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Runes: Dark Harvest
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
End of the guide
I hope this guide is useful to you as it is for me, I publish it so it can help more people who do not feel comfortable with shaco currently in the meta (he is terrible)
The build is useful without losing so much damage that an assassin has to have.
It is quite complete (damage, utility, and thanks to the runes and the revealing lens you take advantage of the fact that you are constantly moving to get vision throughout the map)
I am currently in Master and I have a tour with shaco from quite a few years ago, thanks for your time 🤍
The build is useful without losing so much damage that an assassin has to have.
It is quite complete (damage, utility, and thanks to the runes and the revealing lens you take advantage of the fact that you are constantly moving to get vision throughout the map)
I am currently in Master and I have a tour with shaco from quite a few years ago, thanks for your time 🤍
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