your passive, dont engage on him, wait for W, thats his way of setting up a big R or stun.
free lane, he wont be there.
has 17 flashes, you wont R him
your Q into E combo sets up a huge condem oppertunity, if post 6 you will be able to excecute by then, watch for heal or flash.
your hook sets up a great chance for her isolation damage, they'll have to flash out, even if they do, kaisa can R onto them, your hook CD will be up, theyll have no flash, free kills.
shes OP, everything you do can setup a trap, into net combo, making an R easy to land, if they get out she can excicute with R too.
your Q into E combo sets up a huge condem oppertunity, if post 6 you will be able to excecute by then, watch for heal or flash.
your hook sets up a great chance for her isolation damage, they'll have to flash out, even if they do, kaisa can R onto them, your hook CD will be up, theyll have no flash, free kills.
shes OP, everything you do can setup a trap, into net combo, making an R easy to land, if they get out she can excicute with R too.
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