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His spell shield and disengage and very potent against Leona. Avoid getting locked down yourself and play safe.
CC, disengage, and punish a plenty from Swain—don't get cocky. Focus the ADC first.
Good disengage and CC—squishy but threatening if played well. Avoid taking autoattacks
Strong early against Leona due to poke range.
Good disengage, poke, CC, and spell shield. Big counter to Leona, and very strong currently.
Strong disengage and lethality HURTS. he is still squishy so punish mistakes if the ADC is ready to go in with you.
Good disengage and poke, focus the ADC and watch out for her Q.
Burst isn't threatening but the disengage potential with boxes and stealth is. Protect your ADC at all costs.
Good disengage, poke, CC, and shielding. Anyone who can get away from Leona is going to be hard.
Disengage and hard CC make him very threatening. His ranged autos give him the edge here. Punish early engages while he's squishy!
Disengage is very powerful, and locking down his ADC will be tough.
Tanky with great peel, strong options for disengage and engage. Neither of you will kill eachother very easily without help, so try to coordinate a kill on him before he's ahead.
Poke is so irritating on Xerath, and he can stay distant to avoid trouble. His burst won't get you too badly but it's worth taking caution here.
High CC and disengage always spells trouble—if he tries to all in you but fails, punish IMMEDIATELY.
Punish the ADC if they aren't there. Also has difficulty disengaging pre level 6. Post level 6, can be challenging if you didn't get to bully their lane early.
Squishy pre level six, kill her then before her disengage becomes ridiculous
Poke and CC at long range is threatening—bait a Q that misses then all in pre level 6.
Irritating poke and CC if you aren't careful, squishy though.
Disengages well, but melee makes him easy to lockdown.
Tahm Kench
He can save his ally from your ult, and can be very annoying with the shield. Other than this, you are generally going to win fights if you focus their lane partner.
Powerful poke but no disengage—lock her down and win the skirmish.
Without any reliable CC pre level 6, you have a good shot at ruining the ADC's day. Locking down the ADC will usually result in a win here.
Poke threat and very able to escape if skilled. tends to keep out of distance for lock downs—a well placed ult can really help here.
So squishy, get her ass. Poke is a little threatening, don't get too tunnel sight on her.
Can't tower dive anymore. You outperform him most of the time.
Her sustain and poke is irritating but her disengage isn't all that hard to deal with. You can keep up with her mist form easily.
You're better off focusing the ADC here if they extend out of tower. You can take her in her armor form if she's out of position.
No reliable CC, squishy. Lock her down.
Burst isn't a problem for Leona, let him hook for the extra engage potential lol. If he pulls you, lock down the ADC.
Squishy and burst oriented. Avoid her poke potential (long auto attacks) and kill her quickly.
Burst isn't threatening to Leona, lock him down and keep your ADC safe while they kill him.
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