Good anivias are painful to deal with. Your Crash Down is easy to predict and interrupt. Anivia can only defend herself to 1 side really well. She sucks against flanks. Try engaging from creative angles, or from out of vision. You will need your flash.
ADC is Ashe is less annoying than Supp Ashe. Dont let her poke you with W.
Go Glacial Augment, Hexflash and in secondary tree either Unflinching or Nimbus Cloak with Celerity if you could kill if you are able to reach.
Consider buying Boots of Swiftness.
A classic matchup. Bad Alistars are easy to deal with, good Alistars are even to hard. Do not be the one engaging. Counterengage onto the ADC, but only if he can follow up.
Depends a lot on how good Bard is, Try killing him lvl 1/2/3, because he outscales you. Usually you cannot match his roams, and are stuck on bot while he makes your midlaner ragequit. If he decides to permaroam and you cant punish the enemy ADC 2v1, you have no choice but to try match his roams.
You dont really mind getting hooked by Blitz, but I recommend running Aftershock.
Remember he can cheese your team level 1 and ward safely. Maybe stack- your level 1 Crash down onto 5 is strong.
Easy. Care for Red-White or when he is about to swap weapons though.
Go an MR rune and Second Wind if you can. Try dodging his spells while you sprint at him. If you reach him without eating his W or Q, he is dead.
If you are not careful he can 1shot you, so be patient.
She is similar to Ashe, just that instead of poke she has push. Wait for ganks and always play with brush.
Both, Glacial and Aftershock are good against him. While Mounting Up, try dodging or flashing his Step Aside. If you manage that, even Draven is an easy kill.
You have trouble getting into Ezreals range. Dont ever use W Crash down on him, but always try going for Mount up. If he has Yuumi the lane is hard. Must go Hexflash. Stand in brushes and dodge/soak some of his Mystic Shots, so he loses passive.
The colossus looks like an ant next to Rell. You can tank his combo and win the all-in.
Gragas is a bit annoying. Rell is super reliant on having followup. Gragas can just completely scatter your follow up, and in the worst case: cancel your Crash Down. Try engaging creatively. You can punish him if he uses his spells on lane, since he has long cooldowns on Q and E.
Rell is a hidden counter against Gwen, as you can assist your frontliners against her and stunlock her dead.
This matchup is horrible. You can only engage pre 6, and if she misses tornado. Try taking your shots then. Consider going Chemtank and Nimbus Cloak build.
As soon as he misses his granade or W, run him down. Consider running an MR rune.
Easy before he has his Boots of Swiftness, then hard. He runs Galeforce so he can easily dodge your engage later on, remember that. Try killing him in lane.
She is weak early. As long as you can burst her, its fine. Be aware of Lethal Tempo: she will look for trade kills if you dont focus her.
She is low range, so it is easy to engage her. You are also very good against her ultimate. Remember if you plan on using Crash down onto her: she could ult away to another target. Use mount up if possible.
Especially with Glacial Augment this matchup is fine. Kalista hates CC and you are walking CC. Most Kalistas are bad.
You lose extended trades, she is squishy so as long as you are able to burst her you are fine. Remember to ignite early to reduce her Matra W healing.
This matchup isnt easy. He runs lethal tempo and will probably get return kills if you dont burst him. He will mega outscale you so try punishing him in laning phase.
You are just good against her. Go Aftershock. Later on if she engages look to counterengage onto her team's followup.
He wants to play forwards, so he runs into your arms. Many Lucians build Galeforce so keep that in mind. In early game you can always engage on him and win because you can soak his burst, don't get too cocky, just know you would win on even terms.
She deals more damage than expected. Also she can interrupt your engage with R and W. In early she is very very squishy though. Later she is a problem.
Run at her with W, flash over binding. She flashes. Play Hexflash. She misses 1 binding = she is dead.
Miss Fortune
Her slow/poke is obnoxious. You have a hard time catching up to her due to her W. Dont underestimate her ult damage. Try surprising her.
