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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Level Up
Daredevil Impulse (PASSIVE)
Samira Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Out-Damages you early, which is where you want to snowball. Very tough matchup. But with enough cc from your support, it can be won.
Has a ton off cc and engage. Just what you need. Engage lvl 3 and win a 2v2.
Has a ton off cc and engage. Just what you need. Engage lvl 3 and win a 2v2.
Champion Build Guide
If the enemy has just recalled, and you want to push the wave, don't be afraid to use your W to waveclear. It deals a ton of damage to minions and often lets you oneshot with E-Q-W.
Nautilus and Leona are by far the best champions to play with Samira. Alistar can work too, but anti synergy can happen if Alistar flashes, knocks up and tries to push them under tower. If you end up knocking them up before Alistar gets to push them, that combo instantly gets denied.
Lvl 3 is your "Go in" queue. If you have a Naut/Leona support, and you're both at about full health, you will win a 2v2 almost every time if you just let the support engage. Nobody can outdamage you, especially when your W blocks 50% of their burst in the beginning.
When you fight early, DO NOT be afraid of flashing mid-fight. If you have a 2v2 and their adc flashes away, instantly flash ontop of them. The faster you kill them, the faster you get your E back.
Never. EVER buy Berserker's Grieves on Samira. NEVER. Samira is not an auto-attack dependant champ. You should buy either Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads, depending on your opponents. This well let you survive longer, which means you can go for more risky plays when it comes to your ult.
In relation to the last point, Last Stand is amazing on Samira. Shieldbow basically lets you get the full value of Last Stand but at 70% health. I also recommend Triumph, simply to recover as much health as possible during fights.
Again, as soon as you hit lvl 3 and you know their jungler isn't nearby, play as aggressive as you can with your support. Samira is all about snowballing from lane.
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