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Viego Build Guide by Bel37

Jungle (11.8) The only Viego jungle guide you will need!

Jungle (11.8) The only Viego jungle guide you will need!

Updated on April 21, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bel37 Build Guide By Bel37 5,624 Views 0 Comments
5,624 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bel37 Viego Build Guide By Bel37 Updated on April 21, 2021
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Runes: Runes for majority of games

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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(11.8) The only Viego jungle guide you will need!

By Bel37
My name is Bel37 and welcome to my Viego season 11 jungle guide. I'm going to try and break down everything about Viego here so you don't have to look anywhere else. If you have any more questions/comments, just leave them below or come to my stream and i'll try to help you out.
Ideal Combo / stacking conq fastest Combo

The combo is pretty easy. The perfect most ideal combo is AA > Q > A > W > AA.
This combo instantly stacks conq. Throw your e after the combo to keep up ( movement speed ) or if your opponent is fighting back for the attack speed. Throw it on terrain for it to spread more. If you are farming camps DONT throw your e on terrain since the enemies may see it. Just throw it in the air so it doesn't spread.

In this video I solo full clear and finish at 3:20 with full hp and 1 potion. I chose to use this imperfect clear to show a realistic clear. If you polish your clear you can get to skuttle a couple seconds earlier. Also if you have a leash you can make it to skuttle before it spawns.

The only way you can clear at this speed is if you put two points into q. so Q > W > Q > E. always remember your combo. A > Q > A > W

Also in some match ups you'll start blue side. The clear is Blue> Gromp> Wolves> Raptors> Red> Krugs. You'll finish around the same time. If you need a video just send me a message on twitch or leave it in the comments and ill provide one.
E and R usage
Viego E might be a little tough to understand for some so i'll break it down quickly. Viego's E gives camouflage NOT INVISIBILITY. If you are in your mist and move close to an enemy you will be revealed. If you walk over a control ward you will be revealed. So dont think you are save just because you have camo. You also want to fight in your e since you get attack speed and movement speed while inside it. You can also use your e to grant you movement speed while channeling w since w decreasing your movement speed. Channeling W and clicking e doesnt stop your channel.

Viego R is a a Blink that is also unstoppable. It does damage off of missing health. So the lower your target is, the more damage the ability does. It is your finisher. But sometimes you have to use it to break through enemy cc. If you are on someone like with a stun/ root, you can time your r to be unstoppable and stick on your opponent.
Passive usage
The reason we all love Viego. When you kill someone/ assist someone within the last 3 seconds, you can access their body and recover hp. But a common mistake I see many viego players do is immediately switch bodies in team fights. if you kill someone you should wait and try to use their body to dodge cc/ big damage by going invulnerable and taking their body. I feel like this is what separates the good and great viego players. Also be careful of taking squishy weak champions, since you get their stats and may be bursted harder than you would if you didnt hop in their body.
Thank you for checking out my Viego guide! This is my first guide so dropping any criticism would be great. I'm going to update the matchups with future updates when patches drop. Leave a like if you enjoyed!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bel37
Bel37 Viego Guide
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(11.8) The only Viego jungle guide you will need!

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