Rare matchup. If he goes AP stay away from brushes but just flash on him and kill him. If he plays tank you can tank his saplings in brush and zone him off. You win fight.
He is annoying and special to play around though.
Disengage when he ults, then counterengage.
Mega cancer. On the bright side: she picked bad champion. On the not so bright side: you do not have fun. Run Tenacity, try mindgaming her to use Black Shield and switch focus on other target. It is playable if Morg isnt very good but if is you cannot play the game.
She only has a few okay combos, but if she and her partner overstept, make sure to quick flash on her and send her to sky.
If Nautilus goes Aftershock matchup is even, if not it is easy.
Only engage if you can burst enemy ADC low. Let him engage use E as hook hits you, break shield and kite back or counter on ADC. Be careful not to overcommit though, because it is hard for ADC to walk past Nautilus. Never run in without followup.
Flash snare, burst her. dead.
Break her shield on ult if you are ultimate troll.
Dont ever crash down on her. Let her engage and wait out her W while fighting her.
skip boots and go Ruby+Cloth.
go 1 or 2 armor runes.
go bone plating.
be dismounted and play patient, if he uses his E you have opportunity to counterengage.
You are good vs Rakan.
Just Mount Up run at him any time you like as long as there is followup.
Very good Rakans make the matchup even.
Renata Glasc
A bit hard because she can ult your followup, slow you, and drag you out of engage. Also if you burst somebody they can get revived. I think when Renata players become better the matchup will be very hard.
Hold Q Shieldbreak for her Shieldbow.
Hold E for her Ult.
She is very squishy and sucks against engage and CC, but has a lot of annoying combos.
Try dodging her W.
Theoretically you should be good against this champion, but riot likes her too much so she is always op.
Once she gets nerfed this matchup will be okay, for now its bad and I always ban Seraphine.
Support Seraphine is less problem than Botlaner Seraphine.
Dont be the one who engages. Be patient and counterengage onto her followup.
Very annoying to lane against. You should play red sweeper already, but now you MUST.
On the bright side: the enemy team has shaco.
Just dont engage and sleep out the matchup. Sometimes Shaco players make mistakes when they get as bored as you and use their Q. Then is your time to punish, especially if he plays without Flash.
You can break hit Ult.
Try avoid getting hit by his Q, but you should win, you are better champion.
You can Run at her play Glacial+Hexflash+Nimbus and use E insta after she shields your W. She can only shield 1 of your 2 CC spells.
Be a bit patient for when she makes a wrong step and flash on her as soon as she does. Free +300.
She plays the better champion and if she uses silence field under herself, its hard to play, just disengage then.
Most Soraka players do not have a brain though so just flash her QE and burst her.
Easy early, medium-hard later.
Nothing special here.
Tahm Kench
Break his shield and he is sad. Max Q second.
Try dodging his Tongue and dive in fights
Rare Matchup, but Taric should be very strong against Rell. Either surprise in teamfights and be faster than him, or be patient and wait out his R.
He can keep you at distance on lane, but as soon as in teamfights you flash ult surprise them, there is nothing he can do.
Play aftershock.
As long as you play dismounted default you cannot lose if she jumps on you. Just make sure to focus her and try catch her burst from E with aftershock if she is dumb enough to use it on you. If she does you autowin.
He is op at the moment, but if you have strong early ADC you can burst him. If he goes Lethal Tempo its harder to play because of threat from return kill if you dont burst him.
You can lock him down easily with some coordination/followup of team, but without it can be hard.
You win early 4 levels easily, but if he goes good builds and hits R he can be hard after his first item.
Its hard to find an opening against her in any stage of the game. Your best shot is early 2 levels.
Try waiting out her Stealth Tumble when you turn on her in teamfights.
Run at it. Flash over spell and burst.
Glacial is good.
