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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Champion Build Guide
1. Video |
2. Nami! What can she do? Why should I play her? |
3. Runes |
4. Builds |
5. Tips and Tricks |
6. Thanks To everyone who visits my stream and watches or reads my guides! |
Hi guys! My name's Pocket and I'm a League of Legends guide creator. I make video guides on YouTube as well as doing VOD reviews with an assortment of high ELO co-hosts on Twitch, and sometimes I even get chance to play the game myself. If you want to check out my YouTube, Twitch or come hang out in Discord click the links below! |
Q - Aqua Prison Nami sends a bubble towards the target area that lands after 1 second. It deals magic damage to all enemies hit, reveals them and then suspends them in the air for 1.5 seconds. |
W - Ebb and Flow Nami sends a stream of water to a target champion (enemy or ally!) which then bounces to a nearby champion up to two times. The bounces must alternate between enemy and allied champion. All allies are healed and all enemies are damaged! Each bounces increases the size of this heal or damage. |
E - Tidecaller's Blessing Nami blesses a target allied champion or herself for 6 seconds. During this time the next three basic attacks or abilities deal bonus magic damage and slow their target for 1 second! The slow scales with ability level and AP. |
R - Tidal Wave Nami sends a Tidal Wave in the target direction. It deals magic damage to all enemies hit and knocks them up for 0.5 seconds. When they return to the ground they are slowed for 2-4 seconds based on how far the Tidal Wave traveled before it hit them! |
Our second rune in this tree will be either Conditioning or Bone Plating. Choosing between these two is easy, if the enemy has lots of poke then Conditioning is better, if the enemy has hard engage then Bone Plating is better. If the enemy has neither than usually you will pick Bone Plating. |
These are for the highly active support. They offer better vision control and roaming as you can get around much faster and miss as little XP as possible when you venture out of lane. The synergise well with your passive but they do mean you forgo 10% cooldown reduction | These outscale Mobility Boots and work for a more late game or teamfight oriented playstyle. They give you both ability haste and summoner spell haste, which is very welcome and they allow you to get the most out of your abilities later on. |
Plated Steelcaps The first and most common defensive choice. Personally I only build these into full AD comps but I always build these into full AD comps. Even when ahead these are just a fantastic build when the enemy are all physical damage auto-attackers and bringing your own damage and healing down a little to absolutely nuke their kill potential on you is an awesome trade, so don't be afraid of this even when you're ahead! |
Mercury's Treads Honestly, I find myself building these very rarely in this meta. While they do give you the only buyable tenacity for a ranged champion, full or even heavy AP comps are becoming more and more rare. For that reason I find little use for them and often Ionian Boots of Lucidity are the better pick to reduce the cooldown on your abilities for better dis-engage, or Mobility Boots to make you speedier and make dodging skillshots easier! That said if they do have a double AP botlane, then just like with Tabis, pick yourself up some Merc Treads! |
Core Items
Imperial Mandate Not only a core item, but an item you want to rush in every single game! The reason for Imperial Mandate being the absolute best choice for Nami comes from it's synergy with your E. Nami's E, when applied to an allied champion, makes their next 3 auto-attacks deal extra damage AND slow the enemy. However for the context of Imperial Mandate, it counts as your slow, so with just one auto attack they will take both Mandate damage procs, and your E damage AND the ally auto-attack damage. This means a single allied auto, when empowered by your E, does massive damage. |
Ardent Censer Another very good item, offering AP, mana regen, movement speed and 10% increased heals and shields! The bread and butter of this item however, is it's passive that buffs your allies attack speed for 6 seconds after you heal them, and gives them on-hit damage too! Usually I build this second or third item, depending on if I prefere Staff of Flowing Water! |
Staff of Flowing Water The so-called 'AP Ardent Censer'. This item costs the same, has the same build path and the same stats as Ardent Censer but instead of granting allies attack speed it grants them AP and movement speed. Therefore this is better with AP allies, or those that prefer movement speed to attack speed! |
Situational Items
Vigilant Wardstone A great item to finish off with, it offers the ability to hold 3 control wards and also the ability to place an extra control and stealth ward, for 4 steralth wards and two control ward sup at one time. This vision advantage is huge, but it's less useful in the lower ELOs because your team will not use it wisely. |
Zhonya's Hourglass A great item into full AD comps and/or fed assassins. It provides a good amount of AP as well as armour and cooldown reduction. It also has a fantastic active that can seriously shut down AD Assassin's (such as Zed or Talon) and their ability to kill you. |
Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing is a situational support item offering a potentially game changing active ability that allows you to cleanse all CC currently affecting an ally champion and give them slow immunity for 2 seconds after. It take's time to learn when and when not to use this, but taking core CC off your ADC and allowing them to continue to DPS can be very useful indeed. It also offers cooldown reduction, magic resist and a further 20% heal and shield power! |
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