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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Best Skill Order. MAX Q>E>W
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Nearly impossible matchup, look to avoid laning by rushing ironspike whip, shoving, and roaming. Very hard to outrade him as he can just harass behind his minion wave, you dashing in will only draw minion agro on you always forcing a bad trade. All in's are especially difficult as he can just R you away once you dash on him and at that point you won't be able to reach him since you don't have your gap closer.
Hey everyone, my name is Chimp. I have been playing Wukong for 5 seasons now with over 6,000+ Games and Over 3m+ Mastery points. I've ended S9/S10 Masters and hit first time Challenger this season, all from 1 tricking Wukong mid/top (mostly mid). If there is any questions you have that I missed out in the guide please feel free to comment and I will get back to your question asap.
Full Damage 1-Shot Combo
Important notes: You can use your Goredrinker Active WHILE Ulting with Wukong. Be sure to always Q before doing your combo as it reduces enemies armor, making your combo significantly stronger. Also, you can cancel your Q animation as well by instantly using your Ultimate after the beginning animation of your Q to get your combo in quicker.
This first combo is the STRONGEST combo you can do, it is recommended that you do this if you are certain your full combo will 1 shot them. This is mainly used for laning phase whereas Teamfights wukong is played a little bit differently.
Team Fighting Combo
This second combo is generally how you will play it out in team fights, its valuable to hold onto your clone in team fights as you may need to use it for repositioning or gap closing.
Q Animation Cancel/Fake Cloning
Although this isn't really a combo its more of a rare technique you would use in laning phase. This animation cancel will help you in specific matchups where you have a champion that can avoid your Q damage such as Fiora Perry, Jax Counterstrike, Shen W, etc. To animation cancel your Q all you have to do is spam press your "S" key as you are about to strike. Hitting S will perform a "fake clone" and reset your characters stance. Wukong is the only champion that has this feature so use it to your advantage.
Playing Top or Mid lane Wukong has both its Pros/Cons.
Mid Wukong Pros:
1.Vastly easier matchups
2.Squishier targets
3.Wave Management matters less
4.Being able to push & roam
5.More skirmish opportunities
6.Running ignite
Mid Wukong Cons:
1.Setting up bad team drafts
2.Prone to ALL AD compositions
3.Very abusable in ganks
4.Useless Passive due to AP matchups
Top Wukong Pros:
1.If ahead can abuse wave management on opponent heavily
2.Extended lane so if opponent missteps you can all-in
3.Great CC gank setup for your Jungler
4.More Map-Pressure from running teleport
5.Useful Passive as most matchups are AD.
Top Wukong Cons:
1.More difficult matchups
2.Laning against Tanks
3.If behind, very hard to recover
4.Little to No roaming opportunities
Lethality or Bruiser?
You can play as an assassin, but you can't build like one. I've tested this several times and as much as you think it might be good, its not. Here's the way I see it, If you build Bruiser Wukong you are going to still do insane damage at your spike, and simultaneously being pretty tanky. If you build Lethality Wukong, you are also going to do a lot of damage, but be extremely squishy and likely dying early on in a team fight or skirmish resulting in a 1 for 1 or 0 for 1 trade.
The only two options you have for your Mythic items are Goredrinker and Divine Sunderer.
Let me give you a run down on why this is THE most ideal item for Wukong. EVERYTHING about this item is extremely efficient on Wukong. It gives a decent amount of AD, a good amount of Haste, and a good amount of HP. On top of that, its mythic passive grants you +5 Haste per item built afterwards. And of course the most important thing about this item is its Active ability. Tiamat got absolutely gutted this season and Wukong's waveclear is pretty bad, so this active kind of replaces old tiamat in terms of waveclear. But forget the wave clear aspect, its main power is the INSANE healing it provides. This item can easily put you from a really bad position, to a really good position in fights. So when you use your active, it has a 400-unit radius (similiar to old tiamat/hydra) and heals for 20% AD and 12% missing HP per champion hit. So lets say you are really low on hp and hit a 4 man cleave active (you heal for 80% AD and 48% missing HP), you are now back to full hp, and off that you should be able to turn a team fight around as they used all their resources trying to kill you. As stated previously you are also able to use this WHILE you are ulting as well so it just gives it all the reason to build it for better comboing.
The SECOND best option on Wukong would be Divine Sunderer. Honestly I don't really enjoy building this item that often, it's just a more useful trinity force, but the only time you really would want to build this is if the enemy team has a lot of tanks/bruisers.. I would say if more than 3 it is probably safer to build it, just due to the fact that it deals 10% of their Max HP and the mythic passive grants 5% armor penetration per item built afterwards so its only logical to go this item as it would provide more than Goredrinker would. Oh and also it's really good for sieging. The 250% Base AD it provides on a 1.5s Cool Down means your Q's will absolutely destroy towers and poking enemies with your Q does a lot of damage. Just be sure to always be efficient when proccing Sheen as Wukong’s Q is spammable ability.
The rest of the items are situational, check the item builds at the top of the page to see what is best!
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