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Tahm Kench Build Guide by LastLee

Top [13.23] Crazy Tahm Kench TOP LANE TANK AD 67% WIN RATE!!!

Top [13.23] Crazy Tahm Kench TOP LANE TANK AD 67% WIN RATE!!!

Updated on November 29, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Build Guide By LastLee 362 59 1,863,472 Views 30 Comments
362 59 1,863,472 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee Tahm Kench Build Guide By LastLee Updated on November 29, 2023
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Runes: Tank AD

1 2
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+5 Armor
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)


1 2
Top Safe farming
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.23] Crazy Tahm Kench TOP LANE TANK AD 67% WIN RATE!!!

By LastLee
Hey everyone I am LastLee ,and i am playing league of legend since the first season and now that i have more free time i would love to make more guides. Playing always ranked games and streaming .
I hope you will enjoy my guides and that they will be helpfull for you .
My english are not perfect but i will do my best so you will understand my way of thinking about Kench .
This is my first guide in mobafire i wish you guys love it and will help you to play tahm in an other style .
Greeting LastLee
Summoner Spells
Flash and Teleport its the standard way to play top , sometimes i play also with Ignite becouse Tahm has already Devour so he can be in lane really fast on lvl 6 , so you dont have to worry how fast you will be in lane if you are playing with tahm ,

With Ignite you can play aggressive against every champ , tahm is really tanky from its own so you can go in after lvl 3 and there you have the kill already.
Grasp of the Undying I love this rune becouse it does 4% damage from your max health and tahm has enough health to help you do more damage in late game , on the other hand it also heals you 2% of your max health ideal from lane . So every 4 second you can use your rune so that perfect to keep you in possition on top lane .

Shield Bash Also a grate way to do some extra damage when you gain a shield your next basic attack deals extra damage thats a grate way to do that little kind of extra damage to your opponent so it will secure you the kill .

Bone Plating That an passive tanky rune that will help you to get less damage from your opponent ,will protect you when you really need to play passive vs teemo or champions that they are strong in early game .

Scorch I like this rune becouse with your Q you can do some extra damage so you can keep your opponent busy and do that little more damage in the early game so will secure that you win your lane .

Overgrowth Gaining extra health on lane after a minnion dies so an easy way to keep you with full hp the hole time .

Manaflow Band as everyone knows you will be always useing your Q in lane and that cost alot of mana so that will secure you that extra mana that you need on lane so you dont have to go all the time back to refill your mana .

Last but not least Bonus 10 % attack speed , +5 armor , +15-90 HP ( lvls 1-18 ) .
Attaack speed ofc that will give you the extra boost to hit your opponents and use your passive skill as fast as possible , the rest are for a tanky build ideal for tahm kench
Passive: An Acquired Taste
Thats the most awsome passive skill of tahm this will help you to get all this effective skills .
So with 3 auto hits it activates you passive ,when your opponent has a red fish on the top of his champ than you are ready to use your awsome passive .
With Tongue Lash you get that stun so thats one of the most effective skills of tahm to get on fights and to escape from fights , normaly you also slow your opponents so you can have this 3 autohits to activate your An Acquired Taste .

Devour One of my favorite skills on League of Legends you can eat minions and throw them to do damage to creeps and champions , if you have 3 stacks of your passive you can also eat your opponents so you do some good damage and you can throw them on the back side so you can have more time to kill them and use your Tongue Lash again to stun them or slow them . You can also eat your teammates so you can escape them from a difficult situation .

Thick Skin The best way to servive in 1v1 fights or with more champions this skill give you a shield for the damage that you got from the enemy champion so you can activate it whenever you want to escape from a battle and also to keep fighting and staying alive from many difficult situations .

Devour Last but not least Ultimate from tahm is the real deal,you can escape from fights ,getting in to fights on range ,you can always get a friendly teammate with you so you can go together on the fight .
An awsome way to suprice your oppoents and also master this ability .
Thats why i love playing with attack speed so you can use your skills us effective us possible .
Pros / Cons
Pros-Tahm is really tanky and he can always stay longer in fights the benefits of his shield give him this extra power to stay alive and also with his passive a ability .

Tahm is perfect when it coems to the 2v1 fights because he can slow and also do tons of damage .

Cons - After the update they destroyed tahms passive so you need to hit only with auto attacks to get stacks for your passive skill so that is not perfect .

Tahm is pretty slow so you have to build as fast as possible more speed .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LastLee
LastLee Tahm Kench Guide
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[13.23] Crazy Tahm Kench TOP LANE TANK AD 67% WIN RATE!!!

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