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Jhin Build Guide by Sniper w0lf

ADC [13.3] Mathematically Correct - Khada Jhin - EXPERTS ONLY

ADC [13.3] Mathematically Correct - Khada Jhin - EXPERTS ONLY

Updated on February 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sniper w0lf Build Guide By Sniper w0lf 8 3 26,447 Views 0 Comments
8 3 26,447 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sniper w0lf Jhin Build Guide By Sniper w0lf Updated on February 20, 2023
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Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.3] Mathematically Correct - Khada Jhin - EXPERTS ONLY

By Sniper w0lf

So, you wanna play Jhin huh? well this is the right way. Just take these items and in lane Q the caster minions as soon as the enemy minions show up, ideally hit the enemy adc landing your Q on the casters and repeat this the millisecond your Q comes off cooldown. Max your E after maxing Q and create a minefield formation of 6-7 E traps in the river opening stagger the traps front to back. That should completely destroy any hope of ganking you all lane. After that you are a lane bully with your last shot damage. Win lane.**Fast pushmode** REMEMBER Q 1 WAVE TWICE FOR FAST PUSH AND TRY TO HIT THE CASTERS OR LAND IT ON THE ENEMY ADC SO IT WILL BOUNCE TO THE CASTER MINIONS. YOU NEED THAT FAST PUSH TECHNIQUE TO GET LEVEL 2 ADVANTAGE EARLY THEN DESTROY THEM WITH YOUR LAST SHOT POKE.**Slow Push Mode** To poke with last shot only hit full health minions or last hit till you have the last shot and hold it (You can hold it for a long time if you Q to last hit minions) wait with that last shot till you can poke adc or support over and over till dead. In a team fight the first ablity you use on an enemy as soon as the fight starts is Q! OR YOU WILL DIE! Using Q twice in a fight will give you 6 consistant attacks, this is the only proper way to get decent dps! the only way to get it off twice is by using it at the start of the fight

**EXTREMELY CRITICAL** Anytime your trap is up you need to be placing them. When split pushing just put them behind you and in the jungle openings CONSTANTLY as you move the wave forward. Taking attack speed in the runes gives you +4 AD at level 1 starting you at 62 AD more than enough for a level one adc. THIS BUILD ALLOWS YOU TO SPAM W, BUT SPAM IT AT A DISTANCE USE UP CLOSE MAINLY FOR ESCAPES and getting your last shot up as many times as possible and landing it on the adc or support, then running away repeating this until they are low enough to all in will win you the lane.

They will try to take you out as soon as you try for lvl 2 advantage (Because you're jhin you are not zipping around anywhere lvl 1) so get that fourth shot up quick and hit somebody right away so that they know you mean business then push for that quick lvl 2. **General ADC advice** - As usual, position yourself on the lane wall opposite the enemy Support.

-Benefits of a big brain-

I. Jhin with 3 items gets 569 move speed on crit last shot or W proc.

II. With 4 items your traps do 1059 magic damage at level 17.

III. With 4 items at level 17 you will have 666 AD.

IV. If you place traps everytime they are off cooldown like I told you, the kills you will get from 8 or 9 traps clustered together are hilarious and very satisfying. Place them as fast as you can to stack them up.

V. With this build and 3 complete items at level 16 you have +89% bonus AD

VI. Your crit strikes grant you 59% bonus move speed on every crit!!! with 3 complete items

VII. Why attack speed boots? Why Kraken? The reason is, Jhin isn't a constant stream of basic attacks and his attack speed only gets converted into more AD. You have celerity and phantom dancer for a second item, you don't need galeforce or boots of mobility (especially if you place the traps behind you like I told you then you will have 6-7 traps to walk across along your escape route) he NEEDS attck speed, it affects 2 of his passives in a massive way and it just gives your more ad and mobility.

VIII. To kill an enemy champ you should always Q them twice, to kill minion wave as fast as possible you you should always Q the wave twice.

IX. I just did 18,816 damage in a 23 minute game, the most on my team and won.

X. learning how to W point blank is extremely crucial for his escapes and is only really effective for escapes when you play like I have instructed you to. That is why you need attack speed, so that you have an escape faster than a galeforce and you are not walking around with a useless W. Thank me later you're welcome.


XII. Lethal Tempo just gives a ton of bonus AD and is a good option.

XIII. My last game I was 16/3/6 KDA most of my kills from traps
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sniper w0lf
Sniper w0lf Jhin Guide
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