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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
[[Lee Sin]] is extremely mobile and does tons of early game damage. When matched against him, if the Lee knows what hes doing definitely focus on hard farming for the early game. Your focus is to out scale him.
Great ult combo! your W also synergizes incredibly well with Kennens strong engage! Giving him that extra slow and lowering the enemies magic resist allows both of you to go off in teamfights.
Great ult combo! your W also synergizes incredibly well with Kennens strong engage! Giving him that extra slow and lowering the enemies magic resist allows both of you to go off in teamfights.
Champion Build Guide
Karthus is an amazing jungler right now. He out scales and out farms pretty much any other champion in the jungle. His ganking is very strong, and his ability to pick off enemies across the map really helps snowball the game.
This Guide focuses on
Clear paths
Item Builds
Early-mid game
Team fighting
Tips and tricks
I have gone on some amazing win streaks with Karthus Jungle and got to play playing him. I won 8 games in a row absolutely smashing Solo Queue!
His early game clear is amazing, allowing him to hit level 3 and 4 earlier then most junglers. This gives you the opportunity to set up wards and ganks before the enemy jungler can. I've got many early game kills using his amazing clear. When ganking you can easily take a flash. Your "W" provides a massive 40% slow and allows you to do tons of damage.
Once you reach level 6 constantly be looking around the map as you power farm. You can easily pick up kills at this stage. Dark Harvest + Coupe De Grace + Ultimate deals a very high amount of damage. This will help you and all other lanes snowball even harder. Even the enemy laners who currently aren't low in lane will be affected by your ult, this can lead to them being pushed out of lane altogether!
Ensure you take all dragons you possibly can! When the dragon spawns at 5:00, you can easily solo it. Just ensure you have Sorcerers shoes and and fiendish codex. If you don't have enough gold for those items get your support to roam and help clear the dragon. Counter jungle wherever you can as well. Karthus has incredibly fast clear, so you can easily go clear the enemies camps when he isn't around.
This champion gets to powerfarm AND have early pressure, which is incredibly rare. His clear with his Q is very versatile allowing him to crit on lone camps, and make use of the AOE on camps with lots of units. He also says extremely healthy clearing these camps due to

Karthus generally while laning suffers from mana issues, forcing him to buy archangle's staff or

Early game there is next to no counterplay again his ultimate ability. The only things being

In conclusion you can pressure all areas of the map with

I asked around the Karthus community a lot on Reddit, and I found in Karthus's current state he is much more reliable in the Jungle. The reason being is in the mid lane Assasin's and mobile carry's are very popular right now.

Putting Karthus in the jungle negates all these issues, while he still does have the same innate weakness he isn't exposed to these champions nearly as often. Giving him the ability to farm and scale extremely fast. Making him a much much stronger power pick. He can also press his advantage across the map by providing his ultimate and solo'ing dragons. This allows the entire team to benefit from his power.
Karthus Jungle is much stronger in the current meta, most Karthus mains will agree with this statement.
Hard farm junglers are better now then they were at the very start of season 9, and Squishy junglers are popular right now with the rising popularity of Kha'zix and Lee Sin. Making your ult the ideal choice for one-shotting these players.
You will definitely see him picked up in competitive league of legends in the upcoming matches. There has been some word of Karthus Jungle being played in scrimages, however information of these scrimages can't be directly disclosed. It is confidential, if you do start seeing him don't be surprised though!
Thank you guys so much for taking the time to review my guide, and I wish you the best of luck in your future climbing ventures with this beast of a champion!
Thankss again!
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