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Lucian Build Guide by LastLee

ADC [11.9] When you go Lucian you never go Back 57% winrate

ADC [11.9] When you go Lucian you never go Back 57% winrate

Updated on May 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Build Guide By LastLee 33 6 175,817 Views 5 Comments
33 6 175,817 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Lucian Build Guide By LastLee Updated on May 3, 2021
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1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.9] When you go Lucian you never go Back 57% winrate

By LastLee

Hey everyone I am LastLee ,and i am playing league of legend since the first season and now that i have more free time i would love to make more guides. Playing always ranked games and streaming .
I hope you will enjoy my guides and that they will be helpfull for you .
My english are not perfect but i will do my best so you will understand my way of thinking about Lucian .
This is my first guide in mobafire i wish you guys love it and will help you to play tahm in an other style .
Greeting LastLee
Summoner Spells


I prefere this spell becouse no one can run away and lucian has also en extra rush on the game so he can espace 2 times or get into fights .
Flash as a skill has been also the most popular choise from all the gamers in league of legends .


Most common spell on the game for every ADC on the game ,keeps you alive from difficult situations and will take your combos on and other lvl in the game,you can get this fights to create chaos from the enemy bot lane .
HealIs the best choise on lucian for many years and has also been the most usefull skill for most of the ADC's


This skill allows your next auto attack within 3 seconds to strike twice.This bring all the strategies for lucian to count all the possibilies to kill the opponent and get that extra damage .

Piercing Light

Lets talk about the most important skill lucian has. Piercing Lightis the most effective skill from lucian ,you can spam all the time and you get also that awsome passive skill that allows you to hit 2 times, that makes lucian a really fast damage dealing ADC.

Ardent Blaze

I am not really a big fun of this skill but its on some ways really intresting to play with , if you throw ArdentBlaze to your opponents that they are hiding there self you can have a little bit of vision so you can kill them easyer . On the other hand this doesnt do much damage but allows you again to use your passive ,so in some way it can be usefull skill for Lucian.

Relentless Pursuit

I love this skill it can give those smooth plays with lucian.You can rush on your opponents and give that extra damage ,it gives you also the ability to espace when you are on a difficult moment on the game .

The Culling

The ultymate ability from lucian that also allows to do some tones of damage to the enemy team . So lucian starts firing shots in the target direction for 3 seconds!.
You need to consider that the enemy team can interrupt your ability , but lucian can move without interrupting his ability.

Press the Attack

: This is one of the best runes on lucian . It'll give you a nice push up on your lane with getting extra damage ,playing a little bit more aggressive on lane .Its awsome with lucian becouse he can get those 3 hits really fast becouse of his passive skill . So it will not take you much time to wait before its activated.


This rune will get out of difficult situation ,saving your life from takedowns and also give your 20 gold for every take down .So prepare your self to make enought kills .

Legend alacrity

It a nice way to make extra damage on the early game and keep the enemy champion busy with positions all the time or going back in lane .

Coup de Grace

The most effective damage rune on the game for the most ADC's one of the best ways to do extra damage after your enemy has less than 40% health.So you can get that extra damage fast on early and late game .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee
LastLee Lucian Guide
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[11.9] When you go Lucian you never go Back 57% winrate

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