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Kai'Sa Build Guide by ELOSANTA

ADC [14.16] Rank 1 Kai'sa World In-Depth Build Guide

ADC [14.16] Rank 1 Kai'sa World In-Depth Build Guide

Updated on August 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ELOSANTA Build Guide By ELOSANTA 383 124 1,481,779 Views 29 Comments
383 124 1,481,779 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ELOSANTA Kai'Sa Build Guide By ELOSANTA Updated on August 15, 2024
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1 2
Press the Attack
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Champion Build Guide

[14.16] Rank 1 Kai'sa World In-Depth Build Guide


I go by the name ELOSANTA and I have mained ADC since Season 3.

Kai'Sa is my most comfortable champion. I have played her a lot as well as gotten Rank 1 worldwide on her.

I stream on twitch and I played semi-professionaly. I started playing league back in Season 3 and have mained ADC since then.

I have peaked Rank 8 with 929 LP in early season 9.

I stream almost everyday on my Twitch so if you have any questions or want to learn a thing or two you can go HERE or can just ask me directly in my Discord




SECOND SKIN (Passive): Kai'Sa's basic attacks stack Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. Allies' immobilizing effects help stack Plasma. Additionally, Kai'Sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties.

Second Skin is a great extra damage source and can be used to burst enemies with unexpected damage early game using your Void Seeker and and auto attack for a quick combo.
ICATHIAN RAIN (Q): Kai'Sa launches 6 missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing physical damage. Minions below 35% health take 200% damage.

USAGE/TIPS: Icathian Rain can be used on isolated enemies to get all 6 shots of Icathian Rain to stack on one target, so try to hit as least targets as possible with the ability to maximize your damage.
VOID SEEKER (W): Kai'Sa fires a Void blast that grants True Sight on the first enemy hit, and triggers 2 stacks of Plasma, dealing magic damage based on the target's stacks.

Void Seeker can be used mid - late game for poke or early game for a quick burst of your passive stacks. Combo it early game with a full stacked Icathian Rain for some nasty outplay potential.
SUPERCHARGE (E): Kai'Sa briefly increases her movement speed, then increases her attack speed. If evolved, Supercharge grants her brief invisibility during the charge up time.

USAGE/TIPS: this is one of your most important self-peel abilities. Use it in smart ways and you can get out of any trouble. You almost never want to use this spell agressively.
KILLER INSTINCT (Ultimate): Kai'Sa warps to a location near an enemy champion affected by Plasma, gaining a shield

USAGE/TIPS:this and Supercharge are the reason why Kai'Sa is so strong. She can self peel really easily with these two abilities which makes her semi unreliant on her team, and more of a soloq super carry champion.
AD Build

AP build

Kai'sa - Daughter Of the Void
Primary - ADC

Synergy: Heavy CC teammates.
Jungler ganking potential: Almost none, relies on support.
Speciality: DPS: AD / AP

How to build Kai'sa? The current highest winrate build for Kai'Sa is building Kraken Slayer into Berserker's Greaves into Guinsoo's Rageblade as your core items, as this gets you the optimal choice to build either AD or AP depending on what your team needs. Sometimes you might have 2 AP champions on your team and 1 AD but the AD champion gets super fed and the AP are super behind, which lets you build AP and stay in the game. The build is designed to get your evolves as soon as possible. With no kills or 1-2 kills and regular 6-10 cs/min you can get Kraken Slayer + Berserker's Greaves + Pickaxe for Guinsoo's Rageblade which will get your Q evolve at level 10. Even if you're behind you should get those items at level 10-11 which doesn't set you back at all. The E evolve comes after you get your two core items and then pick an attackspeed Dagger item. If AP - this is always Nashor's Tooth and if AD, - any fitting Zeal item.
Berserker's Greaves > ONLY CHOICE
On Kai'Sa unlike other AD carries, boot choice isn't a choice. You have to go Berserker's Greaves to not avoid falling behind. Kai'Sa has mobility on her own. Her Supercharge and Killer Instinct are great abilities for self peel, and become even better when evolved. This makes the choice of Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps very easy - just do not buy defensive boots as they will set you behind too much.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ELOSANTA
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