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Only winnable if the Xerath player spaces incorrectly or doesn't bully you enough in lane. Take Phase Rush and tenacity in runes.
:o gl rush antiheal and play safe whole game until he misplays. Try to out roam him. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see him as enemy mid on champ select.
will out teamfight you late game but rly easy to 1v1. You will never lose 1v1 with mortal reminder
gg ez, In lane start using e and then q him and instantly recast to stun so there is no way for him to outplay you with minions. You will never lose 1v1 with mortal reminder
keep in mind that jax e dodges Ryze q and you will never lose 1v1, always focus him in teamfights, he will become troublesome in teamfights late game.
You win early and whoever is more ahead wins late.
lmao Irelia mid, just as ez as Irelia top. care when her passive is fully stacked tho.
You cant trade in lane vs a good gragas, he will just e you away. play safe and you win late.
xd, if he spaces correctly nothing you can do vs him... unless you have cleanse, in which case you have to only use it and run him down if he is low enough. Take Phase Rush and tenacity in runes. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see him as enemy mid on champ select.
:D, he cant hit you lmao just all in and kill him all game.
it is necessary to dodge at least a few of his abilities when going in and use r when he uses his r .he will will oneshot you if you don't, this is especially important in late game.
Take tenacity in runes and dodge her charm, generally you only want to go in if she used it. safe your q until she uses r1, then instantly e and q+recast e asap to stun before she can use r2 to dodge e.
Master Yi
We do a little bit of trolling... he literally cant do anything, e when he uses q and then recast to stun after. he should never win. watch out for him solokilling ur whole team tho. Always focus and shut him down in teamfights. Usually not hard to do.
Try to not take too many risks when he has r. Use your own r instantly when he uses his.
if you know the enemy mid picked jax mid for some dumb reason (what a troll idea xd) pick any artillery control mage (Velkoz, Verath, Ziggs, even Lux) and stay out of his q range for the whole game, bully him out of lane and pressure teamfights. focus him, if he builds crit you can generally oneshot him if he is anywhere near you
Twisted Fate
? Just dodge his stun card with e. If he goes ap (they almost always do) his q will do some damage but you destroy him/ If he goes ad he can literally never damage you/cc you or do anything if you use e at the start of trade and q out after.
After he rolls on the floor with e, it is important to have a good reaction time and start using e immediately, his next auto is empowered for the next 3 seconds and jax e lasts 2 second + stuns for 1 so if you time perfectly he cant use empowered auto. Or if u good at life just e when he blinks. The reason its important to dodge is because it usually decides the post 1st item 1v1s in this lane. hyperlate game he oneshots you. Early game you can play very aggressive.
Very hard matchup for toplane and even worse for mid. start using e when she uses r1, recast to stun and then run away. you should out scale if even. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see her as enemy mid on champ select.
Farm him like a minion
Bad toplane matchup for jax and worse in midlane. Play safe and you outscale hard after 1/2 items.
Try to stun her very fast whenever she ults. Without ult she cant fight you ever.
Seen more support than midlane but is almost impossible to play against when he does decide to be a midlaner. not much you can do. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see him as enemy mid on champ select.
Only walk up if he wastes his stun and disengage when he ults.
I've played against him on PBE a few times and from what I can tell you hard outscale after 1 item. Play safe and try not to get poked too much until then. if he wastes his e dashing towards you, go for the all in.
Imagine being almost as tanky as bruiser jax but having the broken passive of Navori quickblades and full crit damage.
better Yuumi for jax
Imagine being almost as tanky as bruiser jax but having the broken passive of Navori quickblades and full crit damage.
Navori Quickblades is pretty much a crit version of the old Spear of Shojin, and like Spear of Shojin it is great on Jax. Mainly because whenever you hit someone the cd on e is reduced by 20%. This allows you to go full crit because a lot of enemy champs can barely hit you. It also reduces aoe damage and stuns every few seconds, allowing jax to do as much damage as possible with crit and take less damage with his e. R fills in a lot of weaknesses you would have with tankyness as well.
Ok but why midlane?
A lot of Jax's worst enemies in teamfights are control mages, but in lane things change a little bit. For top lane jax had very strong short trades. If you go crit and bring him against squishy mid lane champs, he can gap close the small lane very easily with q, do huge damage, then stun them to make the trade very hard to answer. getting a 1v1 all in from jax is also very scary for a lot of midlaners.
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