You just instantly deny her plans of kiting back when you engage her and she has troubles lining up feathers. Its quite easy, even with Rakan on her side.
Glacial makes her line-ups even harder.
I love picking Rell into Yasuo.
He wants to cheese level 2 fight, you just win if you peel for adc properly. Care of his Lethal Tempo though.
Be confident.
If engage wasnt underpowered and yuumi a bit overpowered this would be easiest matchup.
Try making her think you want to run away but flash on her with mount up as soon as she W out of host. Yuumi was a mistake and you should make her feel it.
Ezreal + Yuumi matchup is a bit hard because you have trouble reaching them, maybe try Chemtank or Nimbus Cloak.
Against Twitch Yuumi be very careful that you engage only if followup is there. If not it can be catastrophic because Twitch Yuumi snowballs like nothing else in the game.
She might be op at the moment, but she is bad early game, you are strong early game.
Dodge her W poke. Sprint at her with Mount up and she can do little.
Later she massively outranges and outscales you so make sure to gain advantages early.
If Zilean is good you are in big trouble. Zilean is hidden op since ages and hidden counter vs Rell because nobody plays Rell nor Zilean. There is nothing you can against him as soon as he gets through early 5 levels without deaths. Luckily Zilean players are often bad and underestimate Rell. Try send him sky early or dodge.
Flash her root and 1shot her.
This combo is really awkward. It is rare that Aphelios has the ideal weapons for Rell all-ins. He basically holds you back with most of his weapon combos.
This combo is horrible.
Caitlyn wants to perma push, Rell wants to engage. If Cait perma pushes, Rell can't engage.
Even if you do engage Cait has troubles catching up and landing her combos because Rell CC is too weird/short to put traps under. You can't even roam when Cait pushes, because she would insta die. All you can do is stand on lane and watch her cs. You must ward though.
On paper Kalista+Rell seems insane, and on lane it does synergize quite well together, but throwing in Rell into the enemy team really isn't as good as you think. Rell is not so good at locking down a single champ as a lot of other champs, and this is what Kalista ult is used for 80% of the time. As Rell you prefer counterengaging an entire team at once over engaging one player.
You can't engage too far in because Karthus has troubles catching up.
You can engage enemy, slow them with glacial, and it is hard for enemy to fight back since kogmaw outdamages everything. Make sure to focus their damage-dealer.
They just don't add a lot to eachother.
Yes, I have played this combo.
Horrible combination. Same reason as Caitlyn.
Miss Fortune
Insane wombo combos. Make sure MF is in range when you hardengage.
In the right spots these two work really well together, they want to do the exact same thing in mid and late game. If Neeko follows up on a good Rell engage it can make insane wombo combos.
In lane Neeko can get out all 3 instances of her Q dmg if they layer their CC nicely.
Nilah has all of her spikes at the same time as Rell and they teamfight in a very similar fashion, Nilah is basically Samira 2.
This combo is just so easy to play. There are better combos, for example Rell doesnt like the fact that Tristana autopushes, but since they win every all-in it doesnt matter too much.
Varus has fairly high range follow-up, this only few other ADCs can provide. Together your lockdown can make if feel for the enemy like being Morana binded. On lane your CC makes it easy for Varus to hit his spells, which is crucial. Be aware: if Varus has Hail of Blades dont overestimate his damage in extended fights, and dont underestimate it in short trades.
You must play this as counter-engage. Kite back enemies, let Xayah put down feathers, then jump in.
You are one of the best, if not the best support for Yasuo. Only Alistar or maybe Nautilus could come close. Your all-in is deadly at all points of the lane, and later on you can provide great ult setup for Yasuo ult. Your both your W's are knockups by the way.
Great combo and quite self explanatory. Maybe it could even be a perfect combo, but its hard to tell because Ziggs botlane players are not so good at their champion usually. In theory they want to do the exact same things and complement eachother perfectly.
