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Weak all ins if he misses his first Q, his passive attack speed and lifesteal won't matter early because of your finishing burst. If he survives your combo you may be in a predicament however, which makes late game fights with Olaf more difficult to near impossible. Even duelist builds will struggle to keep up with his insane healing.
Hecarim will be outganking you because his clearing speed is way above yours. Try to counter jungle as good as you can. If you are able to countergank him it will be even more better than counterjungling. Overall you should be able to win trades against until level 6. After level 6 try to dodge his ult with your rappel.
His scaling is very tough to deal with. You have to hard snowball early or you will lose to his teamfight. Don't bother trying to assassinate him alone. He is way too tanky and has cc to run away. Focus on skirmishing with strong lanes.
Winning matchup. Against a Kha'Zix you should try to run in the spider form through your jungle because he can't isolate you if your spiderlings are behind you. That's why you win most trades against a Kha'Zix. Often Kha'Zix has some HP problems while jungling in the early game and is very squishy. That's why counter jungling a Kha'Zix is a good option.
Most elo inflated champ in the game right now. Kayn got not enough damage to kill you early. You can easily win trades if you play this matchupe while staying on range. If he gets close to you try to dodge his damage output with your rappel. If he gets ahead somehow you should prevent fighting! You should end the game before he gets his items otherwise he will solo carry.
In this matchup you have got the advantage until level 6. Elise have got way more pre 6 damage than rengar. After level 6 and a few items you shouldn't be able to fight him anymore. Definetly consider buying Oblivion Orb since his W can soak your damage and he will heal up to full hp in seconds.
Losing matchup. Graves wins trades in the early game because he has more damage than you and is not as squishy as you. Even in mid game if he builds Maw you can't win the trades. Try to hit your cocoon after he used his Dash (E).
His passive makes him hard to invade early and he will be impossible to kill unless you are giga fed. His team fighting prowess vs your lack of team fighting makes this match up super annoying.
Ekko outscales Elise, and in general is just a better mid game version of her, but Elise is still stronger early and has the tools to counter his kit. When Ekko uses his big AoE W, you can dodge it and stall the shield itself with Rappel. I also like to play fights slower vs. Ekko, using Cocoon as late as possible so that I can kill him before he can press R.
Elise stomps Twitch in 1v1s early, can invade him nonstop since he's too squishy to survive long for help and has a weak clear. The main thing to consider about Twitch jungle is that they often level 2 gank after red buff, after that its unlikely he'll be doing much, especially if you're invading, at least until he gets 3 full items. Warn your team of him potentially level 2 cheesing mid and bot, and the matchup itself should be free.
Master Yi
Master Yi loses early to Elise in 1v1s, Ganks, and Invades. He can't run from you easily so if you catch him he's typically dead. You can let him Q onto you and then cocoon when the Q expires to avoid him dodging it. Just be careful when he's in W as it can take awhile for you to finish him giving his team time to help.
With a lead on Elise, Yuumi can turn you in to a late game 1vS9 carry.
A really good champion with Elise, makes dives top really easy doable especially when she hits level 6. Her Ultimate is able to reset tower Aggro just like you in your spider form.
With a lead on Elise, Yuumi can turn you in to a late game 1vS9 carry.
A really good champion with Elise, makes dives top really easy doable especially when she hits level 6. Her Ultimate is able to reset tower Aggro just like you in your spider form.
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