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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Speed_Fire2

Top [11.9] CDRKaiser - Now Jungle Friendly!

Top [11.9] CDRKaiser - Now Jungle Friendly!

Updated on May 6, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Speed_Fire2 Build Guide By Speed_Fire2 11 1 27,739 Views 0 Comments
11 1 27,739 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Speed_Fire2 Mordekaiser Build Guide By Speed_Fire2 Updated on May 6, 2021
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Runes: One Mace Coming Up

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Champion Build Guide

[11.9] CDRKaiser - Now Jungle Friendly!

By Speed_Fire2

Hello and thank you for reading my First (Revised) Guide!

I'm Speedfire2, a Mordekaiser enthusiast Who took a long break from league and had to take the time to relearn, and rebuild this guide from the ground up, Enjoy!

This guide is meant to explain how this build works, Why you should use it, and why its worth your time to at least try it.
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Strong Early, Mid and Late Game
  • Tanky
  • Easy to learn but High Skill Cap
  • Easy to hit skillshots once used to him


  • Low Mobility
  • Kitable
  • If new, Skillshots can be hard to hit.
Core Items
So to start off the Core Items Section, Allow me to explain why you should NOT choose Riftmaker.
Riftmaker is an item that is simply too slow and can be quite easily countered by Grievous Wounds. allow me to explain. Riftmaker does up to 10% Increased Damage (Which at that point is converted to true Damage) and gives Mordekaiser up to 16% (Or 18% if you forego boots) of Omni Vamp the only Problem with this, is that Omni Vamp is capped at 33% of potential healing for AOE Effects, and nearly all of Mordekaiser's attacks are AOE save for his Autos, this makes Omni Vamp nearly useless. When this reduction in healing is further effected by Grievous Wounds, Essentially your Omni Vamp is reduced down to 2% from 18% this makes it incredibly weak, and True damage is only useful for taking down Tanks But Mordekaiser tends to focus on Squishies instead making the item much more useless.

Now that my little rant is over, here are the Core Items!
Now here is my Mythic of choice Night Harvester unlike Riftmaker is a powerful and much more effective item, while you lose up to 18% Omni Vamp, you gain up to 35 Ability Haste, along with a powerful passive that increases Mordekaiser's Damage, along with 25% increase in MS when he hits an enemy.
Cosmic Drive is a incredibly cost effective item with its stats, for 3000 Gold you get. 75 Ability Power, 200 Health, up to 30 Bonus Movement speed and 40 Ability Haste! When combined with Night Harvester this gives you 60 Ability Haste with just two items.
Demonic Embrace is useful item for when you need to tank, its passive 1.2% Max Health Burn allows for each of your attacks to deal an additional 4.8% Max Health damage over four seconds, and if gives you up to 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resistance combined with the 350 Health, it is a very useful item for both dueling and team fights.
Thanks for Reading!
Thank you for taking the time to go through this Guide/Build, I will continue to update this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Speed_Fire2
Speed_Fire2 Mordekaiser Guide
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[11.9] CDRKaiser - Now Jungle Friendly!

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