This combo is really awkward. It is rare that Aphelios has the ideal weapons for Rell all-ins. He basically holds you back with most of his weapon combos.
This combo is horrible.
Caitlyn wants to perma push, Rell wants to engage. If Cait perma pushes, Rell can't engage.
Even if you do engage Cait has troubles catching up and landing her combos because Rell CC is too weird/short to put traps under. You can't even roam when Cait pushes, because she would insta die. All you can do is stand on lane and watch her cs. You must ward though.
On paper Kalista+Rell seems insane, and on lane it does synergize quite well together, but throwing in Rell into the enemy team really isn't as good as you think. Rell is not so good at locking down a single champ as a lot of other champs, and this is what Kalista ult is used for 80% of the time. As Rell you prefer counterengaging an entire team at once over engaging one player.
You can't engage too far in because Karthus has troubles catching up.
You can engage enemy, slow them with glacial, and it is hard for enemy to fight back since kogmaw outdamages everything. Make sure to focus their damage-dealer.
They just don't add a lot to eachother.
Yes, I have played this combo.
Horrible combination. Same reason as Caitlyn.
Miss Fortune
Insane wombo combos. Make sure MF is in range when you hardengage.
In the right spots these two work really well together, they want to do the exact same thing in mid and late game. If Neeko follows up on a good Rell engage it can make insane wombo combos.
In lane Neeko can get out all 3 instances of her Q dmg if they layer their CC nicely.
Nilah has all of her spikes at the same time as Rell and they teamfight in a very similar fashion, Nilah is basically Samira 2.
This combo is just so easy to play. There are better combos, for example Rell doesnt like the fact that Tristana autopushes, but since they win every all-in it doesnt matter too much.
Varus has fairly high range follow-up, this only few other ADCs can provide. Together your lockdown can make if feel for the enemy like being Morana binded. On lane your CC makes it easy for Varus to hit his spells, which is crucial. Be aware: if Varus has Hail of Blades dont overestimate his damage in extended fights, and dont underestimate it in short trades.
You must play this as counter-engage. Kite back enemies, let Xayah put down feathers, then jump in.
You are one of the best, if not the best support for Yasuo. Only Alistar or maybe Nautilus could come close. Your all-in is deadly at all points of the lane, and later on you can provide great ult setup for Yasuo ult. Your both your W's are knockups by the way.
Great combo and quite self explanatory. Maybe it could even be a perfect combo, but its hard to tell because Ziggs botlane players are not so good at their champion usually. In theory they want to do the exact same things and complement eachother perfectly.
Welcome guys! I am Smebber, an EUW Master support player (S11 peak: 450LP). I have been playing competitively in amateur teams for about 3 years in the German Prime league and university league, I do a bit of coaching and stream next to studying psychology.
In this guide I will try to write up and explain all of the knowledge I was able to gather on Rell. I have been playing the champ since it came out and by now have some ~500 games on her, with a winrate of almost 55%. Most games were played in mid-low master elo on EUW. Occasionally I one-tricked her, firstpicking and blindpicking her into any matchup, so I probably have played close to every rellevant matchup.
As this guide has only been started being written on, it might take a couple of days or weeks until everything is finished. This is my first guide and it is harder to make pretty looking guides than believed.
If you have questions feel to write me, or check out my stream
About Rell
I was looking for a spot to pick Rell for our comp team, by trying to figure our her identity: what her niche is, what the spot is, in which she is better than any other champion in the game.
To me there are a 2 core strengths to Rell. She has:
1. the most reliable (and still strong) early all-in of all engage supports
2. the strongest counterengage / longest counterengage cc chain in the game
(3. the lowest cooldown shieldbreak in the game)
She is NOT:
- an exceptionally good engage champ.
- flexible. Your team must be able to work well with her, AND the enemy team cant have champions like Janna or Anivia on the team.
- very good at roaming. Because she wants to buy combat stats for lane she doesn't like rushing boots too much.
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