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Azir is very annoying to go up against because he can safely poke you from behind the wave with his soldiers, but he lacks mobility so if he ever steps out from behind the safety of his minions, you can go for a quick E Q W combo and harass him that way.
Again, Cass isn't too troublesome, but she can be trouble if you don't know how to play against her. Like Azir, she has no mobility, so try to harass her in lane and deny her kills and CS.
Fizz is counterable, however he can easily dodge your charm, so you're going to want to bait out his jump before going in on him. Also, make sure to keep an eye on the minimap and make sure your team knows when he is not in lane, because he is also an AP mage assassin and will likely roam to get kills when he can't kill you.
Heimerdinger is not good to go up against, but he is very squishy. You're going to want to focus on CS and break his turrets any chance you can.
Leblanc is a bit dangerous because of her high damage, cc, and mobility, but you're just going to want to get to level 6 as fast as you can and try to roam to get kills to get ahead.
Lux has very good poke, so your biggest concern is dodging her Q and E so you can't land her Ult as easily.
Terrible. He's very hard to play against because he gets a free spellshield, has a silence, and can cc you very hard with his Ult and just kill you if you get stuck. It's winnable, but you're gonna want to be as safe as you can while laning.
Be careful of her root, and you should be fine. Focus on CS and poking her as much as you can.
Orianna has high cc and very good poke. Focus on CS, and try to roam and get kills.
Syndra isn't too bad as long as you dodge her orbs when she shoves them at you, otherwise you will be stunned. She lacks mobility, so harass that if she steps out.
Dodge her W and you'll be fine. Poke her and CS as much as you can, and ping when she's gone because she has very good roam potential from her passive.
Talon has very good poke and is an AD assassin that can shred you very fast if you aren't careful. Focus on poking and CS, and try to play safe. near your turret until you can roam.
Not too bad to go against. Stay mobile and dodge his cage. Harass him in lane and try to roam for kills when you see an opportunity.
High burst damage, but just stay mobile and try to harass him because he doesn't have a lot of movement.
Try your best not to get hit with his tornado so he can't Ult you. Also, try to bait his windwall before going in.
Hard matchup, but just try to predict when he's going to switch with his clone and try to charm him when he gets too close. Don't let him roam and get kills.
Dodge his bombs and don't get stunned. Harass him as much as possible.
Dodge her E and Q when she does them and you should be okay. Try to charm her when she ults and get a quick combo off.
Ashe is a good ADC to have on your team because she can slow anyone she hits and provides good vision for you to chase down targets.
He can hook people into your charm for easy kills.
Evelynn is good because she also has a charm and if you don't kill them, she can ult and they're most likely dead.
Good speed boosts for chasing down champions.
Same as Karma.
Same as Blitzcrank
Ashe is a good ADC to have on your team because she can slow anyone she hits and provides good vision for you to chase down targets.
He can hook people into your charm for easy kills.
Evelynn is good because she also has a charm and if you don't kill them, she can ult and they're most likely dead.
Domination Tree:
Electrocute is very easy to proc on Ahri, and it essential if you want to burst people down. I see a lot of people taking Sudden Impact on Ahri, and while that is not a bad rune to take, it's much easier to get procs of Cheap Shot from your E, so you do more damage. Eyeball Collection will help you scale very hard in the middle-late game. Finally, Ultimate Hunter will make it so you can use Spirit Rush much more often. Ahri is very vulnerable when her Ult is down, so it is very good to have a short CD on it. Sorcery Tree:
Manaflow Band is essential on Ahri, as she is a very mana-hungry mid laner in the early game, and once you hit 250 bonus mana, you will have more mana regen, so you won't have to worry about being OOM. Gathering Storm is good because it will make you snowball the longer the game lasts.
First Back
Your top priority as an AP Burst assassin is to do damage, so Lost Chapter is the first item you want to get when you back because it gives you a nice AP boost as well as good mana regen, so you won't be as mana-hungry anymore. Refillable is also a must-have for going back to lane after your first back, as it will save you a lot of money in the long run instead of having to buy potions every back, and it will just refill when you go back to base. Boots of Speed is good to get on your first back because it will make you more mobile and harder to land abilities on. Finally, it's always good to buy a Pink Ward because it will give you vision and also deny your enemy laner vision.
Full Build
Luden's Echo is an absolute must for playing Ahri. It gives you AP, mana, and CDR, and it's passive helps with doing more burst damage. The second item you're going to want to get is your full Sorcerer's Boots, as they give you MS and Magic Penetration. The third item is Lich Bane. Lich will give you more AP, more CDR, more mana, and a movement speed boost, as well as an empowered auto-attack so you do more damage. Deathcap is self-explanatory. Morellonomicon is good, especially if the enemy team has a lot of healing, plus it gives you more Magic Penetration. Finally, Void Staff is a good item to finish off your build, because it gives you AP and Magic Penetration.
Optional/Situational Items
Mejai's is good if you get fed early and don't die a lot. Banshee's Veil is good against Veigar, Malzahar, and other champions. Zhonya's is good if they have someone like a fed ADC, or their mid laner got fed and can easily burst down the team.
Ability Maxing
You will always want to max your Q first because it is the highest damaging ability in your kit with magic damage on the way out, and true damage on the way back. Max your w second and then your e, but you can always switch them, it depends on if you want more cc or more damage.
Early Game
In the early game, you don't do a lot of damage, and deaths before level 6 need to be avoided if you want to do good. Focus on CS and poking at your laner until you get Lost Chapter, Boots of Speed, and Refillable. Make sure you know where your laner is before roaming.
Mid Game
Mid game is where Ahri really starts to do damage, as by now you should have full Luden's Echo and full boots, so you will do damage. Focus on pushing your lane as much as possible before going to help other laners. You can always gank bot lane if you want easy kills. You fir in very well in team fights, and make sure you land your charm because you are very good at engaging fights.
Late Game
By now you should be almost full build, and the game is close to ending. You now have a lot of AP and can shred the other team. Look for solo kills on targets like squishy ADCs and supports, and try to kill their Jungler so they can't get objectives like drake.
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